Wednesday, January 29, 2020
How to Manage Your Stress Wisely Essay Example for Free
How to Manage Your Stress Wisely Essay Stress is defined as a physiological response that occur when an organism fails to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats (Selye, 1956, p.1). It can also be defined as something that puts a strain on your health and overall well-being. Stress is considered â€Å"The Unseen Killer†according to Charles Stangor. I, personally, define stress as the number one killer. I think stress is the behind the scenes killer to many different illnesses like high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and nervous break downs. People are faced with stress every day when it comes to daily life situations. Jobs cause stress, schoolwork causes stress, traffic causes stress, relationships cause stress and illnesses cause stress. According to the â€Å"The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale†, based upon a survey of everyday life events that could cause stress out of 2,500 military soldiers, there are 40 leading stressors that lead to people being put in the hospital (Rahe, R. H.,1970, p.12). People become hospitalized because they do not know how to manage stress. If people had a better response to stress and different ways to manage stress, they may be healthier. Since stress is a behind the scenes murderer, I have decided to share some stress management exercises with my best friend. She has been going through a divorce. She is now a single mother of two eight year old twins. She has a full time job and she is a part time student. Not only does she have a lot of responsibility, she is also hoping for a promotion to become project manager for her current employer. Between all the juggling schedules and making time for herself, she is beyond stressed. She has lost weight, her hair is falling out, and she never makes enough time to relax. I have come up with a stress management guide that I think will be helpful for her. I find that the power of positive thinking is a great beginning. The best antidote for stress is a happy one: Think positively, have fun, and enjoy the company of others (Stangor, 2013). Wake up with the thought of â€Å"Today will be a great day.†Being optimistic about life will help her with dealing with her daily issues she is faced with. Optimistic thinking helps remove doubt and negative thoughts. Being optimistic about her daily life will help nurture positive thinking. I want her to know that, even though things seem overwhelming, there is plenty to be happy about. She has two beautiful healthy children, a stable career that is considering making her a project manager, a stable environment that her children can rest in, and, although she is divorcing, it can bring a new beginning. I also recommend more planning and time management. With planning and time management, it can reduce stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed and rushed. It will help her self-efficacy, which will help her be proactive and give her the satisfaction of some accomplishment. She can plan out her week, which will allow her some free time for social support from friends and family. Social support will be uplifting to her and let her know that she has a support team. Last, but not least, to help her manage her stress, I would allow her to choose an activity for us to do weekly. Some good stress management activities would be exercising, meditation, shopping, eating out, activities with the kids or just basic girls night out. This time will enable her to be free from some worries and have some fun, laughs, and relaxation. Laughing is truly good for the body and fun brings laughs. Relaxation removes tension and allows the body to be at ease mentally and physically. In conclusion, stress management is vital to our health. It has a big impact on our overall health as far as our moods, heart condition, and mental state. I hope that this information on stress will help her manage her stress and know the facts about stress. Being healthy and stress free is an important factor in healthy living. Cited: Selye, H. (2013). Introduction to Psychology, v. 1.0., 10.2 (1) Irvington, NY: Flatworld Knowledge, Inc., Rahe, R. H. (2013). Introduction to Psychology, v. 1.0., 10.2 (12) Irvington, NY: Flatworld Knowledge, Inc., Stangor, C. (2013). Introduction to Psychology, v. 1.0., Irvington, NY: Flatworld Knowledge, Inc.,
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Creating A Writing Technology :: Writing Technology Technological Papers
Creating A Writing Technology In reading Tribble and Trubeks’ â€Å"Writing Materials†I learned that writing is a product of historical circumstances and cultural values as well as of individual invention.(2). The reading selections enabled me to realize just how much I and many others take modern technology for granted. In the book writing itself is defined as technology, which threw me off very early in this assignment. I’d previously only thought of technology as something that uses electricity or some type of battery. I do understand that writing has been in many ways perfected by technologies such as the typewriter and computer but writing itself as a technology still seems to be a bit beyond me. My lack of understanding did make this project a little difficult yet interesting but what was more difficult was the project itself. Trying to compose an idea for an invention was a very trying task, but after lots of thought and checklists, I was able to produce an idea that I thought feasible. I found it very easy to think of many different ideas at once and then go through them one by one checking off the things that were wrong or unnatural about them. One of the first ideas I explored was writing in mud. It was natural, I didn’t need many materials and it seemed easy enough. But I came to the conclusion that the text would be difficult to see, as well as understand and the mud would probably crumble into pieces. Another idea I explored was writing in the sand. There were many things wrong with this idea. First, whatever I kept the sand in would be unnatural. Also if the sand was moved, so was the text and lastly where in heck was I going to find sand in my apartment complex. Finally I found an idea that I thought just might work. I would write a message on the bark of a tree with leaves using that sap from the tree to make the leaves stick to the bark. It seemed easy enough, everything was natural but the only thing was that it probably wouldn’t last very long. This I figured would only be a minor obstacle because as with the invention of all new technologies there would be a few glitches.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Impact Of Technology Medical Field Health And Social Care Essay
Medical engineering in a wide manner has frequently been used to mention to the equipments, processs, and procedures by which medical services are delivered. This encompasses disease diagnosing, monitoring of disease conditions and intervention, with an purpose of bettering the quality of health care delivered and patient results, by timely diagnosing, efficient intervention and usage of less invasive sawboness. Healthcare expenditures remain an of import portion of national merchandises of developed states. Medical practicians are faced with high outlooks on healthcare public presentation among citizens due to additions awareness on wellness related jobs, high life anticipation and emphases put on care of high quality of medical services. The high incidences of disease complications and chronic conditions due to the alterations of life styles have fueled the medical field the recent health care inventions. These outlooks propel the field to computing machine applications. Technologi cal progresss have intensified since the 1980s. This has revolutionized the medical field. The rate of alteration is that the medical professionals are holding a job get bying with the alteration. This alteration has come in signifier of practical physicians, computing machine aided operations, usage of root cells, testing engineerings, Computerized Tomography scanner, Magnetic Resonance Imaging technique, usage of Ultra sound, Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator, usage of Capsule Endoscopy, Robotic Surgical System, Circulatory aid devices and biomedical technology. With the increased cyberspace use, the medical professionals are set uping what can be referred to as practical infirmaries. These are cyberspace based infirmaries where patient ‘s demands are attended to online. The patient or the individual taking attention of the patient electronic mail the physician via cyberspace and the physician, after reexamining the instance advises the patient consequently. This engineering has produced a new harvest of physicians referred to as cyberspace physicians. An illustration of such is the World Clinic at Lahey Clinic Center near Boston started by Dr. Daniel Carlin. The Clinic serves clients from around the Earth among them crewmans, concern executives and tourers. The clinic has been able to use nine physicians within a period of three old ages of being, a testimony to the popularity of the thought ( Gorman 2001 ) . Promotion of engineering has besides brought about Intensification of engineering convergence which involves sharing of medical information, between medical practicians, medical devices and information webs has been the modern tendency impacting health care ( ZieliA„ski 2005 ) . Usually engineering convergence includes the sharing of patients present and past medical information, critical marks, clinical research lab consequences, patient dismaies, prescribed and implemented interventions, and perchance the patient organic structure response. This is adopted by medical professionals to entree information about the patient. The systems can be used in hospital charge sections, researches, and for measuring the clinical effectivity of recommended interventions. The possible benefits are workflow cyclosis, seamless recording and sharing of information, and an overall patient attention betterment. A uniformly presented patient informations have resulted to better clinical determinat ion devising and designation of clinical complaints while they are still manageable. Use of tissue root cells is another technological discovery that has had a enormous consequence on the medical field. Tissue root cells besides known as grownup root cells are regenerative cells of the human organic structure that possess the ability to specialise and develop into other tissues of the organic structure. Get downing in an unspecialised and undeveloped province, these cells can be coaxed to go bosom tissue, tegument cells and many other tissues ( Shi & A ; Singh 2008 ) . The cells are found in human organic structure variety meats and tissues such fat, bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, placenta, neural beginnings and olfactive tissues. Stem cell engineering has made a great alteration in the medical field in that diseased or damaged tissues can now go healthy and robust through the extract of such cells. Doctors have utilized root cells in intervention of autoimmune diseases such as multiple induration, arthritic arthritis and Crohn ‘s disease ( Shi & A ; Singh 2008 ) . Technology has besides brought alterations in surgery in signifier of the less invasive surgery which is now preferred as the surgical attack for many diseases, including malignant neoplastic disease and bosom disease. It is chiefly done on outpatients and merely on an nightlong stay in infirmary ( Scuderi 2009 ) . Less invasive processs are performed through one or more short scratchs unlike unfastened surgery that requires long scratchs. The procedure is less painful with less postoperative hurting on the patient. Through the less invasive surgery there is an overall better result with faster recovery and a shorter infirmary stay. Even though laparoscopic techniques vary, sawboness insert long thin tubing with a lighted camera at its tip, through the scratch. Two dimension images are sent from the camera at the surgical site, to a high definition proctor throughout the operation, and are watched by the sawbones. Screening is the probe of symptomless persons to observe those with a high chance of developing or holding a given complication. Diseases that present a important wellness job are identified by testing and countervail the cost of incommodiousness and farther complications every bit good as possible injuries. The purpose of showing is to extinguish or detain decease from diseases. With prevalence of chest malignant neoplastic disease staying high it is estimated that mortality from chest malignant neoplastic disease in United States is 40 000 adult females. Breast malignant neoplastic disease testing utilizing screen-film mammography is used ( Bassett 2005 ) . The mammography testing involves exposure to radiations. Its value is in assisting salvage lives by early sensing. Diagnostic free adult females are exposed to x-ray. In such operations high proficient quality images are produced and competent image readings is done for successful results. Computerized Tomography scanner uses X raies and a computing machine to do images of variety meats inside the organic structure. It takes images of cross subdivision of the organic structure organs. At times the patient is asked to imbibe a particular liquid or injected with a particular x-ray dye. A CT scanner has a unit of ammunition Centre gap and a level bed to lie on. While lying on the bed, it easy moves to the gap where images are taken under the CT staff control. The benefits are that inside informations of parts inside the organic structure such as lungs and blood vass are obtained without utilizing surgery. The CT scans uses radiations that are accurate, fast, and painless and leave no radiations after the scan is finished. Positron Emission Tomography a organic structure scanning method that detects radioactive substances injected into the organic structure. It is used to supply information on map and assist distinguish normal tissue from malignant neoplastic disease, instead that information on construction. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging technique has been used chiefly to bring forth high quality images of the inside human organic structure constructions in medical scenes. It produces elaborate images of variety meats and tissues throughout the organic structure without the demand of X raies. Images of ocular equivalent of an anatomy piece utilizing wireless frequences, a computing machine and a big magnet that surrounds the patient. An MRI is painless and the magnetic Fieldss produce no known sorts of tissue harm Nuclear medical specialty diagnosis technique is a technique that uses minimum sums of radioactive stuffs that are introduced into the organic structure. When these arterials are introduced into the organic structure hey are taken up by specific variety meats, tissues or castanetss, the emanations generated provide important information on a peculiar disease of malignant neoplastic disease. Since the information given describes organ map and non merely construction many diseases including malignant neoplastic disease are detected early. The other medical technique is the usage of Ultra sound. This incorporates the usage of high -frequency sound moving ridges and their reverberations. The technique has a close comparing with the echo sounding used by giants, mahimahi and chiropterans. These machines are portable and they display the strengths and distances of the reverberations produced on the screen, organizing a two dimension image. Some images can even be formed without utilizing radiations particularly in OBs and gynaecology besides in cardiology and urogenital medicine. The technological invention of an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator is an astonishing experience that literally brings patients back from the threshold of decease. It ‘s a device that is of the size of a beeper that monitors the bosom rate ( Liem 2001 ) . It utilizes batteries to direct electric signals to a bosom that ‘s crushing excessively slow or reconstruct unnatural pulse to a bosom that is crushing much to fast or chaotically. The cardiac defibrillation is a preventative intervention in selected patients at high cardiac decease hazard caused by Malignant Ventricular Arrhythmias. Basically, for people with a bad bosom beat job, a defibrillator is implanted near the neckband bone, under the tegument at the thorax and wires run to the bosom. When the bosom rate is non normal, it tries to return the pulse back to normal. Abnormality occurs either when the pulse is excessively slow, and it works as a pacesetter and sends bantam electrical signals to the bosom, or w hen the pulse is helter-skelter or excessively fast, it generates defibrillation dazes to collar the unnatural beat. In the twelvemonth 2000 physicians from England reported the usage of Capsule Endoscopy to find the causes of little intestine hemorrhage ( Classen 2010 ) . The capsule has a battery with 6 hr lifetime, a strong visible radiation beginning, a camera and a sender. After get downing of the capsule, it transmits images of the interior of the gorge, tummy and little bowel to a receiving system worn as a belt by the patient. The receiving system is returned to the physician after 6 hours, who loads the information into computing machine and reexamine it, to observe GI abnormalcies. The capsule is passed out through the colon and eliminated in the stool. However if the capsule acquire stuck in the little bowel, surgical remotion is undertaken ( Collins 2008 ) . So far the capsule is considered safe and easy to take since merely rare instances of side effects have been reported. The promotion has been used to research the tight twisted countries of the little bowel, which traditional invasi ve tube-and-lens endoscopes can non make. While congestive bosom failure remains a taking cause of cardiac disablement and decease, promotion of pharmacologic therapies is guaranting that patients are populating longer and more productive lives. Circulatory assist devices have been used for the direction of patients with bosom complaints where the intercessions have failed. In 1982 an unreal bosom was implanted into Barney Clark ( Bankston 2002 ) . Although he merely survived for 112days, subsequently a figure of experimental devices were implanted throughout the universe. It has led to intervention solutions for terminal bosom diseases ; heart specialists have overcome organ rejections and enhanced drawn-out endurance rates of transplant patients. The unreal bosom consists of a hydraulic pump, an internal battery, an external battery and an internal accountant unit. In the military medical aid, the Robotic Surgical System has been used to handle a hurt soldier in the battleground utilizing advanced diagnostic and operated machines from distant location. The automaton carries out bids of a sawbones that controls the procedures ; otherwise the automaton can non execute the surgery by itself. The physician receives a picture eating from the automaton and utilizes a system of surgical operators to execute the operations. His actions and voice bids are communicated wirelessly to the machine-controlled system as he moves his custodies in operators ; the automaton so replicates his actions. Besides due to parade in battlegrounds that loose their custodies and weaponries there is a plan that is underway to revolutionise upper organic structure prosthetics. This is being researched on to develop improved unreal weaponries that would execute like existent weaponries controlled by the cardinal nervous system. On the converse what was ab initio an art of lovingness and compassion, has clearly become a scientific discipline of medical specialty and positions disease as licking. More involvement is made on the technological promotion and disease but non the single being treated.The life prolonging machines has lead to the modern phenomenon of deceasing when machines are shut off. Dehumanization by engineering is good exhibited during the decease of a patient ; he is surrounded by machines and impersonal systems in intensive attention units instead than their families at place. Professionalism in the medical attention has been characterized by a turning withdrawal from the alone concerns of single patients and a loss personal relationship to the patients. Health workers no longer associate to the full to patients as other persons but as representatives of professions and healthcare organisations. The trefoils have become more bureaucratic and impersonal. As a consequence of this there has ari sen the inequality between those in demand of medical aid and those with the capableness of reacting to the demand. Although great progresss in the medical field have added value to the human life, this impersonal quality of attention coupled with the inequality has led to turning misgiving and a feeling of dehumanisation by the patients. The electronics industry has incorporated the biomedical technology in research development of instruments ; design and alteration of contraptions to relieve hurting extend life and reconstruct wellness. Biomedical applied scientists spend tonss of clip planing electrical circuits and computing machine package for medical instruments Progresss in medical engineering have big benefits in health care. These technological progresss besides raise healthcare outgo significantly ( Moody 2006 ) . To run the machines, great professionalism and old ages of expertness is required doing the cost of such services rise by a great border. The research and experimentation before the engineering is authenticated, requires pecuniary investing that finally must be recovered and the much required work force compensated. Particularly for the inventions that their use does non distribute to the full population, in the long tally services become about beyond range. Globally the cost of intervention has risen with technological development. The benefits gained have outweighed the extra cost of health care services. The desire to happen better ways to handle patients as they compete with other suppliers have motivated the involvement to make new merchandises and for a clearer apprehension of human organic structure anatomy and physiolog y. The handiness of high engineering diagnosing and engineering has led to a better quality of life. In the medical field there has been a more elaborate apprehension of disease pathogenesis and organic structure physiology. By such acquisition, diseases that antecedently were termed as untreatable and accounted for high mortalities in human populations, have been favourably been combated. Ailments that are symptomless can be detected early plenty before the down the organic structure functionality, and its defence mechanisms. Although the cost of intervention gave gone up, more resources are saved due to cut downing the devastation on organic structure variety meats and tissues, and besides human resources lost while patient are in weak conditions for a long clip. Many patients view new medical innovations as the replies to their health care jobs. There is ever room for medical innovations, as every twenty-four hours dawns diseases and particularly malignant neoplastic disease cells re quire more understanding and more effectual interventions. There are much more medical technological promotion that have been made including, birth controls, birthrate aid utilizing trial tubing babes, that have relieved twosomes of their psychological and physiological emphasiss. The measure that remains is to give more attempt to doing the current engineering accessible.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Analysis Of The Garden Of Eden - 978 Words
The painting chosen to examine is The Garden of Eden by Francesco Solimena. This painting was created between 1725-30. The medium of the painting is oil on canvas. The scale, although not specified, appears to be about a couple feet high and a couple feet long. The general subject matter is Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. It seems to be before they have discovered the forbidden fruit. The figures seem to be embracing everything the garden has to offer, they seem content and comfortable in their own skin. In most paintings, Adam and Eve are covered up after eating the forbidden fruit, for they are shamed. The fact that they are shown in the nude most likely suggests that they still have their innocence. An important thing to note about†¦show more content†¦Immediately, my eyes are drawn to Adam and Eve, for they are the largest figures in the painting. All of the characters are stylized to the tune of what the artist wants, for his figures, including the animals, are show n as very muscular, not very naturalistic. This is similar to Michelangelo’s characters, he believed that the mans body is the pinnacle of god’s creation, using the male body as the body of all of his characters, men and women included. These figures are also similar to the Greeks, who were very focused on the human body. The color used in this painting is not too obvious, it seems like a pretty dark colored painting when first looking at it. After further examination, I started to notice more colors that are throughout the piece. There is blue, which is part of the angel’s garment. In religious paintings, blue often symbolizes a sort of heavenly grace. This blue is also seen in the sky surrounding the figures, perhaps another symbol suggesting that Adam and Eve still have their innocence, for they are surrounded by a heavenly grace. White is also seen in the painting, both as a part of the angel’s wings and the clouds in the sky. White often symbolizes p urity and innocence, yet another symbol that shows Adam and Eve have not yet been shamed from the garden. Another major color that stands out more than anything else is red, which is seen in the animals right next to Adam and Eve. This could possibly represent the presenceShow MoreRelatedGarden Of Eden Analysis1620 Words  | 7 PagesThe story Garden of Eden introduces the first man and woman that God created. He put the two of them in a garden where they did not have to provide for themselves. God said everything that was in that garden they could use to their abilities except the tree of good and evil. Everything was perfect until Eve let the Devil bribe her into eating from the tree. Once God found out, he came to the garden looking for them. When they heard his voice they hid. Here is where the alienation comes in. 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