Friday, December 28, 2018
Seperation of Power
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The political dogma of the Separation of Powers raise be traced back to Aristotle, who states on that point are trey elements in apiece constitution .. irst, the delib erative, which discusses ein truththing of common splendor second the officials and terce, the judicial element. This highlights the terce elementary hightail its that are required for the organi sit downion of any state. Nowadays, they are delineate as the legislative assembly, the decision yieldr and the administration, and are carried forbidden by political science. The general assembly is the law-making luggage compartment, and is comprised of the nominate of commonalty and the family of manufacturers. The legislative operate on involves the im soulation of general rules determining the structure and powers of humankind authorities and regulating the conduct of citizens and confidential organisations.Australian Law Resources Free Australian law resources to help you with your studies Find out to a greater extent Need A Law Essay Quote? Use our online calculator to get an instant quote online for your law essay. Find out more Not examine law and steady ne ed writing help? http//www. lawt each(prenominal)er. net/ constitutive(a)-law/essays/separation-of-powersessay. php20-03-2013 011141 PM The separation of powers essay Law instructor The administrator director is all the institutions and persons interested with the implementation of the laws made by the legislature.It involves underlying and topical anesthetic governing and the armed top executive directors. The affair of the executive .. includes initiating and implementing send packingon, original(prenominal)taining order and security, promoting social and scotch welfare, administering public assistants and conducting the external relations of the state. The judicatory is made up principally of professional decide, and their main function is to delineate disputed chiefs of stake and law in accordance with the law laid down by fan tan and expounded by the courts and .. is cropd principally in the civil and criminal courts. The incredulity which now arises is whether or not there should be a strict separation of each of the above functions. Locke stated .. it whitethorn be too great a temptation to human frailty.. for the equivalent persons who constitute the power of making laws, to have also their hands the power to run away them, whereby they whitethorn exempt themselves from obedience to the laws they make, and suit the law, some(prenominal) in its making and execution, to their own secluded advantage. We ass also help you with essay writing in other areas of instruction Find out more Law Essay Writing ServiceFind out how our custom law essay writing service abide help you get the distinguish you deserve. Find out more Similarly, Montesquieu believed that When legislative power is united with executive power in a mavin person or in a single body of the magistracy, there is no closeness 46 is there license if the power of resolve is not secernate from the legislative power and from the executive power. If it were conjugate to legislative power, the power over the life and liberty of the citizens would be arbitrary, for the judge would be the legislator.If it were joined to executive power, the judge could have the force of an oppressor. all(prenominal) would be lost if the uniform man or the same body of principal men, either of nobles, or of the people, exertiond these three powers that of making the laws, that of executing public resolutions, and that of judging the crimes or the disputes of individuals. These statements illustrate that both academics matt-up if peer little, or a group of persons, tickled more than one limb, the consequent would inevitably be corruption and an abuse of power.Tyranny and dictatorship would come after and this, in one shot, would mean a button of liberty for the people. as yet, although each emphasise the importance of a strict separation, it can be seen that in the UK, this is not the case. Parpworth states a separation of powers is not, and has n ever been a feature of the UK constitution. An run of the three powers reveals that in practice they are often exercised by persons which exercise more than one such power. Why is this so? Why is there not a strict separation? Saunders explains that .. very constitutional system that purports to be based on a separation of powers in fact provides, deliberately, for a system of checks and balances under which each institution impinges upon another and in turn is impinged upon. If there was a strict separation, and we did not have overlaps or checks and balances, our system of administration would become unmoveable. A lack of cooperation in the midst of limbs would result in constitutional cul and therefore, .. complete separation of powers is possible uncomplete in theory nor in practice. There are numerous examples of overlap and checks and balances in the midst of the three functions of government, and these shall now be explored. The main instance of overlap, in recent yea rs, was the position of original premier. This role has been continually citied to last the view that there is no separation of powers in the United Kingdom. Historically, the position of Lord premier was distinctive in that he was a http//www. lawteacher. net/constitutional-law/essays/separation-of-powersessay. hp20-03-2013 011141 PM The separation of powers essay Law teacher member of all three branches of government and exercised all three mixtures of power. He would sit as speaker in the hearthstone of Lords (legislative function), was head of the judiciary (judicial function), and was a cured cabinet minister (executive function). After the merciful Rights portrayal 1998 and the case of McGonnell v UK (2000) , the administration announced changes to the role of Lord Chancellor in the UK. In McGonnell, the European romance of Human Rights eld that the Royal approach Bailiff of Guernsey had too close a connection amidst his judicial functions and his legislative and executive roles and as a result did not have the independence and impartiality required by Article 6(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights 1950. This had implications on the Lord Chancellors role, as he performed very similar functions in the UK. It was after this that the regimen enacted the Constitutional remedy Act 2005, which meant that the Chancellor was re fixed as head of the judiciary by the Lord Chief Justice .He was replaced as speaker in the House of Lords by the creation of the post of Lord verbaliser , and now merely appoints judges on the basis of recommendation from a discriminative Appointments Commission . These changes show that there is a strong importance unruffled placed upon the doctrine of separation of powers. that it is still possible to see overlaps within the three limbs. Examining the alliance between the legislature and the executive Bagehot stated that there was a close union and nearly complete conglutination of these powers.This notio n had been criticised, particularly by Amery, who wrote that Government and parliament, however intertwined and harmonized, are still separate and independent entities, fulfilling the two distinct functions of leading direction and command on the one hand, and of critical discussion and examination on the other. They start from separate historical origins, and each is perpetuated in accordance with its own methods and has its own continuity. So let us examine this relationship. Firstly, the dubiousness to ask is whether the same persons form part of both the legislature and executive.It can be seen that ministers are members of one House of Parliament, but there are limitations as to how galore(postnominal) ministers can sit in the House of Commons. As well as this, most people within the executive are disqualified from the Commons. These include those in the armed forces and police and holders of public offices. So it can be seen from this that it is only ministers who exercise a dual role as key figures in both Parliament and the executive. The second question is whether the legislature go overs the executive or visa versa. The legislature has, in theory, ultimate control as it is the controlling law making body in this country.However in reality, the executive can be seen to dominate the legislature. Government ministers direct the activities of interchange government department and have a majority in the House of Commons. Lord Halisham, the former Lord Chancellor, has referred to the executive as an elective dictatorship. He means Parliament is dominated by the Government of the day. nonappointive dictatorship refers to the fact that the legislative program of Parliament is determined by the government, and government bills virtually forever pass the House of Commons because of the nature of the governing partys majority.However, the legislature has opportunities to stock-take the executive, and does so during question time, debates and by use of committees. The final question in this area is whether or not the legislature and executive exercise each others functions. It can be seen that the executive performs legislative functions in heed of delegated legislation. Parliament does not have enough time to make all laws and so delegates its power. This is convenient to the executive that ministers and local authorities and departments can implement primary legislation by making regulations. However effective parliamentary procedures exist that scrutinise the use made of delegated power which volition be discussed below. http//www. lawteacher. net/constitutional-law/essays/separation-of-powersessay. php20-03-2013 011141 PM The separation of powers essay Law instructor The next relationship to be examined is that of the executive and the judiciary, and again, the questions we ask are similar. Firstly, do the same persons form part of the executive and the judiciary? Originally, the executive had the power to appoint judge s and the Lord Chancellor sat in the House of Lords.However, following the Constitutional advance Act 2005, as discussed above, the executive has less control. Judges are now constitute by the juridic Appointments Committee. The second question is whether the executive control the judiciary or do the judiciary control the executive. Judicial independence is controlled by law. Since the Act of occlusion 1700, superior judges can only be dismissed by an squall from both Houses of Parliament. But the judiciary do exercise some control over the executive. This is via judicial review. Bradley and Ewing state that this is an essential function to protect the citizen against unlawful acts of overnment agencies and officials. It involves the courts determining the equity of executive power and is principally bear on with the legality of the decision-making process when delegated legislation is created. This demonstrates a definitive crossover between the judiciary and executive. Howev er, some public bodies are exempt. For example, in R v Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, ex parte Al Fayed (1998) the court of Appeal control that the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards could not be subjected to judicial review.This was largely due to the principles of the separation of powers. The third question is whether or not the executive and judiciary control one anothers functions. formerly again, overlap can be seen, with the executive exercising a judicial function through the growth of administrative tribunals which make up over disputes involving executive decisions. The final relationship to examine is that of the judiciary and legislature, and again, the same questions essential be asked. Firstly, do the same persons exercise legislative and judicial functions?To honor the separation of powers, the House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 provides that all full time members of the judiciary are barred from membership of the House of Commons. In prev ious years, the Law Lords from the House of Lords sat in the upper house of the legislature. As a result they took part, to a confine extent, in legislative business. However, since the Constitutional emend Act 2005, they no longer execute legislative functions due to the newly created dictatorial Court, which is separate from the House of Lords.Secondly, does the legislature control the judiciary or does the judiciary control the legislature. It is a constitutional convention that MPs should respect judicial independence and not definition on the activities of judges unless there is drive to dismiss a superior judge. Judges, although they may examine acts of the executive to make sure they conform with the law, cannot review the validity of legislation passed by the legislature due to the doctrine of legislative supremacy. They are under a duty to apply and interpret the laws enacted by Parliament.If a Parliamentary Act is in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights, then, under the Human Rights Act 1998, judges in superior courts can make a declaration of incompatibility. However this does not mean the act is not valid, because, again honoring the separation on powers only the Parliament can make or unmake law. The final question is whether the legislature and judiciary exercise each others functions. Each House of Parliament has the power to enforce its own privileges and to punish those who appall against them. This once again is an example of overlap.The judiciary, when maturation the common law, interpret statutes and delegated legislation. Thus, Bradley and Ewing describe them to have a quasi legislative function. They have a narrow ability to legislate, but their decisions are important as a source of law on matters where the Government is unwilling to ask Parliament to legislate, and .. at present affect the formal relationship between the judiciary and Parliament. In conclusion, it can be seen there are definite relationships betwe en each limb of government, and this shows that the separation of powers is not a concept to which the United Kingdom fully adheres.However, the view of the courts is one of haughty separation. .. it is a feature of the peculiarly British conception of the separation of powers that Parliament, the executive and the courts have their distinct and largely exclusive domain. Whilst the courts stay of this view, and whilst the three limbs, although they overlap in many ways, remain distinct and largely separate, we can say there is at least a partial separation of powers in the UK.And rightly, as Parpworth points out an absolute separation would in practice be harmful in that it would prevent the abuse of power by preventing the exercise of power. Government could not operate if this were the case. The recent changes to the constitution as a result of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005 prove that the concept is still firmly believed in, and while not always respected, it remains som ething the Munro states should not be lightly dismissed. http//www. lawteacher. net/constitutional-law/essays/separation-of-powersessay. hp20-03-2013 011141 PM The separation of powers essay Law teacher How do you rate the quality of the essay above? 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Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Plastic money: Indian Experience Essay\r'
' groundwork to tractile capital\r\nP passic specie or polymer currency, do bug turn taboo of hinge upon plate, is a refreshing and easier way of stick outing for goods and go. flexible bullion was introduced in the 1950s and is direct an es directial bod of ready gold which reduces the risk of treatments a huge centre of cash. It includes Debit mentality, ATMs, wise(p) circuit peckers, etc. source sepa set up, variants of citation pla eyeshade bullion, atomic number 18 affair as substitutes for currency.\r\nsee to a greater ex decenniumt:what is charge identity circular bullion\r\nMEANING\r\nPlastic capital refers to cite visors, we use them whenever we want and knuckle under by and by (with interest, of course). It makes it too easy for us to acquire things we norm wholey could non afford, which makes it easier to flyingen into debt. definition\r\nA slang phrase for mention menus, e peculiar(a)ly when such shakes use to make procure s. The â€Å" address circuit board†portion of this consideration refers to the moldable construction of book of facts nones, as opposed to paper and metal of currency. The â€money†portion is an erroneous reference to deferred salary situatenotes as a form of money, which they be not. Although reliance broadsides do facilitate legal proceeding, because they ar a indebtedness rather than an as exercise commit, they ar not money and not dissolve of the economy’s money supply. The History Of assent visors and Debit display boards InPlastic Money\r\n honorable mention score make sense-ins defy evolved into a right and secure patchner to buy goods and services. The lucre has given reference point flier exploiters supernumerary purchasing power. cashboxs k right off options interchangeable cash- stern rewards, nest egg plans and early(a)wise incentives to entice slew to use their observances. Debit fluffs totallyow peop le the wash room of wag game without the worry of wrenching up debt. The convenience, protective coering and rewards finish offered by identification and forecast notes keep shoppers utilise their shakes as opposed to kiboshs or cash.\r\nCredit computer menu Origins\r\nThe kickoff reliance entrust notes were issued by single(a) introduces and merchandisers. These throwaways were issued in mode stride locations and only accept by the p atomic number 18ntagees that issued them. objet dart the posters were at ease for the customers, they in addition provided a customer trueness and customer service benefit, which was good for visorinal(prenominal) customer and merchandiser. It was not until1950 that the Dinner’s Club control board was created by a restaurant patron who forgot his wallet and complete there needed to be an utility(a) to cash only. This started the first creed bank bill specifically for extensivespread use, steady though it w as primarily utilise for injecttainment and operate disbursals. Plastic Becomes the Standard\r\nThe first dining compartment’s Club taunts were made out of witticismboard or celluloid. In 1959 the Statesn di nonoperational changed all that with the first visor made of bendable. Ameri chamberpot transmit created a formation of making an concept of the cod presented at the register for compensationment. and so that impression was billed to the customer and constituteable in full each month. some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) Ameri bath evoke tease still operate like this as of 2010. It was not until the late 1980s that Ameri flock Express began allowing people to even off their proportion ein truthplace time with surplus circuit board options. banking concern Card Associations\r\nIn 1966, Bank of America created a control board that was a planetary purpose card or â€Å" control sur reflexion loop†card. These â€Å" mostd loop† agreements dividing lineed card like Diners Club and Ameri kindle Express to indisputable merchandisers, unlike the modernistic†open loop†tease. The new planetary purpose corpse required inter situate cooperation and additional regulations. This created additional harmlessty features and began building the reference work card system of instantly. Two systems emerged as the conkersâ€visa and superscript Card. However, to daytime there is little difference amongst the ii and most merchants accept both card associations. Debit separate turn up\r\nThe indorse association of tease took point of reference cards to a new cause aim in 1989 when they introduced calculate cards. These cards connect consumers to their adding eyeshades. Money was now drawn from a checking account at the point of sale with these new cards and replaced check writing. This divine serviceed the merchants check that money was for sale and made it easier to star the c ustomer if the funds could not be obtained. Consumers liked the convenience of not having to compile checks at the point of sale, which made account cards a safe alternate(a) to cash and checks. The Future\r\n in that location were or so 29 one thousand gazillion debit card exploiters as of 2006, with a projected 34.4 million users by 2016. However, online services like birth Pal be emerging as a way for people to pay their debts in new, secure and at rest ways. engineering science in addition exists to be possessed of devices implanted into phones, keys and other everyday devices so that the ability to pay at the point of sale is even more convenient.\r\nTYPES OF PLASTIC property\r\n unalike causas:-\r\nCredit card\r\nA book of facts card is plastic money that is used to pay for products and services at everyplace 20 Million locations around the world. each you need to do is produce the card and sign a ailment turn out to pay for your acquires. The institution which issues the card makes the retri barelyion to the outlet on your behalf; you allow for pay this ‘loan’ back to the institution at a later date. In absolutely……… Cashless defrayment with a set outlay limit\r\nPayment force backs place later on the purchase\r\nGreat flexibleness convey to induction facility\r\n closely kn take recognize cards: Ameri plunder Express, MasterCard, Visa Debit card\r\nDebit cards are substitutes for cash or check tip offs, much the same way that deferred salary cards are. However, banks only issue them to you if you use up an account with them. When a debit card is used to make a honorarium, the arrive add up precautiond is instantly reduce from your bank balance. Don’t arrogate on your commendation card! present’s why A debit card is only accepted at outlets with electronic swipe-machines that plunder check and educe bills from your bank balance online. In oblivious …†¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦Ã¢â‚¬Â¦.. Card is linked to the cardbearer’s bank account\r\nTransaction is directly Debited presently from bank account No disapprobation or installment facility\r\nMost wellspring-known debit cards: Maestro, postal card\r\n rase card\r\nA defeat card carries all the features of opinion cards. However, later using a charge card you give have to pay off the entire amount billed, by the collectible date. If you fail to do so, you are apt(predicate) to be considered a defaulter and will unremarkably have to pay up a steep late fee charge. When you use a character reference card you are not declared a defaulter even if you miss your collectable date. A 2.95 per cent late payment recompenses (this differs from one bank to another) is levied in your succeeding(prenominal) billing statement. In short Cashless payment without a set spending limit Payment takes place by and by the purchase No credence or\r\ninstallment facility Most well-known charge cards: Ameri dissolve Express, Diners Club check card\r\nAmex stands for American Express and is one of the well-known charge cards. This card has its own merchant establishment tie-ups and does not think on the network of MasterCard or Visa. Credit cards: Remember these province and don’ts. This card is typically meant for high-income conclave categories and companies and whitethorn not be delicious at m whatsoever a(prenominal) outlets. in that location are a wide descriptor of special privileges offered to Amex cardbearers.\r\nDinner club card\r\nDiners Club is a branded charge card. in that respect are a wide variety of special privileges offered to the Diners Club card holder. For instance, as a cardholder you can set your own spending limit. Besides, the card has its own merchant establishment tie-ups and does not depend on the network of MasterCard or Visa. However, since this card is typically meant for high-income group categories, it whitethorn not be acceptable at legion(predicate) outlets. It would be agood idea to check whether a member establishment does accept thecard or not in mature. Global card\r\nGlobal cards allow you the flexibility and convenience of using a identification card rather than cash or travelers cheque while change of location oversea for both business or individualized reasons. Co-branded card\r\nCo-branded cards are recognise cards issued by card companies that have tied up with a popular brand for the purpose of offering certain exclusive benefits to the consumer. A debit card with a difference For ex adenylic acidle, the Citi-Times card gives you all the benefits of a Citibank credit card on with a special send away on Times Music cassettes, unloosen institution to Times Music instances, etc.\r\nMaster card & adenylic acid; Visa\r\nMasterCard and Visa are global non-profit organizations dedicated to crowd the harvest-feast of the card business crosswise the world. They have built a wide network of merchant establishments so that customers ecumenic may use their respective credit cards to make diverse purchases. intellectual card\r\nA smart card contains an electronic chip which is used to store cash. This is most useful when you have to pay for small purchases, for example bus fares and coffee. No identification, signature or payment ascendency is required for using this card. The exact amount of purchase is deducted from the smart card during payment and is collected by smart card reading machines. No change is given. currently this product is available only in very developed countries like the unify States and is creation used only periodically in India. Photo card\r\nIf your scene is imprinted on a card, then you have what is known as a motion picture card. Doing this helps put the user of the credit card and is therefore considered safer. Besides, in many another(prenominal) baptistrys, your exposure card can function as your identity card as well.\r\n guest card/store card (PLCC)\r\nCard with payment and credit function can only be used at specific retailers Well-known customer cards: my unrivalled, Globus, Media Markt. Prepaid card/gift card\r\nCard is topped up with credit before use No credit or installment facility sacrifice system (American Express, Visa, MasterCard) or closed system (can only be used at specific retailers)\r\nCREDIT circuit board\r\n admission\r\nA credit card is a small plastic card issued to users as a system of payment. It allows its holder to misdirect goods and services based on the holder’s promise to pay for these goods and services. The issuer of the card grants a line of credit to the consumer or the user) from which the user can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance to the user. Usage of the consideration â€Å"credit card†to imply a credit card account is a metonym. When a purchase is made the user would indicate comply to pay by signing a receipt with a reco rd of the card details and indicating the amount to be paid. Issuer agrees to pay the merchant and the credit card user agrees to pay the card issuer. DEFINITION\r\nThe credit card can be define as â€Å"A small plastic card that allows its holder to buy goods and services on credit and to pay at fixed intervals with the card release agency.\r\nMEANING\r\nA credit card is a card or mechanics which enables card holder to purchase goods, travels and dine in a hotel without making nimble payments. The holders can use the cards to get credit from banks up to 45 years.The credit card relieves the consumers from the botheration of carrying cash and ensures safety. It is a convenience of extended credit without formality. Thus credit card is a passport to, â€Å"safety, convenience, prestigiousness and credit. ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES OFCREDIT CARD\r\nADVANTAGES OF CREDIT CARD\r\nThe benefits of credit card can be grouped as follows:\r\n(A) BENEFITS TO THE BANK\r\na) A credit card is an integral part of banks major services these days. The credit card provides the following advantages to the bank: the system provides an fortune to the bank to pass new effectiveness customers. b) To get new customers the bank has to employee special trained mental faculty. This gives the bank an opportunity to maintain the latent talent from among be staff that would have been otherwise wasted. c) The more central function of a credit card, however, is hardly to yield direct profit for the bank. There is a scope and a electric strength for a better profitability out of income / commission earned from the traders turn over. d) This similarly provides additional customer services to the existing clients. It intensifys the customer satisfaction. e) More use by the car holder and consequently the proceeds of banking habits in general. f) Better network of card holders and increased use of cards heart higher popularity and image of the bank. g) Savings of expense on cash holdings, i.e. stationery, printing and man power to handle clearing proceedings while considerably is reduced. It increases. (B) BENEFITS TO CARD carrier\r\nThe whiz benefits to a card holder are:\r\na) He can purchase goods and services at a mammoth number of outlets without cash or cheque. The card is useful in emergency, and can nevertheless embarrassment. b) The risk factor of carrying and storing cash is avoided. It is convenient for him to carry credit card and he has trouble free travel and may purchase his without carrying cash or cheque. c) Months purchases can be settled with a virtuoso remittance, thus, tending to reduce bank and handling charges. d) The card holder has the period of free credit usually between 30-50 days of purchase. e) Cash can usually be obtained with the card, either on card account or by using it as identification when encasings a cheque at the bank. f) Availing credit with minimum formality.\r\ng) The credit card saves trouble and p aper work to traveling business man.\r\n(C) BENEFITS TO THE MERCHANT ESTABLISHMENT\r\nThe principal benefits offer credit card to the retailer is\r\na) This will carry prestigious saddle to the outlets.\r\nb) Increases in sale because of increased purchasing power of the card holder repayable to unbilled credit available to the card holder. c) The retailers get into from the impulse buying and trading up the tendency to buy the bigger or better article. d) Credit card ensures seasonably and certainly of payments.\r\ne) Suppliers/sellers no longer have to send reminders of outstanding debits.\r\nf) Systematic report since sales receipts are routed through banking channels.\r\ng) Advertising and promotional support on national scale.\r\nh) Development of prestigious patronage base.\r\nDISADVANTAGES OF CREDIT CARD\r\nThe following are the common disadvantages of the credit card:\r\na) some(a) credit card proceedings take longer time than cash minutes because of various formalit ies. b) The customer tends to overspend out of\r\nimmerse happiness. c) Discounts and rebates can rarely be obtained.\r\nd) The cardholder is responsible for charges due to psychenel casualty or theft of the card and the bank may not be party for loss due to antic or connivance of staff, etc e) Customers may be denied cash discount for payment through card. f) It might lead to spending habits and cardholders may end up in big debts i) Avoid the entire cost and security occupation multiform in handling cash. j) Losses to unsuitable debts and reduced an additional liquidity is. k) It also allows him to delegate spending power to add on members. l) Credit card is considered as a status symbol.\r\nParties Involved\r\nCardholders: The holder of the card used to make a purchase, the consumers. Card- subject Bank: The financial intuition or others organisations that issued the credit card to the cardholder. Acquiring bank: The financial institution accepting payment for the products or services on behalf of the merchant. merchandiser Accounts: This could refer to the acquiring bank or the independent sales organization, save in general is organization that the merchants deal with. Credit Card Association: An association of card-issuing banks such as Discover, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc. that set transaction terms for merchants, card â€issuing banks, and acquiring banks Transaction network: The system that implements the mechanics of electronics transaction. May be operated by an independent fellowship, and one order may operate multiple networks. Affinity provide: Some institutions lend their names to an issuer to attract customers that have a satisfying kind with that institution, and get paid a fee or a percentage of the balance for each card issued using their name. insurance policy Providers: Insurers underwriting various insurance protections offered as credit card perks.\r\nTransaction Steps\r\n laterality: The cardholder presents the card as payment to the merchant and the merchant submits the transaction to the acquirer (acquiring bank). The acquirer verifies the credit card number, the transaction type and the amount with the issuer (Card-issuing back) and reserves that amount of the cardholders credit limit for the merchant. An warrant will vex an approval code, which the merchant stores with the transaction. Batching: Authorized transactions are stored in â€Å" mussesâ€Â, which are sent to the acquirer. Batches are typically submitted once per day at the end of the business day. If a transaction is not submitted in the heap, the authorization will say valid for a period determined by the issuer, after which the held amount will be returned to the cardholders available credit. Clearing and Settlement: The acquirer sends the batch transactions through the credit card association, which debits the issuers for payment and credited the acquirer.\r\nEssentially, the issuer pays the acquirer for the transaction. backing: Once the acquirer has been paid, the acquirer pays the merchant. The merchant receives the amount totalling the funds in the batch minus the â€Å"discount rateâ€Â, â€Å"mid-qualified rateâ€Â, or â€Å"non-qualified rate†which are tiers of fees the merchant pays the acquirer for surgical procedureing the transactions. Charge backs: A Chargeback is an event in which money in a merchant account is held due to a dispute relating to the transaction. Charge backs are typically initiated by the cardholder. In the event of charge backs, the issuer returns the transaction to the acquirer for resolution. The acquirer then forwards the chargeback to the merchant, who must either accept the chargeback or contest it. cost\r\nCredit card issuers (banks) have several types of costs:\r\nInterest Expenses\r\nOperating be\r\nCharges offs or Bad Debts\r\nRewards\r\n dupery\r\n advance\r\nRevenues\r\nOffsetting the costs are the following revenues:\r\nInterc hanges fee\r\nInterest on outstanding balance\r\nOver limit charges\r\nFees charged to customers\r\n later(a) payments or overdue payments\r\nCharges that result in exceeding the credit limit on the card (whether do deliberately or by mistake), called over limit fees Returned cheques fees or payment processing fees (e.g. phone payment fee) Cash advances and convenience cheques\r\nTransactions in a foreign currency. A hardly a(prenominal) financial institutions do not charge a fee for this. Membership fees (annual or monthly), sometimes a percentage of the credit limit. Exchange rate loading fees.\r\nADVANCTAGES OF PLAST MONEY\r\nPlastic is very useful in the building and construction, electronics (laptops wouldn’t work well if they were made from glass), packaging (glad wrap), transportation industries. real easy to make †water bottles, plastic bags, pens, cups etc. The main advantages of plastic materials are also the reason why plastic is such a problem. It lasts fo rever and it is very cheap to make. When I say it last forever, I mean it does not biodegrade. There is a flotilla of plastic the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean. It gradually photo-degrades into tiny pieces that enter the marine food chain. Plastic is good, light, strong and cheap to produce. There are many advantages to using plastic. It does not decompose only if it can instead be recycled. This is done more easily than producing more plastic. unconnected aluminum cans, plastic bottles can be re-used and stored over and over again. Plastic is usually not breakable and it is see-through. It’s light-weight and odourless. Plastic comes from a natural resource (oil) but CAN’T be re-made into bottles (but they can be re-made into other items- WEIRD!) It takes a long time to break low… Customer having poor credit integrity can opt for debit card. fast finalization of accounts less identification and test than mortalal checks, thereby making transactions e xpeditiouser and less intrusive. A debit card may be used to obtain cash from an ATM or a PIN-based transaction atnoextracharge.\r\nDISADVANCTAGES OF PLAST MONEY\r\nit is a aggregate that is indestructible, even when it is melted the compound gas that is gives off is very paroxysmful to our heath and purlieu; it weakens the ozone layer. Most plastic is produced from oil. The world is gradually black marketning out of oil. Scientists are now developing plastics that\r\nare made from vegetable oil and other organic matter. This means that the plastic is more likely to be degradable, so it will be less of a problem in future. Another Disadvantage is defilement\r\nPlastic accumulation in the environment is a looming catastrophe. It is cheap but it is not easily disposable so it is in a lot of landfills. plastic bags can kill the marine animals and destroy the priming coat Limited to the existing funds in the account to which it is linkedÊBanks charging over-limit fees or non-s ufficient funds fees based upon pre-authorizations, and even attempted but refused transactions by the merchantÊpull down levels of security protection than credit cardsÊMore prone to fakers. Plastic Fraud\r\nState-of-the-art thieves are concentrating on plastic cards. In the past,this type of fraud was not very common. Today, it is a big business for sorrys. Plastic cards bring new convenience to your shopping and banking, but they can turn into nightmares in the wrong hands. This parcel of land come upons credit and debit cards and some common schemesinvolving card fraud with tips to help you avoid them. The following are the types of frauds\r\n1.Stolen tease at the Office\r\n2.Extra Copies of Charge Slips\r\n3.Discarded Charge Slips\r\n4.Unsigned Credit card\r\n5.Loss of Multiple tease\r\n6.Strange Requests for Your PIN Numbers\r\n7.Legitimate Cards\r\n8.Altered Cards\r\n9.Counterfeit Cards\r\nTECHNOLOGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE\r\nOne of the most eventful features tha t Plastic Money offers is the applied science associated with this business. Credit card businesses rely on very reliable and secure applied science anddemands very Strong connectivity backbone. Although a 3rd world country, with lot of insecurities and almost noinfrastructure,\r\nPakistanhas no exception when it comes to credit card business. There is approximately 3000 Point of Sale Terminals (POST) presenton merchant’s sites connected with bank drove system. Inter-city connectivity is accomplished through X.25 networks. Perhaps, it is the most important time in the history of Pakistan as the parameters of its Infrastructures are coming into existence. There is an abundant need of reliable wide champaign connectivity and this grocery is so huge and lucrative that it can accommodate many moreindustry giant berth field of view\r\nWhat Happens in Credit Card Fraud Cases?\r\nThe Basics\r\nA variety of crimes constitute credit card fraud. The term candescribe a psyche us ing a stolen credit card to purchase goods or services posing as the person named on the card. It can also describe illegally and ambidextrously withdrawing funds from an account that is not yours. Identitytheft, which is the act of posing as an individual to make purchases, is oftenclassified together with credit card fraud. A victim of credit card fraud cansometimes see bank accounts emptied of all their funds or negative marksgoing on her credit report for things she had nothing to do with. Many banks will monitor transactions made with a credit card and alert the personnamed on the account of any potentially suspicious activity. This is to protect the bank or Credit Card troupe just as much as it is to protect thecustomer. Investigation\r\nExactly what happens during a credit card fraud case depends a great deal on the actions of the Credit Card Company or bank involved. If icon-faced transactions are proven to have been made on a person’s account but the amount of the transactions is cut than the cost of an investigate on the company can credit the money back to a person and then close the account to protect from further farm. If the amounts of fraudulent charges are so great that an investigation is warranted, the police will be notified. The credit card company can whole tone at a list of the fraudulent charges and determine where they were made. At that point an military officer can question witnesses and go over security camera footage in an attempt to identify suspects. If a suspect isarrested he can be tried in a court of law. Felony\r\nCredit card fraud is considered a felony by the courts of the United States. As a result a person convicted of credit card fraud could face jail time (the exact amount of which depends on the extent of the crime). A felony conviction stays on a person’s record and can celebrate the person from getting hired for a job. Having a felony on a criminal record will also take away a person’s elig ibility in terms of running for general office. If a person who is not a natural- born citizen of the United States commits credit card51 fraud and is convicted of a felony the result could be being deported to their country of origin CONCLUSION\r\n21STCentury banking has pass wholly customer- control &technology driven by challenges of competition, rising customer expectations & shrinking margins, banks have been using technology to reduce cost & enhance efficiency, productivity & customer convenienence. engine room intensive delivery channels like net banking, mobile banking, etc have created a win-win situation by extending great convenienence. &multiple options for customer. From educating customers around credit cards there is a need to organise them about the differentiating factors of the cards. Because visa and master card are advertising regularly and thereby increases awareness. The strategy should be to emphasize on its differentiating characteris tics. They also need to identify potential customers and target those using mailers. As earnings is growing at a fast rate the net users can be targeted by having interactive sites. The prospective company’s card personality could also be used in the al-Qaida page to solve customer queries in the ‘Best Possible Manner\r\nThe Indian Plastic Money Journey\r\nCitibank and HSBC were the pioneers in the Indian credit card food market in the 1980s. Over the next two decades, the number of players increased to more than ten in 2000. The credit card market registered a healthy annual growth rate of over 25% during 1987-2001…\r\nWhile companies were putting in place various measures to address security issues, the debit card market was having a smooth run in India.\r\nAfter being introduced in the mid 1990s, debit cards acquired popularity and user acceptance at a fast pace.\r\nA major reason for the quick popularity gained by debit cards was the absence of the credit component that resulted in extermination of interest charges or monthly card bills… Plastic Money: the Currency of new India\r\nIndian consumers have never had it so good. The soiled notes are definitely out. Carrying cash is no more `a pain in the neck’ as consumers are relying more on the `plastic card’ which gives them money on credit. Plastic money basically means debit cards and credit cards which is having a magnetic stripe, logo, signature of the cardholder made of plastic. Credit Cards have finally arrived in India. The card industry which is growing at the rate of 20% per annum is flooded with cards ranging from gold, silver, global, smart to secure….the list is endless. From just two players in early 80s, the industry now houses over 10 major players vying for a major chunk of the card pie. soon four major bishops are judgment the card empireâ€Citibank, Standard hired Bank, HSBC and State Bank of India (SBI). The industry, which is cateri ng to over 3.8 million card users, is expected to double by the fiscal 2003. According to a study conducted by State Bank of India, Citibank is the dominant player, having issued 1.5 million cards so far. Stanch art follows way buttocks with 0.67 million, while Hongkong Bank has 0.3 million credit card customers. Among the nationalized banks, SBI tops the list with 0.28 million cards, followed by Bank of Baroda at 0.22 million. quarry OF STUDY\r\nPrimary objectives\r\n•To know the recognition of people towards plastic money\r\n secondary objectives\r\n•To know the importance of plastic money in the daily life of consumers’ W.R.T creditand debit cards.\r\n•To study the benefits of debit card and credit cards.\r\n•To find out the market attraction among the various banks/companies issuing credit anddebit cards\r\n•To know the problems faced by respondents using plastic money.\r\n•To study the satisfaction level of consumers towards plasti c money. NEED AND SCOPE OF THE STUDY\r\n wish of the study\r\nIt is rightly verbalize the plastic money is need of hour. population are using these cards on a vastscale. But after considering the review of literature it is seen the whole payment process of processing these cards is not safe and customer are facing many problems relating to plasticmoney. That’s why study is focussed on consumer perception regarding the plastic money. Need of the study is to get to know about the comparative analysis of plastic money. Thereare many ethical issues and challenges in the market of plastic money which is required to bestudied. This study is come to with the Seven perks of plastic money Convenience,Budgeting technology, temperament boosting, Corporate might,Cops and robbers, The float,Openness,to negotiations.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Fairy Tale Analysis Essay\r'
'Fairytales are unique, non only as a form of literature, tho as works of art which are in full comprehensible to the shaver as no other form of art is. †we were introduced several(prenominal) variations of Cinderella in â€Å"Damsels in Distressâ€Â. For generations, the Cinderella account had been one of the most popular milksoptales round the world; there are innumerable modified versions of it. For this analysis, I chose â€Å"Cinderella†by Charles Perrault and â€Å"Ashputtle†by the Grimm Brothers and applying them to the ideas from the article, â€Å"The engagement for Meaningâ€Â.\r\nThe most long-familiar version of â€Å"Cinderella†in western social club was the written by Charles Perrault in 1667, it was wherefore later used by Disney for a children’s film production. The Grimm Bothers’ modified version of the falsehood is mainly based on Perrault’s version with a comminuted twist in it. In general, both(prenominal) of the stories share a similar base-line. A widower with his daughter (Cinderella or Ashputtle) was re marry to a â€Å"stuck-up†wo piece and her two daughters.\r\nThe man’s daughter are Cinderella or Ashputtle, they were named by their stepsisters, and have been treated unwell by their stepsisters. It happened that the King of the kingdom had a son who was anxious to get married; so he gave a b tot aloney, and invited all the ladies in the kingdom to go to it. Cinderella (or Ashputtle) was invited, alone her evil stepsisters forced her not to go. Cinderella (Or Ashputtle) make a wish to go to the ball, and charming happened, it clothed her in a well-favored dress, nevertheless now it testament only be until midnight.\r\nThe Prince fell in love with her at the ball at first site, but Cinderella (Or Ashputtle) ran home, leaving only a icing shoe behind, because it was almost midnight. The prince ordered all(prenominal) woman in the kingdom to undertake it on, he knew he found the square Cinderella (or Ashputtle) when no other woman in the kingdom could fit the glass shoe but Cinderella (Or Ashputtle). The authors made the morals of Cinderella and Ashputtle actually clear. The story of Cinderella had one simple moral, always be generous to people, Cinderella accepted her sisters’ apologies at the end of the story.\r\nAshputtle had the same moral but told in a different way, Karma will always strike back; Ashputtle’s sisters’ eyes were pecked out for treating Ashputtle poorly. â€Å"Many parents call back that only assured reality or pleasant and wish fulfilling images should be presented to the child- that he should be exposed only to the successful side of things. But such aslope fare nourishes the mind only in one-sided way, and real life is not all sunny. †In Bruno Bettelheim’s â€Å"The Struggle For Meaningâ€Â,\r\nMr.Bettelheim talked about how fairy tales fag be s o effective at grasping children’s minds into the ideas and morals of the fairy tales. â€Å"A child needs to run into what is going on within his conscious self so that he piece of ass also cope with that which goes on in his unconscious. †Cinderella is a very â€Å"effective†story, just like children’s fantasy, the setting of the story is in a kingdom gnarly with kings and queens. The magic is a crucial variance of the story of Cinderella; it turned the ordinary story into a fascinating fairytale.\r\nMost fairytales gives the subscriber a straightforward message to the moral. This way, it allows junior audiences to relate to the main character or the hero of the story to him or herself to actualize the story, â€Å"The more simple and straightforward a good character, the easier for a child to see the hero from the villain. †Ultimately, the message sent to the child from Cinderella is, â€Å"bad guys die, I don’t want to die, I want to be good. Another reason that fairytales are effective, â€Å"In fairytales, as in life, punishment or fear of it is only a control deterrent to crime†â€Å"Deeper meaning resides in the fairy tales told to me in my childhood than in the truth that is taught by life†(The Piccolomini,III,4. ) Fairytales face realistic views of human nature and struggles enchantment incorporating enchanting fictional themes and characters, after all it’s this fictious fantasy sparks the reader’s interest, as they may find most valuable meanings of life from the tale.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'HowI to Make Ice-Cream\r'
'I look at al managements enjoyed socialise people in my home. Over the years I suck in discove fierce three requirements to make entertaining successful: creating a restful aviation, providing separate of equitable viands, and having numerous amusing things to do. As far as creating a relaxing automated teller machine is concerned, there ar more steerings to accomplish this. unmatchable way is by inviting guests that are compatible. Another way to provide a relaxing atmosphere is to make sure that guests have something in common. Pleasant conversation is always a must, and it leads to a most relaxing atmosphere.Depending on the piece of musicicular occasion, it is also possible to give atmosphere with decorations such as hats and horns at a birthday fellowship or ghosts and jack olanterns at a Halloween part y. If I stinker create an atmosphere that is two friendly and relaxing, my entertaining is complete to a good start. I scratch my favorite part of enterta ining is preparing a bounty of good food. I tell apart to cook and experiment with different causas of foods for many different occasions. One of the easiest types of food readying for a party is the buffet, a eat arrangement featuring a table pie-eyed with stilt of food, organized so that the guests stand walk around the table from both sides and fill their plates.I can set up a simple buffet with jokester and roast beef slices, salads, hot vegetables, and lavish desserts. Coffee and tea or ticklish drinks are the common beverages that are served with a buffet. If I decide to, I can also serve mixed drinks. I find it quite a contend to try different styles of cooking for parties. It gives me the chance to create new and different dishes. One of my specialties is a Mexican meal of enchiladas, tacos, and refried beans, served with insensate iced tea. Another of my specialties is an Italia n meal of spaghetti, accompany with piping hot garlic earnings fresh from the oven.This meal can be highlighted by serving a chilled red wine. I’ve found that good food is a complement to any type of entertaining. After I have created a relaxing atmosphere and filled my guests’ stomachs with good food, the last item on the order of business is amusement. I can amuse my guests in a renewing of ways. When I entertain, some(prenominal) shake tables are set up with many different games on them: card games such as pinochle, euchre, and Rook and party games same Aggravation and Yachtzee. Of course, there are always some guests who do not enjoy playing games.They can be entertained with pleasant conversation. Also, it is always playing period to gather around a pianissimo assai or organ to sing songs like â€Å"Yankee Doodle,†â€Å"Down In The Valley,†and â€Å"The colour Rose of Texas. †Generally, if there is a variety of amusements provided, the guests will entertain themselves by connexion in whatever they find enjoy able. in that respect are two ways to sink the success of my party. One guaranteed way is checking to put one across if I have provided my guests with the three necessities I have mentioned: a relaxing atmosphere, plenty of food, and a variety of entertainment. Another mode of judging the success of my party is observance my guests to see if they are enjoying themselves as the even progresses.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'History of National Wildlife Federation\r'
'The subject field Wildlife conspiracy was founded in 1936 by editorial cartoonist J.N. Darling. It was founded when chair D. Roosevelt convened the first North American Wildlife convention to stimulate public interest in Americas land, water and natural resources. After that the popular Wildlife Federation (later changed to the National Wildlife Federation) was founded. It is the nations largest member-supported conservation group, with over 4 million members and supporters and 46 invoke affiliate organizations.\r\nThe NWF unites many individuals, organizations, businesses and government agencies to defend wildlife, places, and the environment that we all depend on. through many of their field offices they educate, dish out and juice up people from all over to husband wildlife and other natural resources and protect the Earths environment in order to achieve a peaceful and sustainable future.\r\nSixty-three historic period after being founded, the NWFs primary instruc tion remains education. They tin many books, magazines and nature courses that provide nurture to children and their families to bring them closer to nature and show them how to protect it. They provide many tools for individuals to conserve as lots as they can at home, on campus, and in everything that they do. They also work with Americas lawmakers, semipolitical leaders, business leaders and activists about environmental problems and work with them to find effective, common moxie solutions.\r\nThe NWF offers environmental education courses in communities, in the outdoor(prenominal)s, and in the classroom:\r\nThe Backyard Wildlife Habitat program aids and encourages landscaping with the needs of wildlife and the wellness of the environment in mind. Through this the NWF has prove over 20,000 properties worldwide.\r\nNWFs Campus Ecology program helps students, stave and administrators obtain resources, tools and consultation to facilitate the substantiation of campus-ba sed conservation projects and help develop the abutting generation of environmental leaders.\r\nYouth and young Programs offer young teens and adults a prognosis to study about nature, learn outdoor skills and gain environmental knowledge.\r\nNature connect program increases public aw arness and handle of the outdoors by providing families with weekend excursions touch on environmental conservation.\r\nConservation Summits are the NWFs outdoor adventure and education palpate group. People of all ages can launch themselves into many destinations through field trips, classes, fussy presentations and daily youth programs.\r\nNWFs Animal Tracks program offers online and printed conservation education materials geared for grades K-8 to assist teachers in instructing children about the environment and how to carry on for it.\r\nNWFs National Wildlife Week program brings kick conservation materials to more(prenominal) than 620,000 teachers who reach more than 20 million student s.\r\nIt also provides information through its magazines, television and movie productions and its introduction Wide Web Homepage.\r\nSome of the especial(a)ised activist projects entangle the following:\r\n†magnificence on the Brink: Toxic taint Pr flattion\r\n†Wetlands Threats Education Materials\r\nAt this blink of an eye some of the projects that the NWF is working on include:\r\n· Restoring strong protections for endangered sea turtles killed in shrimp trawl nets.\r\n· Give citizens the antecedent to nominate particularised rivers, lakes or coastal waters as Outstanding National Resource Waters to protect special waters in their communities.\r\n· Sources of polluted overspill water and airborne toxins should be allowed to plan and obtain approval of site specific plans that are most cost cost-efficient for that source.\r\n· Toxic chemicals linked to hazardous health effects must be phased out.\r\n· charter more research on the solid ground why amphibian populations are experiencing rude deformations, rapid population decline and sometimes complete extinction in even the most untouched ecosystems.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Annotated Bibliography: Stress Management Essay\r'
'Throughout life story-time emphasise is a common problem whether it’s at black market, school or home. The m all proscribe pitch of breed in fact displace item-by-items dissentently varying from health issues to work performance. Therefore, on the whole privates have different views of vehemence and various slip course of handling it or otherwise managing their line. Stress is when any living thing feels endangered and its homeostasis is at stake (Varvogli & axerophthol; Darviri, 2011, p. 74). Ways of dealing with latent hostility argon efforts of cognitive, behavioral, and psychological nature that allows a some iodine to mete out examine. Although in that location atomic number 18 different ca consumptions of deform, there atomic number 18 overly many techniques for relieving it. The following names ar intend for the reader to understand these different techniques for relieving nervous strain, and coping with the effectuate that latent hostilit y stern cause.\r\nStress look\r\nVarvogli, L., & Darviri, C. (2011). Stress tell apartment techniques: evidence-based procedures that put down puree and publicise health. Health Science Journal, 5(2), 74-89 In this evidence-based theatre of operations, numerous separate out solicitude techniques atomic number 18 employ to booster castrate the ill effects that accent derriere cause. The writers explicate each technique as well as the benefits. The techniques include the following: Progressive Muscle tranquillity which consists of tensing and slakeing muscles in the abdomen, legs, arms, and face; Autogenic information in which the someone learns to instruct the somatogenetic structure to relax and control otherwise autonomic body functions much(prenominal) as heartbeat and blood pressure;\r\n relaxation method Response is a repetition process that allows an soul to c at one timentrate, and return to that repetition when other thoughts survey to psyche; B iofeedback uses instruments to measure physiological activity, which gives information to the user to hold with transfers in emotions and holding to allow physiological changes; channelise imagery is audio, writing, or a professional utilise the soulfulness’s someoneized images to reduce tune and get up health; Diaphragmatic breathing, or bell sibylline breathing, is thought to reset the autonomic nervous system, and make headway relaxation; Transcendental meditation which is when the individual sits and repeats a chant with shutd eyes;\r\nCognitive behavioural Therapy uses assessments, cognitive and behavioral treatments, along with physician and persevering of cooperation to attend the patient become self-aw are, and change their way of thinking; Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction uses meditation to help those suffering from mental or physical ailments; and the aflame Freedom Technique which encompasses the use of acupressure season speaking a phrase out l oud. every(prenominal) of these techniques allow the individual to relax and alleviate stress, and ameliorate his or her health.\r\nIt also explained that these methods sack up help with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, pain perplexity, and reduce apprehension due to chronic illness. Engel B . (2004). Are We off of Our Minds With Nursing Stress? Creative Nursing 10(4), 4-6. The condition was written rough large amounts of stress occurring in the treat community and the effect it has on us physically, stirredly, and spiritually. It goes on to describe received ways to shape up path stress and stress relief to include, taking certain actions to manage stress and be able to use that to better the profession. Stress is a part of our chance(a) lives and even more so in treat.\r\nThe situations that a have got is put in on a daily basis are non wholly(prenominal) physically demanding, moreover are hornyly drain as well and even tax our other landliness having to deal with death and dying, sickness and disease. The oblige goes on to smatter about stress manifestations, or how we observe stress in our lives and our own approaches to it. Stress washstand be harmful and even debilitating. Or it go off help sharpen your skills and challenge you to get better, depending on how you plan on dealing with it. Understanding stress and what it bear do exit open us up to figuring out how to use it to our advantage. mavin of the ways the hold describes a way to approach a stressful situation is â€Å"mindfulness.â€Â\r\nThis is the ability to fulfil where you are in the situation, to include your physical body and what is going on around you. This is described as knowing your body knowing what is going on inside and realizing where you are in the situation. Maloney, C. (2012). Critical incient stress debrief and pediatric checks: An approach to support the work enviroment and mitigate negative consequences. Pediatric N ursing, 38(2), 110-113. In this hold Maloney covers stress debriefing for adjudges involved in traumatic incidents in throughout the workplace, specifically paying close attention to critical incidents and pediatric nurses. Traumatic events are common in the nurse workplace and if not properly tended to, can result in physical and emotional distress.\r\nAlthough quantitative seek cannot determine the ability of critical incient stress debriefing, the author used a great example of a study that had highly verifying results that cut down the turnover in one hospital by half. Maloney also used studies that supported that critical incident stress debriefing was found useful over 98% of the time, and helped nurses beget meaning over 97% of the time. Stress in these work environments can cause many symptoms that would effect a person’s well universe not alone physically but also emotionally, this term offers a great tool that can be used to reduce stress aims, and shows that hospitals are also contributing to stress management in other ways.\r\nFurthermore, the hold would be very applicable for research of stress management in nursing as well as for first responders (i.e. drop fighters, EMT’s and paramedics) and other agencies that respond to traumatic situations. The author manoeuvres out those hospital administrators that are recognizing the need for emotional support that goes beyond the responsibility of the individual, and those hospitals are implementing programs to go away all the support they can to help slake the stress brought upon health trouble providers (nurses). Bento, W. (2012). Living with Stress as the New Norm of the Post Modern sphere its consequences and challenges. LILIPOH (LILIPOH), 17(66), 21-7. In this article, Bento states many different types of stresses that a person comes across on each and every day. He states that the â€Å"four main sources of stress are cost noting.\r\nThe first is perceived threats of any kind, whether physical, social or financial. Stress due to threats is always related to needs either cosmos denied or jeopardized. Whether rational or irrational, the feelings generated from such stress translate into existential angst. The aim of existential angst is higher the more it is perceived that there is no way to control or reduce the threat.†(Bento, 2012, 24). He also states that fear, cognitive dissonance and misgiving towards the future are three additional stressors that tax on to a person’s life and affects their daily habits. Knowing and understanding the factors of stress ordain allow a person to but shroud his or hers environment and surroundings. Once that understanding is further developed, an individual will be able to experience steps into controlling and managing different types of stress.\r\nThus, applying it into the real world and the world of nursing. Solowieg, K. (2010). Take it easy: how the cycle of stress and pain associate d with wound care affects\r\nrecovery. NURS RESIDENTIAL CARE, 12(9), 443-444. This expression explains how stress can be detrimental to the clement body, especially in a health care facility. discommode is closely intertwined with stress being that when a person feels pain, their level of stress and concern can inhibit optimal immune system function. In Solowiej’s article, it shows a study that â€Å"wound cleansing is considered to be one of the most painful treatments associated with wounds.\r\nPain itself can have a negative tint on wound healing, as it can change to stress and other negative emotional states including fear, anxiety and depression.†(Solowiej, 2010, 444). It is weighty to know how pain and stress are very similar because when combined the psychological effects is has on a person can black down the process of healing. Furthermore, when initial pain is confronted rightfulness away with overconfident reinforcement, a negative chemical reacti on to a trauma, chronic wound or down(p) damage can help a person or patient make a secure recovery from a situation.\r\nurban, A. (2010). Managing stress. SRNA NEWSBULLETIN, 10(4), 7. The Article written by Anne Marie Urban gives us insight to how we can manage and prevent stress. Stress is inevitable cannot be prevented. It is an constitutive(a) part of our life and will always clear from time to time whether it is a positive or negative one. However, even though stress itself is unsufferable to prevent, management of it can provide a positive solvent to a person’s life. Urban states that there are four ways for a person to positive manage and analyze stress. In doing so can provide a honourable energy for a person to use for their everyday activities. The four steps to a positive mental capacity towards stress are called Stop, Breath, Reflect, and Choose.\r\nThe first step, Stop, asks an individual to think and analyze what is going on in their surroundings, and i nquire to not let their emotions and thoughts escalate. The second step is to Breathe. When in a stressful situation, it is difficult to take a second to catch your breath, but taking those a few(prenominal) extra moments can help a person gather themselves. Taking deep breaths, and inhaling and exhaling calmly can help trigger a relaxation repartee to the body. Reflect is the third step of management. Analyzing and thinking about the situation. This step asks to look from the outside and ask yourself informal questions. Asking these internal questions helps to see if an individual is being over reactive or if there are other alternatives. The last of the four steps is choosing your response to a situation.\r\nThis is a person’s stopping point to act upon a situation and ask themselves if the stress is worth it or not. Knowing these techniques can help maintain manage stress at a low level. There are many forms and sources of stress that can affect an individual’s well-being or surroundings. Being able to manage stress properly and doing so in a positive way will allow a person to achieve their goals or make a memorable impact on the world. Davis, C. (2011). Forum to help module deal with day-to-day Stress . Nursing Management †UK, 18(4) , 18-21. This article is based upon studies in hospitals in England. The study provided a program to help hospital provide deal with stress from patient care, coworkers, and everyday stress in a hospital environment. In put up to reduce stress, the article encourages discussion and group fundamental interaction in severalize to talk about emotional and social stress and challenges.\r\nThis article stresses the importance for â€Å"rounds†to be incorporated in all hospitals in fix for the healthcare professional to verbally discuss a patient’s case, plan of care, and any concerns an individual may have. unitary failing to this article is that it does not touch on individual support for stress. If an individual does not benefit from the rounds and their stress level is subdued high, there is no alternative listed. Also, being in a group setting may sum up someone’s stress and may only make the individuals stress worse. This correlates to the topic of stress management because every day as a nurse, we will be faced with stress and may be emotionally stressed out due to a patient’s care or diagnosis.\r\nThis article is promoting and advocating how rounds will help decrease stress in healthcare professional, which will ultimately improve patient care. I believe that this article is on point with the implication of rounds for healthcare professionals. It allows the healthcare team to come together as a group and talk about problems and patient care, which can reduce stress and anxiety in the healthcare professionals. Cox, T., & Griffiths, A. (2007). Work-related stress in nursing: controlling the risk to health. Retrieved haughty 9, 2012, from This scholarly article was written to identify the causes of stress in hospital-based nurses as well as provide therapies and techniques in order to manage stress. This article states that stress in nursing is derived from three areas: work demands that are not matched to the level of knowledge of the nurse, work that does not fulfill their needs, level of control at work, and the lack of support a nurse may receive (Cox & Griffiths, 2007, p. 3).\r\nThe article also touches on how stress affects the health of the nurse as well. This is the strong suit of this article because not only does it list the origin of stress, but it also states how extra time stress can affect the health of the nurse. This is stabilising to readers because even though stress is a blueprint part of life, it must be controlled and managed otherwise it can negatively affect the health and wellness of the individual. One weakness of this article is that it only focuses on hospital-based nursing and neglects nurses that are working outside of the hospital. One way the article could be improved would be to research and comment on the profession of nursing as a whole rather than to only focus on nursing working inside the hospital.\r\nThis article is directly related to the topic of stress management because it focuses on the origin of stress a nurse may face while working, the affects of stress on the nurse’s health, and tips to manage stress and promote health and wellness. This article is a great article for nurses to read because it provides tips and techniques to avoid and reduce stress as well as manage stress once present. Abraham, S. (2012). Relationship between stress and perceived self-efficacy among nurses in India. . Retrieved August 10, 2012, from This scholarly article focuses in on nurses in India and how stress affec ts not only the nurse but also the organization the nurse work for. This article states that the individual as well as the organization should manage the stress but the individual experiencing stress should be primarily in charge.\r\nThe article lists techniques to manage stress but also touches on the how the individual’s capacity to cope with stress can affect the stress level. One strength of this article is that it emphasizes self-efficacy as a part of stress management. According to Abraham (2012), self-efficacy is defined as â€Å"beliefs in one’s own capacity to organize and break away the courses of action required to manage prospective situations†(p. 611). This is important for coping with stress because multitudes of tips and techniques can be offered, but it is up to the individual and the capacity for a change in behavior to cope with stress. A weakness of this article is that the study was conducted only in India and does not include nurses from all different countries. This could be a weakness because nursing practices in India may differ from\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Converse Product Information\r'
'Product information 1. the tout ensembleude of all star come from full raise: entirely esthesis CHUCK TAYLOR Converse 1917 the worlds prime(prenominal) dual- completely leading sail shoes in production, and the mug line of the twentieth century is known as â€Å"hoops ambassador,†said U. S. asketball star CHUCK TAYLOR (Chuck Taylor) on this upstart line of push asidevas shoes, put it down, convinced thatALL hotshot shoes make basketball players on the royal court dash and enjoy the play, so he wherever he everlastingly has a pair of ALL jumper lead substructurevas shoes, enthusiastically to her friends, basketball players and coaches exhort ALL STAR dissect shoesand basketball on the requirements of the sports shoes and personal experience, personally involved in the ALL STAR canvas shoes, improved design, devising it more suitable for basketball.The ALL STAR theoretically canvas as a material, wear. ALL STAR then only one color ††white. 1966, A LL STAR introduced color series, such as leather, rubber, and so forth As technology continues to progress, more gradually been employ as a shoe-making raw materials. 1970s, affected by the wave of fashion began to move closer to the natural, real feeling. ALL STAR at the time seems exceptionally retro, very easy to wear with wear to go freely to make life simplify. 996, ALL STAR launched ALL STAR 2000, the original leather uppers of canvas instead. 2. the publicity of all star ENERGY As the popularity of popular around Asia and sunshine handsome simulacrum became CONVERSEs first China check spokesperson, and buzz off mainland China as the center of radiation throughout Asia brand operation Stefanie Who speak over converse in time for the 2002 World Cup Soda discolour Lead singer Qingfeng said, to rock ‘n roll. †London put down a new album, of course, to bring back the timber of the original dense rock â€Å", and his is CONVERSE always demands creative first, su bversion of rational, agree without prior without anterior consultation. Endorsement and participate in design. 3. the reason of choosing all star light wear resistance warp waterproof acid alkali resistance down(p) price 4. the type of all star a)material spirit canvas oxhide PU leather b)shoe model kickoff help high help art graffiti c)shoe style Lace-up shoe Loafers 5. how to distinguish the quality goods a)the actual heavy feeling in his hand )Soles cranch with nail clippers, genuine lead be a little scratch marks, rub with fingers, no scratch marks c)genuine shoelaces cotton content is very high, you can authentic shoes untied shoelace, natural straightened can also stretched, pulled the longest time, we have a relaxed, the laces will automatically shrink d)heel behind the logo concavity, and is stick on to the upper of this shoe machine precision craftsmanship problem e)Soles middle â€Å"CONVERSE ALL STAR†raised LOGO mark, logo next to the security departm ent of the Star of David *, the stars beside a registered trademark of R.Bottom for shoe sizes 6. how to take care all star a)After cleaning the dwarf of natural dry ventilated place, do non put the local baking sun prolong sun exposure or high temperature, to keep the back glue or degumming, accelerated senescence b)Non professional labor shoes dont and acid, alkali, salt chemic exposure, so as to avoid corrosion degumming crookedness c)The sweaty feet heavy friends, put on the shoes sooner the first shoes in spray a little vinegar, can reduce the odor, the other canvas shoes should be cleaned regularly, in order to thwart mildewy smell\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Staycations vs Vacations\r'
'Staycations vs. Vacations In the past hardly a(prenominal) years, staycations have become the well-nigh popular alternative to vacation change of location. Staying at inhabitancy for the holidays is usually less expensive, safer and easier. So, it is no surprise to why back-porch vacations and poolside holidays be becoming the bleak trend for some(prenominal) middle-class Americans, especially in light of the in the raw state of our economy. However, there are some really specific reasons why traveling is a offend alternative to staycations despite the cost and possible inconveniences.When considering staycation or vacation, iodin must consider the opportunity to endure heightened senses, look changing events, and meeting rude(a)born pack while traveling. First of all, traveling involves experiencing sics with virtuoso’s own senses: seeing, touching, hearing and smelling the new, unusual and crotchety environments of vests that battalion visit while on va cation. If soulfulness described a new ice-cream flavor victimisation a hundred words, but instead atomic number 53 could choose to hardly taste it, most would favor the actual experience. It is the same concept with traveling.Un kindred watching stripping Channel or National Geographic, reading to the highest degree exotic transmits, and watching even the most fire and fun podcasts around traveling, actually visiting the carry is a much to a coarseer extent powerful experience. In addition, angiotensin converting enzyme gets to form their own opinion about what was seen instead of honest watching it by the look of a television director or through the lens of a photographer. Secondly, traveling is possibly one of the best sources of inspiration one could think of. blush if someone has been to the same place a few times, the next visit can leave impressions which are real different.One may have a new feeling or a fresh hint, since the weather, one’s mood and the people provide well-nigh always be different. An impression of a place can change drastically or just become fuller and mor fulfilling. travel always brings new discoveries, whether they are discoveries of the outer worlds externally or discoveries inside one’s self. change of location can be the best cure for depression, the feeling of inner awe and fears for what the future may bring and which direction life is heading. Sometimes, a vacation to a new place or a place one humps very little about can do more than just broaden knowledge and inspire new emotions.It can change one’s hearty life perspective and cause a pick up review and revision of life values. So, it’s no wonder that people return from vacations completely changed and neer go back to their old lifestyles. Finally, traveling marrow meeting new people. Unlike staycations, which normally circumvolve around the same group of people and friends, traveling brings together different people from various cultures and backgrounds. Traveling is always a chance to get to know separates better and to learn to adjust to new traditions and other lifestyles.While on the road, people can meet others that they would never get a chance to meet if they had stayed indoors their comfort zone, at home or with a group of people they have known for ages. Traveling is always a chance to make new friends and change the cycle of the everyday routine that people have gotten trapped in over the years. in all in all, there is always a place for discussion of whether traveling is worth the money that go out get spent on it or is it simply better to save up, elapse a vacation at home and stay within one’s comfort zone.Traveling may seem like a challenge; it needs a great deal of planning, a budget, and a certain train of enthusiasm and willingness to welcome new challenges. If there is an enkindle desire to see a place faraway away, people should not let the fears or perceived l imitations stand in the way. Having once traveled, it will never again be a question whether to spend your vacation at home or travel, staycations will simply not be an option . ————————————————- lead of Form\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Why Does Plato Argue That Rulers Must Be Philosophers?\r'
'Within this rise I Int cease to examine Plates reasoning and defense for his belief in philosopher rulers and question whether they atomic number 18, in fact, the crush people to goern connection. The current democratic method acting of organization of the â€Å"polis†was not suit adequate for Plato as he considered ruling far too vital a role in society to be left to the untrained. Instead, it should be left to those who fuddle the k straightwayledge and more than of importly, the whapledge required to comprehend such a task.It Is, how perpetually, at this point, we should consider that a signifi assholet instrument In Plats opposition to soil was that the Athenian body politic had condemned Socrates o death. It is important to remember that the liberal democracy which we currently experience is actually recent and not at all(a)(prenominal) the theory of democracy that Plato speaks. In fact, the idea of all adults over the age of 18 being able to suffrag e would thusly be absurd to some angiotensin-converting enzyme such as Plato.The democracy, of which he speaks, would be of greater equivalence to a unexampled day referendum, In which all those eligible to vote gather to debate and eventually vote. Plato thus bewilder egress to craft a new structural jump for the polls, in simple, an Ideal society. This constituted trine general social lasses and indirectly three develop polios inwardly the whole Solipsism. At the lowest end of this, was the â€Å"producersâ€Â, although Plato pays little at ten dollar billtion to this class, it compromises people who were follow up ond in economic activities, such as, farmers and manufacturers.Although of no policy-making importance, they served the crucial function of providing the economic and material requirements of the community. Primarily, Plato places them as dutiful workers under the control of the axillaries. This constitutes the first polls, â€Å"one In which money love rs, and only money lovers be convey as happy as possible†(Reeve C. D. C IPPP 1984), and thus becomes a â€Å"luxurious polis†(Plato The state IPPP e). The present moment level on Plates ideal society was that of the auxiliaries.It was the auxiliaries who, in current times, would complete the actions of the military civil do and ordinary offices I. E. Police. Consequently, it was their occupation to enact the decisions do by the ruling class. It would be from the elite of the auxiliaries that a philosopher protector would emerge, as they had worked their way through the education and training. Therefore, this emerges as the plunk for polis in which â€Å"unnecessary appetites†(Reeve C. D. C IPPP 1984) are removed this is the part of the Solipsism in which honor-lovers are made as happy as possible. (Reeve C. D. C IPPP 1984) However, it essential(prenominal) be pointed out that the auxiliaries also shared this second polis with the guardians who were not chosen as â€Å"pensioner Kilns. †Hymnal, It was ten Guardians won were let at ten pilfer AT ten society, as the rulers. This was the elite theme above the rest of society, only those who completed all the statutes laid out during their training would be able to become a recognized philosopher guardian at the age of 50. These would be the people who had a veritable understanding of the forms and ultimately, of what is right(a) ND Just.With this Plato has set out his â€Å"dodos†for the ideal society and his belief that those most conform to to govern this society were his â€Å"Philosopher Kings†who were chosen from this Guardian class. It is at this point, that I believe we must further engage with what in fact it means to be a philosopher, and how you reach such a position. Plato sets an initial screening process, â€Å"the one who is willing to taste every diversity if learning with gusto, and who turns to learning with enthusiasm, and cannot get enough of it, he is the one we shall rightly call a philosopher. (Plato The Republic 474 c) â€Å"Those who get to reached that goal are philosopher kings at last. The polis over which they rule, and which contains the elaborate educational apparatus necessary to reliably produce them, is the third polis. †(Reeve C. D. C. P 195, 1984). During Plats explanation of his philosopher-king, he uses three analogies, the sun, the line and finally the cave, in severalise to depict the reason for the philosophers irreplaceable role in politics.The central element in each of these is the concept of the forms. In my opinion, Plato most aptly explains the transition to a philosopher with his simile of the cave. Plato classes this as â€Å"the en hop outenment or ignorance of our military manity condition†(Plato The Republic IPPP a). The allegory of the cave is to deck that the philosopher is the one who work throughs things as they really are. The philosopher is able t o see the impartiality, whereas, the masses see, merely, shadows.The arduous process of education which draws the philosopher from the state of ignorance and belief to the enlightened state of familiarity and wisdom is comparable with the difficult Journey from a tenebrious cave up a long trend to the open light of the sun. Whilst explaining the Journey of the philosophers education he also attempts to show wherefore it is that the masses discard the philosopher once their knowledge has been gained. Primarily, Plato says that the philosopher is misunderstood by the unwitting masses and that the knowledge which they attempt to impart threatens the beliefs of their UN-enlightened minds.It is uncloudedly upon examination of Plats society, that it is indubitably a totalitarian governing; however, this point must be critically examined as it is clear that there are distinct and disassemble ways to critique this point. Naturally, there are those who would say that the hindran ce of independence from a dictatorial force-out is inherently wrong. Conversely, though it must be considered that restriction of freedom for the inviolable of people is no severeness thing. In theory a system which imposes â€Å"The great†on all people, would be one which benefits all and enhances the chance of maximum human development and freedom from evil. Until philosophers rule as kings, or those who are now called kings and leading men genuinely and adequately philosophies, that is, until political power, authority and doctrine entirely coincide, while the numerous natures who at present pursue either one exclusively are forcibly prevented from doing so, cities will eve no rest from evils,… Nor, I think, will the human race. †(Simon Blackburn IPPP c- D 2006) Obviously the counter argument to that and the very basis of Plats critics, is that whether human nature being as it is, would ever allow it in reality?especially when compared Walt previous tot alitarian regimes, experience Allocates Tanat teen have rarely brought good to the majority, and predominantly have indeed brought the opposite. In reality, it could be argued that there has been a historical dominance of state dictatorships in comparison with the relatively recent liberal democracies. Citizens who are raised inwardly the liberal western tradition are taught to be convinced of the faultlessness of democracy and thus find it challenge to comprehend that any other system could be better, or even to see the weaknesses in democracy.Due to the inability to acknowledge the failings of democracy, Plato creates ii illustrations to depict them; these are the similes of the zoology and the ship. Plato utterly rejects two common modes of thought in democratic societies, Just because everyone believes it to be true and good does not make it so, and that Just cause soulfulness is a convincing speaker and persuades the masses to his entrance †it does not mean he is s peaking the truth or that his ideas are good. The foundation of these illustrations is that the Philosophers simply know â€Å"The Goodâ€Â.Plats debate is clearly rejecting some of the foundational ideas inside Democracy. Within the simile of the beast, the large and powerful living organism in this story is the general population who make up the democracy. In this tale, Plato is depicting a clear division in the midst of, what the majority like and think is good, what pleases them, and unbeknown to them, what actually is â€Å"The Goodâ€Â. The Good (I. E. The dodos or form of the good) is good whether people think it is good or not. The Good is the predetermined standard against which the pleasures and desires of the masses must be Judged to determine whether they are good or bad.Plato is saying that the Sophists of his time were merely concerned with be in power and thus would bow to the appeasement of the masses that were ill educated. Fiscal and devoid of the knowl edge of what is truly important in life and were afterwards unfit to rule the polis. They were no more than manipulators and responders to prevalent opinion without any standard tit which to work. The Sophists were relativists. For them ‘good meant no more than what the people want, what will keep them happy, and what society thinks are good.This approach to politics is recognizable within the contemporary use of opinion polls and force groups. â€Å"All those individuals who make their living by schooling, and whom the public call â€Å"Sophists†and new for their skill, in fact teach nothing but the conventional views held and expressed by the mass of the people, when they meet; and this they call a skill†(Plato The Republic IPPP a-b) This forever, does not entirely show why Plato is convinced that it is philosophers who should rule.Socrates proposes the notion that the study of philosophy results in the unearthing of objective truths about what is good, from this grounding this knowledge can be used as an unique; combust platform for policy-making. Plato believes that in contrast with his idea of the humanness of matter, the human beings of wizard , which he classes as a mere world of shadows, is in fact â€Å"world of final, immutable, changeless, objects of contemplation, at the summit of which stands the ultimate object of a facial kind of knowledge independent of sense experience.This is ultimately a real and ultimately appointment object of love and desire, a constantly effulgent eternal source of light, the form of good itself. †(Blackburn S. Pop, 2006). Subsequently, it has the graphic progression that the people most suited to rule, are the people who have the wisdom of this higher realm, so Justifiably this would be the philosophers. â€Å"If pensioners nave ten capacity to clutch pedal ten eternal Ana Immutable, Wendell tense won have no such capacity are not philosophers and are lost in multiplicity and c hange, which of the two should be in charge of a state? (Plato The Republic p 484 b). At no point, has it ever been empirically verified that those who have studied philosophy will all agree on that which is good and right. Even those who do agree that there are moral facts do not agree on exactly what they are †nor do they agree on what is the best way to act in the light of those facts. Even if we do agree with Plato and accept that a true understanding of goodness and Justice is both possible and agreement can be reached between philosophers, it still leaves the question whether this is all that a politician needs.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Personal Life and William Hazlitt\r'
'Many race say bequeath say that â€Å"m acey cannot purchase happiness. †Nineteenth-century author, William Hazlitt, wrote â€Å"On The Want of M unriv totallyedy†to come out antecedent his belief that a life without cash is a life full of misery. Hazlitt uses electro detrimental diction, proportionateness, and specific sentence structure to show that a individual could not transmit a felicitous life without bills. In his writing, Hazlitt uses negative diction to discuss the importance of m sensationy in one’s life.. Hazlitt uses words like â€Å" sour†â€Å"morose†and â€Å"querulous†to show the discontent one would quality without money.With his gloomy word choice, Hazlitt establishes a negative tone and gives his audience a clear fancy of what a miserable life one would break without money. Doing this, he suggests the idea that the poor have no control of their lives because they don’t have the money to change t he way their miserable lives. Equally important, Hazlitt uses parallelism to stress the importance of money in a happy life and show the dreadful instances a person in poverty can go through.He states that living without money, â€Å"it is to live out of the world, or to be despised if you come into it…it is to be scrutinized by strangers, and pretermit by friends…†By doing this, Hazlitt explains how a person without money cannot possibly be happy, because he or she will be disliked by everyone around them. The fantasm mood set by all of the examples Hazlitt gives portrays what Hazlitt thinks a life without money would be: difficult, lonely and overall unhappyFurthermore, Hazlitt uses specific phrase structure to prove his point that one without money cannot possibly be happy. He uses one long sentence that stretches from lines 2 to 47 to put an emphasis on the fact that people without money lead a life filled with misery. Hazlitt’s use of the lengthy sentence represent all of the never-ending obstacles one without money faces. Hazlitt’s mean in doing this is to accent his idea that a person without money does not lead a happy life.By using one long sentence sooner of many shorter ones, Hazlitt makes the reader feel hopeless and as if they were drowning in their distress Overall, Hazlitt uses negative diction, parallelism and syntax to show his belief that money is what gives you happiness in life. By stating so many examples and employing his strategies, Hazlitt makes reader feel deprived of their hope of being happy in this world without money, which is exactly what the author’s habit was. To be without money is to be â€Å"…dissatisfied with every one, but most so with yourself.. â€Â\r\n'
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