Friday, May 31, 2019
Past and Present Views on Gossip Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research
Past and Present Views on Gossip Culture is constantly changing the prevailing beliefs and trends of one period can vary substantially from those of another. A significant consequence of this cultural flux is gradual evolution in the gists of some words. Since language is naturally tied to culture, it is not surprising that these deepens occur. Words keep back meaning only in the context of the current social climate therefore their definitions change synchronously with cultural progression. The meaning of the word call in, for example, changed several propagation over, from its original definition of kindred relation to its present definition of empty talk. How did this progression take shape? As society adopted new trends and beliefs, the meaning of the word gossip changed from having religious connotations to having more social connotations.The original meaning of the word gossip had strong religious undertones, implying that society and culture then were genuinely religious -minded. Stemming from the Middle English roots god and sib, the word gossip referred to a person who sponsored a baptism and shared a spiritual rapport with another. During this duration period, Christianity was a newly emerging religion, and one of its most sacred rituals was baptism. It was also becoming an increasingly important part of society and culture. Undermining baptism, therefore, would have been an insult to the religion, nevertheless associating it with spirituality would have been an avowal of Christianity, a recognition of this new force in peoples lives. Sponsorship of a baptism and spiritual affinity were connected primarily because religion was such(prenominal) a predominant force at the time. However, the word gossip progressively lost its religious connot... ... talking about other people, even in a negative way, is not just socially useful but indispensable (Cohen B7). Cohens point emphasizes that the driving force behind this etymological evolution is often change in the social environment, particularly in the attitudes of the people using a certain word. Gossip in its original sense was probably used in ecclesiastical circles. As ordinary people started using the term more frequently, the word gossip started to lose its religious undercurrents and slowly gained social connotations. Used by women, the terms definition evolved to reflect an activity shared by many of them. Today, the words derogatory sense may reflect increased cynicism among people. As Cohen points out, though, the meaning of the word gossip is likely to change, and this change hints at possible trends - and kinds of people - society will face next.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Abrams and Tintern Abbey Essay -- Essays Papers
Abrams and Tintern Abbey In his essay, Structure and Style in the Greater Romantic Lyric, critic M.H.Abrams describes a double for the longer Romantic lyric of which Wordsworths Lines written a few miles above Tintern Abbey is an example. First, some of the poems are either identified as odes in the title, or, as Abrams states sexual climax the ode in having lyric magnitude and a serious subject, feelingfully meditated. (201) The storyteller of Tintern Abbey expresses deep sensations as he views a landscape familiar from his youth, the emotions and memories evoked lead to wider chaste and philosophical cogitations. The prototypical lyric, Abrams continues, present a determinate speaker in a particularized, and usually a localized, outdoor setting. (201) Indeed, Wordsworths title specifically identifies the site of which the narrator speaks, it is a few miles above Tintern Abbey, on the banks of the Wye. The narrators of these poems, continues Abrams, speak in a fluent vernacular w hich rises easily to a more formal speech, a sustain colloquy, sometimes with himself or with the outer scene, but more frequently with a silent human auditor, present or absent. (201) Tintern Abbey begins with an informal statement, a sudden self-generated overflow of powerful feelings Five years have passed five summers, with the length / Of five long winters And again I hear / These waters (1-3) then gradually builds to more studied speech appropriate for philosophical ruminations For I have learned / To look on nature, not as in the hour / Of preoccupied youth, but hearing oftentimes / The still, sad music of humanity / Nor harsh nor grating, though of ample power / to chasten and subdue (89-94). The narrator is speaking to a... ...e scenes of constitution shared together will be stored in their memories to draw out at a later date to be used as a sort of non-pharmaceutical anti-depressant Oh, then, / If solitude, or fear, or pain, or grief, / Should be thy portion, with w hat healing thoughts / Of tender joy wilt thou remember me, / And these my exhortations (143-147)Required TextsW. Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge. Lyrical Ballads. (1798, 1800, 1802) Ed. R.L. Brett & A.R. Jones. Routledge, 1992.William Wordsworth, The Prelude 1799, 1805, 1850. Eds. J. Wordsworth, M.H. Abrams & S. Gill. Norton, 1979.William Wordsworth The study Works. Ed. S. Gill. Oxford, 1984/2000 Thomas Hardy, The Woodlanders. Ed. D. Kramer. Oxford, 2001.Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It. Chicago, 1989. Neal Stephenson, The Diamond Age or, A Young Ladys Illustrated Primer. Bantam Reprint, 2000
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Problems Defining Genre :: Literature Essays Literary Criticism
The Problems Defining Genre Genre denotes a systematic way to reason literature. The term might be considered academic jargon however, it produces up a set of expectations that allow us to judge literature. These expectations or criteria also allow us to compare with other literature in the same as well as different genres. In spite of these expectations, genre does not dictate a set of rigid rules in fact, genre is more descriptive than prescriptive. Problems in defining genre often arise beca utilise there are frequently sub-genres quixotic comedy might be considered a sub-genre of comedy, revenge tragedy of tragedy and gothic horror of horror. It becomes increasingly difficult to see where one sub-genre ends and another begins. in addition these categories are seldom pure. For example, Hamlet, a revenge tragedy, includes aspects of romance and even a comic scene or two. Our popular culture makes defining genre contend because what is vital one day m ight disappear the next. An example of this is the current insistence upon a happy ending. Since tragedy is often characterized by an unhappy or right ending, according to Aristotle, popular culture no longer welcomes the tragedy with the relish it did at other times in history. Our Town being the elision that comes to mind, as well as the one-man shows. Poetry makes frequent use of this voice. In Daddy by Sylvia Plath, the author address Daddy throughout the poem. Shannon Chamberlains use of Aesops fable The Parrot and his Cage was another example of this single voice narrative. A second voice option is the drama or dialogue that involves talk of the town between two characters with no narration. All of the plays we are reading in class fit this category as well as Stacy Burlesons example of merlin as a legend in film. Finally, the combination of the narrator plus dialogue is just as it seems, a narrator talks to the audience (or reader) entirely the characte rs talk to each other. The TV shows The Fugitive, Dragnet, and Twilight Zone come to mind as examples of this. Narrative genre, by contrast, focuses on the storyline or plot. Tragedy frequently introduces a problem, there is struggle for control, finally a realistic and often unhappy ending that resolves the problem.
The Pessimistic W. B. Yeats’ in An Irish Airman Foresees His Death Essa
The Pessimistic W. B. Yeats in An Irish Airman Foresees His Death There argon countless manners in which a person can mourn the death of another. Some become engulfed in a state of rage, while others whitethorn feel a calm, quiet grief or pity. Some place blame on others for the loss while trying to discover a reasonableness for death. Others may roll several emotions into one large mourning process that includes several stages. In An Irish Airman Foresees His Death, W. B. Yeats grieves the death of Major Robert Gregory, son of doll Gregory, by providing the narrator with an overwhelming sense of apathy toward life. The poem provides a variety of emotions that counter each other to produce a balance that is uniquely pessimistic. The first-person narrator, presumably the voice of Robert Gregory, allows the reader to connect to a greater extent easily with the thoughts of Yeats. If the poem were written in the third person, the personal emotions would have been lost. Illustrating a death in the voice of the dead adds sorrow and truth to the work, as an outside narrator would seem more distant from the feelings involved. Yeats may have chosen to express his manner of speaking through the narrators voice as a tribute to Robert Gregory, or because of his friendship with Lady Gregoryor plain because doing so brought him closer to the emotions of the stead in general. In the final three lines of the poem, the narrator gives the sense that, because of death, there is little value in life. He says that the years to come seemed waste of breath, / a waste of breath the years behind (14-15). Such thoughts suggest existentialism, which provides a sense of the lack of meaning or purpose in livingthat we simply exist. Yet the opening lines... ... when breathing out into battle, and, ultimately, death (11). This is not to say he feels delight in dying, but that some sense of delight in going to war him brought him there, via combat. Taken as a whole, An Irish Airman Foresees His Death is a simple poem about a man dying. Its intricacies lie in the juggling act performed by the narrator that leads to a pessimistic, balanced view of a soldiers death. When each line is considered carefully, the work becomes more and more complicated. Several emotions are contrasted along the waypossibly an attempt by Yeats to capture the multitude of feelings that must run through the mind of someone dying. plant Cited Yeats, William Butler. An Irish Airman Foresees His Death. The Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry. Ed. Richard Ellmann and Robert OClair. New York W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. 154-155.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
US Immigration Policy Before and After September 11 Essay -- Septembe
America is home to a plethora of nationalities, cultures, religions and practices. The reason for this richness in different backgrounds is that since the day it was discovered by outsiders, the United States has perpetually been open to immigrants. The Statue of Liberty, one of Americas greatest attractions, symbolizes Americas open arms to immigrants. So when Americas own symbol of license to immigrants stood in the waters and watched the catastrophe unravel the placidness of her surroundings by outsiders, it was a direct blow to not only the United States in-migration policy, however also to the United States national security. On that unforgettable day, September 11, the United States, the worlds most richest and powerful nation, discovered the hard way that regular(a) money and power could not annihilate vulnerability. After September 11 Americans wanted to feel safe again in their own home so the United States restricted its immigration policy to help prevent terrorist s from entering the country. The US government, however, kept economics in mind when altering the policy. The new immigration policy includes unfair procedures for certain countries. The result is a more restricted immigration policy, with major loopholes for countries that benefit the US economy. The US immigration policy forwards September 11 was very lax, partly because the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) was under funded. Whenever immigrants were cited a deportation, INS could not follow up on many of these immigrants who usually remained in the country. Because it could not operate as if should due to lack of money, it is easier to understand that almost all of the alleged terrorists involved in the September 11 attacks obtained a US vis... ...partments own inspector general released a report that confirmed charges made by civil right groups when it was reported that the roundup of immigrants would produce broad problems.There is no clear cut, one solu tion to the USs immigration problems. America must maintain safety for its citizens, but it is hard to realise a strict immigration policy when America is deeply dependent on immigrants, especially migrant labor. Until the US lessens its great dependency on immigrant labor, the US will continue to be vulnerable to terrorists attacks. BibliographyAtkin, Beth S. Voices From The Fields. Little, Brown & Company. 1993.Gonzales, Camille Guerin. Mexican Workers and American Dreams Immigration, repatriation, and California Farm Labor, 1900-1939.Wright, Dale. They Harvest Despair The Migrant Farm Worker. Boston beacon light Press, 1965.
US Immigration Policy Before and After September 11 Essay -- Septembe
America is home to a plethora of nationalities, cultures, religions and practices. The reason for this horn of plenty in different backgrounds is that since the day it was discovered by outsiders, the United States has always been clean-cut to immigrants. The Statue of Liberty, one of Americas greatest attractions, symbolizes Americas open arms to immigrants. So when Americas own symbol of freedom to immigrants stood in the waters and watched the catastrophe unravel the placidness of her surroundings by outsiders, it was a direct blow to not only the United States in-migration policy, but also to the United States national security. On that unforgettable day, September 11, the United States, the universe of discourses most richest and powerful nation, discovered the hard way that even money and power could not annihilate vulnerability. After September 11 Americans wanted to feel safe again in their own home so the United States restricted its in-migration policy to help prev ent terrorists from entering the country. The US government, however, kept economics in mind when altering the policy. The new immigration policy includes unfair procedures for certain countries. The result is a more restricted immigration policy, with major loopholes for countries that benefit the US economy. The US immigration policy before September 11 was very lax, partly because the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) was infra funded. Whenever immigrants were cited a deportation, INS could not follow up on many of these immigrants who usually remained in the country. Because it could not operate as if should due to lack of money, it is easier to understand that most all of the alleged terrorists involved in the September 11 attacks obtained a US vis... ...partments own inspector general released a report that sustain charges made by civil right groups when it was reported that the roundup of immigrants would produce huge problems.There is no clear cut, on e solution to the USs immigration problems. America must maintain safety for its citizens, but it is hard to adopt a strict immigration policy when America is deeply dependent on immigrants, especially migrant labor. Until the US lessens its great dependency on immigrant labor, the US will continue to be vulnerable to terrorists attacks. BibliographyAtkin, Beth S. Voices From The Fields. Little, Brown & Company. 1993.Gonzales, Camille Guerin. Mexican Workers and American Dreams Immigration, repatriation, and calcium Farm Labor, 1900-1939.Wright, Dale. They Harvest Despair The Migrant Farm Worker. Boston Beacon Press, 1965.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Methods to Cope with Life in Extreme Climates Essay
People use varying methods to cope with life in utmost(a) climates. An extreme climate is an area with an abnormal weather pattern which increases the difficulty to survive. An role model of where people have adapted to survive is in Australia. Australian settlers have fatigued countless decades refining complex methods of withstanding the astringent conditions of the outback.People in central Australia use a wide variety of methods and approaches to struggle against the sweltering heat. One example of this is the construction of houses cut from shear rock. This is a brilliant method of coping with the weather as it keeps your house the same temperature through the daytime and night. This is because in the day it is sheltered and cool and at night the rock radiates any heat it has absorbed through the course of the day, eradicating any need for central heating or air conditioning. This saves any costs or pollution from the man made systems. An example of this is shown in a hotel known as Prairie Hotel. They had an extension built onto the hotel opposition with no additional heating or electrical bills as it sustains itself in that sense.Another way that people in Australia have adapted to living in extreme climates is by wearing longer, but thinner clothing. This is not what most members of the general British public would expect as we tend to wear slight clothes so as to keep cool. However the risk of sunburn is so great it is not worth it. Many of the explorers who first tried to represent Australia died of sun stroke because of that fact. However, the native Aborigines do not nee to wear long clothes as their skin has learned to cope with the heat on its own.Another way that Australians lead a different lifestyle from us in order to cope with the extreme weather and scale of the deserts is to father their own electricity privately. This is so as to save the costs of laying millions of pounds of line of reasoning and paying the bills. Additionally as Australia is near free from cloud silver screen in the outback, what other technology would you use but solar power. It may be expensive, but not when focused in comparison to the costs to the cable company and the electrical firm. Moreover, it can also alleviate the environment by lessening the number of people draining our coal reserves to make power.In conclusion, I think that the original statement is true as shown by the evidence above. The most major of these being the fact that they generate much more of their own power. I believe that it would be fantastic if more MEDCs adopted this, however in ones such as Britain and the Republic of Ireland the overall climate is utmost to cloudy to be able to generate solar power. However many other of their ideas and ways of life are easily transferable to other cultures which could help make the world a more sustainable and better place to live.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Similarities Between Terrorism and Organized Crime:
Similarities between act of act of terrorism and organized crime Todays terrorism and organized crime groups be so similar that their differences are starting to blur and the commonalities are becoming clearer. Terrorism and organized crime is a immaculate match, that may have different objective lenss, but they feces compass their goals through one(a) a nonher. The underground net lock, tactics they share and utilize to accomplish a tax in support of one another, recruiting methods, financial institutions, and the effects of globalization and technology are the main similarities.In todays world one does not detain without the other. Dictionary. com defines terrorism as, The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization and a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government. Terrorism has been around since the 1st Century AD. Many civilizations hav e used terrorists tactics on a vitiated state or a state they which to overthrow. One of the first uses of modern terrorism was Maxmilien Robespierre.After the French Revolution, Robespierre was a dictator that used terrorism to remain in concur. He stated that, Subdue by terror the enemies of liberty, and you will be right, as founders of the Republic. In the late 1960s, International Terrorism took the world over with hijacking. Of fresh most terrorism is based on an ideology and religion. The ideology of the different terrorists groups may differ from religion, politics, animals, the planet, to many different reasons. However they use fear to accomplish a goal.Many different law enforcement boldnesss have different definitions of terrorism, but they all describe using terror/fear, usually against non-combatants, in order to further their cause. They are organized to ensure if one is caught or killed, the ideal can continue on and not be compromised. They protect the organiza tion with cells and are given precisely pertinent and applicable information to each cell. Legaldictionary. com defines organized crime as, A widespread group of professional criminals who rely on illegal activities as a way of live and whose activities are coordinated and controlled through some form of entralized syndicate. The traditional organized crime groups were developed in Sicily by individuals who wanted to control a community. These individuals were looking to become rich through corruption and fear. Organized crime moved to the United States during immigration and the repression of organized crime in Confederate Europe during the early 1900s. Organized criminals sought in opportunity in the United States. Many immigrants came to America seeking the American Dream, but those dreams glowering to nightmares. The easiest and fastest way to get the American Dream was through the Mafia.The mafia sought two things and two things only, cash and power. The mafia quickly grew in size because like prison you either stuck with your kind or found yourself face down in the street. The mafia gave protection and supported your family. With a washy state in the new United States economy, politicians and law enforcement were easily bought out. They organized themselves so that the Boss spoke and everyone listened however unless you were a CPT or high rank individual, you rarely ever heard it directly from the head honcho.They protect the boss, by limited exposure and just in case the police wasnt on their payroll they could never tie it to him. The families used mainly two different methods to control a community. They either used fear or kindness. Many communities protected organized crime families. They were the protection to the community and supported the community with jobs and money. The old adage goes, Dont bite the hand that feeds you. However if you challenged them, you were usually met with a swift and gruesome punishment.Examples were made not to challenge the family. Many multiplication in the news it is hard to remember which organization is a terrorists organization and which is an organized crime. Their tactics are so similar and their ideology is becoming so indifferent. Terrorist will sometimes conduct attacks such as kidnapping, bank robberies, export of contraband, and other illegal activities only for capital gain to further their cause. This is no different than organized crime to gain more money for power. Many times these activities find these two organizations in cohorts.Underground networks have become the preferred method of any illegal organization. Organized criminals have street credentials that a approach pattern criminal cannot gain due to its size, trust, and reli business leader. Organized criminals have spent centuries developing underground networks in order to traffic contraband throughout the world. The FBI estimates that the underground economy produces $500 billion per year. An underground econ omy requires secret institutions, and terrorists have found various enterprises for hiding money, (Terrorism & Homeland Security, 7th edition Jonathan R. White 2012).Underground networks are not only used for smuggling money, drugs, or weapons, but people as well. The organized crime organizations are able to provide clean papers to terrorists in order for them to move from city to city undetected. These underground networks are used so widely now that if the terrorist organization were to crumble, the terrorists of the world would have to focus on their immediate area because they would have no way of moving people, weapons, or money. As part of the underground network both organizations are tied to one another through many capital gaining ventures.In Afghanistan the drugs are used to sell to organized crime for distribution. The terrorists will grow, protect, and even traffic the drugs for a substantial amount. The money gained from organized crime is then funneled into their caus e. Reports have also shown that Al-Qaeda is working with drug lords in Mexico, which help them, sneak into the United States. Who better then Mexican drug lords to help terrorists into the United States? One of the most profitable ventures in human smuggling is the human sex slave trade.Terrorists organizations will restrain women from foe tribes and other places and then they are sold to organized crimes using the underground network to sell them and smuggle them. Terrorists and organized crime are so similar in their tactics that at times it seems as if there is a school that both organizations send their recruits to. The first tactic is kindness to their community. The apprehension is to protect the community and hopefully in return you are shown loyalty. Provide money, jobs, and a safe haven to the locals and when law enforcement omes around no one is unforced to talk to them. When this tactic doesnt work they turn to fear. If anyone in the community speaks out against the or ganization or talks to law enforcement they are made an precedent of and most of the time the person is killed in the most gruesome manner to show the others that they should never talk to law enforcement. Both organizations use bombs, burning bodies, decapitation, cleanup spot of the whole family and friends, and torture. To be in an organization, the two main ways are to be either natural into it or recruited.Many times the family members or terrorists are born and raised into an organization. From toddler they are taught to hate a certain kind of person, hate a religion or government, and to want all the power and money in the world. Both organizations look to recruit people, because without recruiting the organizations could not survive. They look for easily controlled and people with little to no existence. The potential recruits are usually people that can easily conform to their way of life and standard, no family ties, and need something to believe in.The organizations of fer them something they have never had before such as love, commitment, loyalty, something to believe in, and a purpose. In order to complete their tasks, it takes a lot of money. Both organizations launder their money through one another and legitimate and legal businesses. Three weeks ago, leash used car dealerships were closed down and the owners were arrested for funneling money through the dealership for terrorists. The easiest thing to do with illegal money is to turn it right back around through a legal front. Through the underground network, both organizations have what is kind of like a line of credit.It is very similar to wire transpose or they are given credit wherever they are. For example, when drugs are sold to a criminal organization in Afghanistan, the money may not be received right away or it may be received in another country. This type of financial institution takes years to build and trust. The ability to communicate and globalize has increased the effectivene ss of the terrorists and the profit of the criminal organizations. Both organizations are using technology to easily communicate on different continents and work together.Technology has makeed terrorists by giving them another avenue for an attack. Cyber terrorism is one of the biggest threats today. Events like September 11th, have globalized terrorism and made terrorism the number one objective of most countries. The Age of Globalization has created the conditions allowing terrorists and organized crime groups to join forces. Such as the FARC in Columbia, (Dangerous Alliance Terrorism and Organized Crime, Ron Chepesiuk, 2007) Due to the emergent link up between terrorism and organized crime the War on Terrorism has developed into a world effort.Terrorism and organized crime are two entities that are heavily sought by law enforcement, so in order to stay one step ahead working together is a benefit for both. If the terrorist assist in moving drugs through their territory, they ca n continue building bombs with the money earned. If organized crime can learn new tactics from terrorism they can control their own lands and people more efficiently. In the world of technology and world policing the similarities and unity between the organizations keeps them both in business.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Lebanese Women’s Rights
LEBANESE WOMENS RIGHTS FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM, ATTENTION, &DIGNITY BY MAZEN AL KHANSA ENG201 INSTRUCTOR ISSAM HATOUM 7 January 2009 I picked this topic because it excited and stimulated me to believe that we be now accepting Lebanese Women to be capablely adversarial with men and to attain their rights for better living. The audiences sh bear are all Lebanese Women to be spoken for that have given up their social, economical, and political being to degradation, failure, and fugitivity. OUTLINEThesis Lebanese women nowadays enjoy equal civil, social, and economical rights and attend institutions of high education in large numbers, thanks to Arab societies/Islamic religion that provided for her. I. Rights for Lebanese Women A. Economic Rights and equal opportunity B. Political Rights and civil Voice C. Social and Cultural Rights II. Recommendations for preserving womens rights and continuity in Lebanese civilization III. Other Rights for Women Worldwide(Particularly USA) The family in Lebanon, as elsewhere in the region, assigns different roles to family members on the basis of gender.The superior status of men in society and within the narrow confines of the nuclear family transcends the barriers of sect or ethnicity. Lebanese family structure is patriarchal. The centrality of the set about figure stems from the role of the family as an economic unit, in which the father is the property owner and producer on whom the rest of the family depend. This notion prevails even in farming(prenominal) regions of Lebanon where women participate in peasant work. Although the inferior status of women is undoubtedly legitimized by various ghostlike texts, the oppression of women in Arab society preceded the advent of Islam.The roles of women have traditionally been restricted to those of mother and homemaker. However, since the 1970s Arab societies have allowed women to play a to a greater extent active role socially and in the work force, basically as a result of the man power shortage caused by heavy migration of men to Persian Gulf countries. In Lebanon the percentage of women in the labor force has increased, although the Islamic religious revival that swept Lebanon in the 1980s, reasserted traditional cultural values. As a consequence, veils and abas (cloaks) have become more common among Muslim women.Among Christians, the war enabled women to assume more independent roles because of the absence of male family members involved in the fighting. Notwithstanding the persistence of traditional attitudes regarding the role of women, Lebanese women enjoy equal civil rights and attend institutions of higher education in large numbers (for example, women constituted 41 percent of the student body at the American University of Beirut in 1983). Although women have their own organizations, most exist as subordinate branches of the political parties.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Application of the PRECEDE PROCEED Model to Fit Kids Fit Families FKFF Youth Physical Activity Campaign Essay
Obesity among American youths has become a national epidemic. Both developed and developing nations portray a crisis of rising trends of obesity and grievous among adolescent youths (Centers for complaint Control and Prevention, 2004). Approximately 10 % of school children are adiposis with US alone reportage 25 % of overweight children while 11 % of them are obese (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004). Preliminary data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES), concentrated evidence of overeight and obesity is linked to increased mortality and morbidity in United States. Likewise, Houston Department of Health and Human Sciences reports that the prevalence of overweight and obesity among youths of ages 14-18 is 34.4 % compared to the Hispanic youths of 37 % and African American at 23.5 % of similar age convention (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004). As such, the Fit Kids Fit Families has launched a national loving marketing to provide a wareness of physical activity as a preventive measure of obesity and overweight. Fit Kids Fit Families group was founded in 2003, purposefully for promoting optimal weight and improving life quality among the African American people. The FKFF has selected activity as the organize behaviour with the middle school youths as the seat auditory sense. The group mimics the PRECEDE-PROCEED perplex in several ways to provide physical activity intervention. As such, this paper describes the efforts of the group within the context of PRECEDE-PROCEED model as described by Green and Kreuter (2005). build 1 Quality of Life diagnosisYouths suffer numerous consequences of obesity due to increased overweight and obesity. Polhamus, Dalenius, Thompson, Scanlon, Borland, metalworker & Grummer- Strawn, (2003) writes that the excess dust calories are converted into fats and finally stored in adipose tissue thus accumulates in the body of the youth. The individual is likely to develop a poor big bo dy due to additional weight that adds more flesh. The children suffering from obesity are at risk of contacting multiple adverse wellness complications, some of which are fatal. Previous studies observe that eminent blood pressure while childhood is a weak predictor of premature death however, high cholesterol had no relationship with early bereavement. Besides, health experts admit that factors causing obesity and high cholesterol were easier to control through exercise and medication. Researchers down model children as the rapidly growing demographic in the global overweight population. For instance, approximately 31.9 percent of African American youths in have body indices that categorise them as overweight. Also, Polhamus et al. (2003) reports that 12 percent of obese people are likely to suffer from anxiety, impaired kindly interaction 17 %, and depression 34 %.Phase 2 Epidemiological DiagnosisThe challenge of overweight and obesity epidemic is not limited to concerns abo ut weight and bulk. match to Polhamus et al. (2003), 7 % of cases of obesity have resulted into disabilities through physiologic and psychological points of view. The increased waist to hip girth ratio is linked to increased risk of hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension. Likewise, obesity and overweight has been tie in to elevated risk of cancer, sleep apnea, musculoskeletal disorders, gallbladder disease, diverticulitis, and intracranial hypertension. Research shows that the prevalence of obesity among American youths has increased from 5 % to 12.4 % in this time extent and the age group of 14 18 years it has increased from 6.4 % to 17 % (CDC, 2009). From the viewpoint of health, 20 % of youths have been reported to exhibit clinical obesity and overweight characteristics.Phase 3 Behavioural and Environmental DiagnosisIn December 2014, NHANES provided FKFF with summary of current data to assist them narrow to the target behaviour and audience for soci al marketing intervention. Therefore, FKFF decided to prevent obesity among youths that were segmented into pre-school, middle school, elementary school, and high school. Since obesity has numerous environmental and behavioural determinants and because appropriate interventions may differ between the groups, it was significant to narrow the focus. Data presented by NHANES provides that 15.3 % of pre-school, 13.9 % of elementary school, 22.8% of middle school and 13.6% of high school youths are either slightly overweight or overweight. Also, 12.5 % of pre-school, 15.9 % of elementary school, 3.2 % of middle school and 10.5 % of high school youths are extremely overweight or overweight Polhamus et al. (2003) reports. Because the FKFF was aware that they would be using social marketing for obesity prevention, the information concerning developmental and cognitive characteristics of every age group assisted in narrowing to the high school as the target group.Further, FKFF chose physica l activity as the target behaviour. The potential behavioural objectives were based on the objects set by health People 2010 related to physical activity. According to Health people 2010, national behavioural objectives of physical activity were to increase the youth proportion that participates in moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes, 3-5 times a workweek. Secondly, it aimed to increase the proportion of youths engaging in vigorous physical activity that promotes cardiorespiratory fitness 4-5 times a week for 20 minutes per occasion. Lastly, sinewy People 2010 supports the increase in proportion of adolescent that participate in daily school physical education.The FKFF underwent formal environmental diagnosis in where the community researchers collected data to determine places youth say they participate in physical activity.Phase 4 Educational DiagnosisGreen et al. (2005) described that enabling factors, predisposing factors, and reinforcing factors are the three m ajor broad categories of factors influencing health behavior. The predisposing factors include motivation, desire for competition, parents and peers. Likewise, the barriers to physical activity included poor body image and desire not to mess up makeup hair. The influencing enabling factors included the availability of facilities and the opportunity to showcase talent while barriers of enabling factors were readying and V and computer games. Lastly, influencers of the reinforcing factors were active people on TV and peers while the barriers included self-concept and poor body image.Phase 5 & 6 Policy and disposition Diagnosis and ImplementationThe goal of intervention alignment is to try and fit the components of intervention program with various micro and macro-ecological levels of community. The key terms in this PRECEDE-PROCEED model are mapping. Matching, pooling, and patching where the ecological levels are matched to intervention components, where evidence is lacking, interve ntions that show promise are patched to fill the gaps, practice-based intervention programs are mapped to health occupation determinants and evidence-based intervention are pooled and reviewed (Polhamus, Dalenius, Thompson, Scanlon, Borland, Smith & Grummer- Strawn, 2003). Therefore, the FKFF pooled and reviewed numerously existing physical intervention programs.The administrative assessment includes resource assessment needed to implement the program, incorporating timeline developmental and budget. FKFF personnel reviewed the travel of community based prevention marketing and communicated time involved in the development of evidence-based intervention. Likewise, the committee prepared a one-year budget with consultation from the sanguine people department. The appraisal of the organization implementing the program highlighted the commitment of FKFF consistency in obesity intervention program.The scorecard pilot program of FKFF is in the beginning stages of implementation. The me mbers of the group continue to actively recruit members who leave alone in turn provide incentives for youth to participate in physical activity through the reduced woo programs. has been developed to provide information to the youth. Also, the topical anesthetic radio network has ben contacted for media coverage of the program. Finally, YMCA locations are set for free in the country to promote cool, fun opportunities for youths to be active. Recently, FKFF staffed fresh graduates from universities to provide a cool appearance and direct the youth fun and creative activities as well as providing ideas on creating fun without sports equipment. The programs for local events are underway with the recreation and parks department commencing the summer scorecard with youth beach run.Phases 7, 8, & 9Process, Impact, and Outcome EvaluationThe quantitative component of the military rating seeks to provide answers for number of youths recruited, website hits, and youths regist ered, local events, and youths that participated in the grand finale. The group designed impact evaluation to determine if the behavioural objectives set are being met and will consist of the qualitative component. Impact evaluation addresses the level of a moderate increase in moderate and vigorous physical activity among the youths. Likewise, it will determine the level of physical education among the youths. This provides the achievements of health objective through quantitative measures. This provides answers for decrease or increase of risk for overweight among the youths. The baseline data obtained from the Healthy People 2010 will be used to conduct a follow-up on particular youths for the program.ConclusionThe PRECEDE-PROCEED model adopted by Fit Kids Families First in designing the obesity prevention intervention is beneficial for summarizing the work done and insert what might have been done within the PRECEDE-PROCEED model framework. In particular, the overt priority and objective setting was an essential proponent of the model. The model further assisted in determining the facets of the program evaluation.ReferencesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2004). Obesity try overview. Retrieved April 16, 2006, from http//, L.W., & Kreuter, M.W. (2005). Health program planning An educational and ecological approach (4Th ed.). New York McGraw-Hill.Polhamus, B., Dalenius, K., Thompson, D., Scanlon, K., Borland, E., Smith, B., & Grummer- Strawn, L. (2003). Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance 2001 Report. Atlanta U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved March 2004 from http// document
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Role Of Multiple Sclerosis Nurse Health And Social Care Essay
Within this assignment the followers will be covered, a description of duplex induration along with the assorted diagnosed types. The statistics of septuple induration will be given, every bit good as who are most at hazard. The many functions the multiple induration support medical specialist provides including, back uping those freshly diagnosed to accept they have multiple induration, managing symptoms, advice on life style and working life, instruction and instruction. The nurse specialiser s function in disease modifying therapy will be discussed, with treatment given to concordance with prescribed medicines. Evidence will be given to back up why the multiple induration nurse medical specialist is required and the importance of the function in footings of diagnosing, probes and intervention.The principle behind this chosen subject is to place if the multiple induration nurse specializer improves attention for patients with multiple induration ( Forbes et al 2006 ) . Besid es does the multiple induration nurse specializer adjutant in advancing consistency with medicine and intervention programs ( Shaw & A McMillan 2008 ) .Multiple Sclerosis ( MS ) is a chronic status that affects the cardinal nervous system ( central nervous system ) . The medulla covering the nervousnesss of the CNS is damaged doing the tissues to be attacked by the immune system, in belief that a foreign organic structure has invaded the country involved ( MS Society 2010 ) . The return of the harm of the tissues is recognised through slower reactions from the signals of the encephalon to the organic structure, which prohibitedhouse ensue in jobs with motion, address, weariness, vision, co-ordination to call except a few ( Burgess 2010 ) . there are three more common types of diagnosed MS which are, Get worsing Remitting, Secondary Progressive and Primary Progressive. On first diagnosing of MS it may be hard to lucubrate what type of MS the soul is diagnosed with due to chan ging clip in turnabouts from individual to individual ( Ms Trust 2010 ) .Get worsing remitting MS is more common in footings of diagnosing with over two tierces of those diagnosed with MS being categorised under this type ( Leary et al 2005 ) . With get worsing remitting MS an person may see backslidings in the part of one or two per twelvemonth. Full recovery periods in between onslaughts may be noticeable, although single s symptoms may deteriorate due to the badness of the backsliding.Secondary imperfect is associated with less frequent backsliding but disablement with MS additions. Over half of those diagnosed with backsliding remitting ab initio, will be diagnosed with secondary imperfect within 10 old ages of initial diagnosing ( Leary et al 2005 )Primary imperfect can be unfortunate with those diagnosed, unlike backsliding remitting and secondary imperfect there is no remittal periods, around 10 per centum of those diagnosed with this type of MS experience symptoms from the oncoming ( MS Society 2010 )In 2008 MS statistics showed that over 85,000 of the population in the United Kingdom where diagnosed with MS, ( MS Trust 2008 ) . On the 10 April of this twelvemonth the MS imprecate ( 2010 ) republished figures demoing that figures have increased to 100,000, about 20 % addition within 2 old ages. Diagnosis age is normally between 20 and 40 and bad females are more likely campaigners to be diagnosed, there is no account for this, nevertheless the statistics are greater in Scotland, this is said to be due to the surroundings but research into this is ongoing ( MS Trust 2008 ) .In 2005 a survey was carried out by Forbes et Al ( 2006 ) . This survey evaluated the programme of the nurse specializer function, and aimed to place if the MS specializer function improved attention provided. The paper concludes that the specializer nurse continuance to care was evidentiary. There was argument over rises with jobs with disease, and the betterment in quality of life with MS due to the specializer nurse. This may hold been true in footings of jobs with disease prior to 1993 when there was no unattached interventions, symptoms may hold been managed with steroids ( Shaw & A McMillan 2008 ) . Although Forbes et Al ( 2006 ) supports the function of the MS nurse specializer and the benefits to those who have MS to hold a nurse who is dedicated in this field, Forbes et Al ( 2006 ) believed that the Nurse specializer function in Ms may profit to be more research based. This is disagreed with Embrey and Lowndes ( 2007 ) who shows grounds of the many roles the nurse specializer dramas, including the nurse led clinics provided by the nurse specializers who aid with symptom control provides reading and support for those who are freshly diagnosed or get downing interventions such(prenominal) as disease modifying therapy.Care needs for MS patient s can be differential from patient to patient, this depends non merely how long diagnosing has been, but how persons deal with the diagnosing. The persons savvy of the status and how their lives may be affected professionally and personally at different phases of there lives ( Malcomson et al 2008 ) . The nurse specializer can be a anchor for these patients understanding single attention demands, supplying information on how to cover with state of affairss that occur and supplying other signifiers of information and support services if and when required ( Burgess 2010 ) .Over the old ages intervention for MS has developed leting persons to pull off the status more successfully. The nurse specializer plays a large portion in reding, and back uping the person s pick on chosen intervention if required ( Burgess 2010 ) . For get worsing remitting MS and those who have had two or more onslaughts over the twelvemonth Disease Modifying Therapy ( DMT ) may be a pick of intervention ( Shaw & A McMillan 2008 ) . However harmony with DMT can be an issue and the manner the nurse specializer uses her cognition and expertness may play a portion in the patients go oning the aforethought(ip) intervention programme ( Shaw & A McMillan 2008 ) .A survey by Shaw & A McMillan ( 2008 ) evaluated harmony with MS prescribed medicines grounds showed that 20 five per centum neer followed the mean government when on DMT intervention. This may hold been for assorted grounds including timing of injection, side effects or injection techniques. The biggest ground may be that an apprehension that DMT does non work from oncoming. The intervention takes clip to work patients must be made cognizant of the procedures involved in DMT. This can be clip devouring for the Ms nurse specializer but in their dedicated function nurse will to the full measure whether the single patient is able to understand that benefits out manner the backslidings and the progressive disablement that MS may hold ( Gutteridge 2006 ) .
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Gas Agency
Softw atomic number 18 requirement condition for BuzzyBUY. com (Online Shopping and auctioning Web Site) Prepared by Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2 1. Purpose 2 2. history Conventions2 3. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions2 4. Product Scope2 5. References 2 2. Overall Description 3 1. Product Perspective3 2. Product Functions3 3. User Classes and Char proceederistics 3 1. Administrators 3 2. Buyers4 3. Sellers 4 4. day-by-day visitors4 4. Design and Implementation Constraints5 . User authentication6 6. Assumptions and Dependencies6 3. External Interface Requirements6 1. User Interfaces6 2. Hardware Interfaces6 3. software product Interfaces6 4. Communication Interfaces7 4. System Features7 1. listing7 2. Account Creation8 3. Selling8 4. purchasing8 5. Rating8 6. Others8 5. Other Non Functional Requirements9 1. Performance Requirements9 2. galosh Requirements9 3. Software Quality Attributes 9 4. Business Rules9 6. Appendix A Glossary9 7. Appendix B Analysis Models10 1. Introduction 1. Purpose The purpose of this SRS is to specify the requirements of the web establish software application buzzybuy. om, which is an online shopping and bidding governing body. The module to be developed is the first version of buzzybuy version 1. 0. This Software Requirements Specification provides a complete verbal description of all the functions and specifications of buzzybuy version 1. 0 2. Document conventions IEEE standards apply. Proper sub numbering system for sub topics based on the importance and priority of the matter. 3. Intended sense of hearing and reading suggestionsThe expected audience of this document is the faculty in charge of software engineering lab for 6th semester Com vester Science, NITK suratkal .It entrust be apply as a reference for grading in the lab for even semester of 2006. at that place is no suggested reading to be done before going by means of the document. 4. Product scope Buzzybuy. com is designed to run on both any mode rn platform with GUI. It is assumed that the back end that lead be used for implementation is MySQL and the front end that will be used is PHP. 5. References 1. The applicable IEEE standards are published in IEEE standards collection, 2001 edition. 2. Software Engineering, A Practitioners approach, 6th edition. By Roger S Pressman. McGraw hill international. 2. Overall description 1.Product perspectiveThis is proposed to be an enhanced model of the present day existing shopping and auctioning portals. numerous flaws in the present online shopping portals havent been able to exploit the full electric potential of e-commerce market. The Software Requirements Specifications intends to identify the flaws in the current existing system and propose an alternative or a solution to them. 2. Product Functions It consists of two modules 1. Customer module 2. Administrator module A customer should have a user reputation for carrying out transactions. Transactions include buying, selling and auctioning. Administrator provides the customer with an account following proper registration procedures to prevent malpractices in the transactions. approximately(prenominal) visitor is allowed to browse through the product list, their prices and bidding procedures. Buying, selling and bidding procedures are kept transparent so that any user is able to go through the procedures. 3. User classes and characteristicsThere are 3 kinds of users for the proposed system 1. Administrators They create user accounts and give it to the required customers. ? To educate consumers about Buzzybuys range of products and indigenous services. They essential provide rules for the transactions. ? They must maintain the website and update the same making necessary changes at times. ? They must take care of the guarantor issues involved in the transactions. ? They must inform the users about their transaction status and keep them updated about the progress through emails. ? They must receiv e feedbacks from their customers or any users about their system and act upon the relevant ones. ? Look up at all the legal issues involved with the business. ? Keep place for advertisements in the website as a revenue generating option.The place has to be maintained and proper leans done. ? Any failures in the system have to be detected and repaired. 2. Buyers They are the genuine customers of the website. They can see the listing, bid for various things, and besides buy them to various payment options. 3. Sellers These are the people involved in selling their products through buzzybuy. They consider this as a virtual market place. They motivation to be provided with proper advertisement place, and ratings of customers. The sellers too are rated based on the feedback they get from previous transactions completed from customers.These feedback data are treated with p each(prenominal)y respect and are transparent to everyone. The sellers too value this very highly. 4. Casual visit ors These people dont come to the site on specific intensions of buying or selling. They just visit to see the listing and too see the products. They need not have an user account. They can be future potential customers. They sellers can lure them with advertisements on the site based on their budget. The following usecase diagram states the above data in a graphical form pic shape 1 Usecase Diagram for BuzzyBuy 4. Design and Implementation Constraints The main constraint here would be the checking the genuineness of the buyer, which is not always possible. There can be security risks involved. The design constraints are that the browser at each place may not follow similar screen resolutions, browsers etc. This can lead to the website not having the impact it is planned to have. alike the rules of the land will prohibit certain items to be sold on the site. Hence all those factors need to be filtered in. Also storage space constraints may come if the listing becomes too large. Hence a strong server needs to be chosen to host the database. 5.User Documentation 1. Online user help with all the necessary help needed to use the site in a bulletin format. 2. Problem addressable forms 3. Software and database specification 4. Details of rules and regulation to sellers as well as buyers. 6. Assumptions and Dependencies None as per now 3. External Interface Requirements 1. User Interfaces apiece part of the user user interface intends to be as user friendly as possible. The fonts and buttons used will be intended to be very fast and easy to load on web rascals. The pages will be kept light in space so that it wont take a long time for the page to load.The staring page will ask the user what kind of a user is he, either seller, buyer or a casual visitor. Based on which the future pages will be loaded in a sequential manner. Each listing page will have a area to put the bid, the product inside information with photo etc. Each page also will have a wait engine to search the products available so that it is readily available and the user need not search for it. Each button will have an online help link to help the user in understanding the process. 2. Hardware Interfaces A web server will be used to host the WebPages and the database management system.Most pages will be dynamic pages built with php. Each page will be optimized to the type of web browser and resolution being used. A minimum of PIII system running at 733 MHz will be needed to run the modules. Normal modes of network modes used in Internet technology will be used. 3. Software Interfaces The incoming message for the most part includes requests for a specific task, which on the course of the development will be decided in level and dealt with in design specification document. The incoming messages from the messages will be converted to a specific format in the database language, the processing make and the request served.The operations will be intended to be made as fast as p ossible. 4. Communications Interfaces The web server maintenance and separate activities to be done using FTP transfer protocol. The security and separate issues will be dealt with in the course of the project, as there is little idea as to how these things work to our team as per now. There will other communication interfaces with the users of the site with site-specific email, forms and complaint addressable mechanisms. These things as far as possible will be automated. 4. System Features 1.Listing This includes the listing feature of the website where any search or other request of a user to a crabbed subject is served. The pertinent web pages are loaded and the fact database is initialized. There are listings based on the priority as by user preferences. This is actually the listing of web pages to the users by time of selling, deadline, price, prize etc. Listing includes listing of o Products to be sold directly o Products open for bidding till a particular date o Sellers in a particular area or with specific ratings o Used products on for sale. Just casual listings of random things o Payment options to buy or sell. Action Software reaction User logs in the system The system authenticates User defines the information to view System provides the necessary details as requested by the particular employee User views the information Table No 1. The table states a typical control passing in the system during logging in Listings will be made very fast and user friendly. Proper security is also a very pertinent point here. 2. Account creation This includes creating user accounts to each of sellers and buyers separately. This includes taking pertinent information from them and then initializing the database. The database needs to be properly updated on each transaction by the user and all the details of his/her account should figure in the account listing.The security of the account also should be dealt with. 3. SellingHere the seller can list his/her things on his /her quoted price. Or else he can keep it for a bidding process where he is not sure of the price. The details of which will be kept in the user database. The details of his goods on selling list will be updated to him on a regular basis to his email id. The process of selling can include some bargaining too, but the details are yet to be thought of.The payment and feed back details are kept transparent. 4. BuyingThere are 4 ways of buying or intending to buy o Direct buying o Bidding o Group buying o Tracking The details of which will be dealt with in the design specification. Each of these details are kept in the user account where he is kept updated about all his moves. 5. Ratings Each products, buyers and sellers are constantly rated based on the feedback and the market behavior so that users feel secure about the system.These ratings are given over based on a best pointer of five, the details of which are yet to be worked out. These ratings are intended to bring some trust and credibility to the concept of an online market. 6. Others Include money transactions, legal issues, regional tastes, costs involved, business models used etc pertinent issues but wont be seen in detail in the document as the things are beyond the reach of the design team. 5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements 1. Performance Requirements As stated before. 2.Safety Requirements Suitable safety has to be taken while allowing a product to be sold on buzzybuy. They have to follow the legalities of the land, and must be ethical. There could be possible injure of the system by bogus user, bidding and buying without paying up. It is not always possible to check the postal addresses. Also during money transactions the punic networks may cause further problems. So such practices need to be avoided. 3. Software Quality Attribute The system is easy to load and light .It adds to the quality and usability of the system. Some others quality considerations such as adaptability, avai lability, correctness, flexibility, interoperability, maintainability, portability, reliability, reusability, robustness, testability, and usability will also be very seriously taken to consideration. 4. Business Rules Nothing is above customer satisfaction. So the rules need to be kept flexible to meet user needs and preferences at different times. Other models can be applied but is beyond the scope of the team. . Appendix A Glossary 1. SRS Software requirement specification 2. GUI Graphical user interface. 3. PHP Personal home pages 4. IEEE Institute of electrical and electronic engineers. 5. FTP File transfer protocol 6. SQL Structural query language. 7. Appendix B Analysis Models pic Central Processing server Listing Selling Buying Administration Administrator Casual visitor Seller Buyer Buyer Seller Casual visitor Administrator Administration Buying Selling Listing Central Processing server
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
In this essay I will try to clarify utterers essential argument and defend it against near common protests. According to utterer, Speciesism is a position similar to racism and sexism. Just as race discriminates against other(a) race, and sexism against the opposite sex, speciesism discriminates against non-human species. Specisists hold that however humans learn intrinsic moralisticistic worth, and anything that is non-human has no rights and so for Singer, speciesism is not an acceptable position.He argues that because animals are capable of experiencing pain, and therefore name an interest in preserving themselves, they deserve to be see and given rights. Singer is a utilitarian which means for him the capacity to feel pleasure and pain is the most important itemor for moral consideration. If a creation has the capacity to feel pain and pleasure, then Singer thinks we have a responsibility towards them.He rejects moral rights as inherent to every species and proposes t hat sentience is a sine qua non for status since he maintains most animals do not care about whether we kill them and use them for our take purposes they care single about how we treat them when we do use and kill them. Just like humans, animals have interests of their own, a capacity for enjoying things and also for suffering.And if a being suffers, there can be no moral justification for refusing to take that suffering into consideration (Singer 197579) Given the principle of equate consideration of interests, it follows that equal moral concern should be given to the suffering of animals as that of humans. If only x and y would be affected by a possible action, and if x stands to lose more than y gains, it is better not to do the act (PE, p21).If this is the part, then suffering caused to animals as a result of their treatment when we regard treating humans in the same way most count as specisist behaviour the only difference in the midst of humans and animals is their spe cies, and that has the same moral significance as race i. e. , none. Singer argues for this by pointing to variation among human.Of the characteristics that we say only humans share we always find that there are humans who lack those characteristics Humans come in different shapes and sizes they come with differing moral capabilities, differing intelligent abilities, differing amounts of benevolent feeling and sensitivity to the needs of others, differing capacities to experience pleasure and pain.In short, if the demand for equality were based on actual equality of all(a) human being, we would have to stop demanding equality. The only one characteristic all human beings share that animals do not is membership in the human species. It is important to note that Singer does not mention animals when he speaks of the principle of equality or equal consideration of interests, just now reminds us the principle is interpreted as giving equal consideration to the interests of all people .Firstly reminds us of the challenges we have overcome throughout history with racism and sexism have expanded our moral horizons which eventually includes the whole human race, and secondly, that undermentioned this to its logical conclusion, morality itself demands this extension since the basic principle of equality is a principle of morality. Once we go beyond a self-interested stand point to a moral one, we are bound to adopt the principle of equality and the logic of universality inherent in it. Singer is a utilitarian thinker.A basic objection to this is that the whole structure of Singers view is utilitarian, that on the one hand, it demeans our existence by saying happiness is the only thing of prise in it, and on the other hand, it aims to maximise the total happiness, which allows the sacrifice of the happiness of a minority for the sake of the majority. So there are really two objections here, one to Singers account of value (that reduces all value to happiness), and t he other, his account of morality (that makes the ends justify the means).Both of which are mistaken, the maximising theory of morality in Singers view does not depend on a maximizing account of morality at all, it depends on the principle of equality where he does not talk about value but only says that all sentient beings interests should be considered equally, and that the interests of a being in this case is in the reduction of its suffering, and that its total suffering is to be weighed against the benefits of all beings involved. He does not in truth claim that animal lives are equally valuable.Singer holds that animals suffer and like us they have interests, he views the specisist as holding a similar position as a racist or sexist. He considers them equal in the sense that they all think that they have a higher moral status hardly in virtue of their sex and race. Each of the instances he describes when drawing parallels between sexism, racism, and spieciesism, the dominant group exploits or excludes outsiders indiscriminately in favour of its own members. It develops an political orientation that justifies treating outsiders in ways that are to its benefit.Form this point of view, the analogy between sexism racism, and speciesism directs our thoughts to the human being as the dominating group that uses other beings for its own ends and not only beings that matter. The analogy is useful because it leads us to humans, not as the only beings who matter, but a dominating group that uses other beings for its own ends, furthermore, it raises questions about mere differences as the justification for differences in how much consideration to give others.Bernard Williams, however, defends speciesism in The Human Prejudice objects to Singers analogy, that speciesism is not like racism or sexism, and gives some reasons why this is so. The differences between normal humans and other non-human animals, lets say, of equal size or shape, are much greater than the di fferences between people of different races, or between men and women.But Singer has mentioned this, in his first edition of animal liberation he wrote There are many areas in which the superior affable powers of normal adult humans make a difference anticipation, more detailed memory, and greater knowledge of what is happening, and so on. So therefore the claim that speciesism is chastely objectionable still remains unchanged by such arguments, because Singer defines speciesism as discrepancy on the basis or species, not as discrimination on the basis of superior mental powers, even if those powers are processed by members of our species and not members of other species.According to Singer, Williams argument denies the analogy and resorts to which side are you on? Which is a question that echoes racial, religious or ideological conflicts which have arisen in times of war? This kind of question divides the world in to us and them, the fact of this division demands us to us to transcend ethical issues about what the right thing to do is.Singer mentions another argument that has been made in connection to this in defence of speciesism the claim that just as parents prefer their own children over others as a special indebtedness, so we have a special obligation to other members of our species in preference to members of other species. Again, the obvious case lying between the family and our own, points to race, ethnicity, etc. Singer gives a good example by referring to Lewis Petrinovich who says that our biology turns certain boundaries into moral imperatives- and lists children, kin, neighbours, and species. If the argument works at the smaller sphere of family and the larger sphere of species, then why not for the middle case race. If race is not a morally relevant boundary, why should species be? It is tautological that the principle of equality should apply to sentient beings. There is much repugn over what qualifies as sentient. What I mean sentient to be, can only be worked out in practise as with any other moral boundary. Man here has to be thought of as a moral agent as well as a moral object.I dont believe we should justify our having a bias or prejudice in favour of human beings over other animals, I would consider it specisist to consider the interests of my own over other species, only in the strictest sense, but if this is the case, I would also favour my own race, religion, class, etc Our values are necessarily human values but we are not necessarily the only beings worthy of consideration. Nature sustains both animals and humans and for me, complimenting nature, at the very least, preserving it, is more worthy of consideration.Bibliography Practical Ethincs, Peter Singer The Human Prejudice, Bernard Williams
Monday, May 20, 2019
Mind over Matter
school principal over matter The concept of the connection between the brain and corpse has been discussed around the world for quite an a while. Many people have used holistic euphony and find it better than tralatitious music. I do believe that these techniques be legitimate, effective methods of therapy due to its overbearing results without apply pills and the variety of options in its give-and-takes. It is proofed that is possible to reduce or even eliminatepain, unhealthiness and disease by using thenatural powers it process. According to Psysoma Clinic, people atomic number 18 seeking holistic medicine because they are concerned nearly their physical bodies.There are many options in holistic medicine that elicits changes in your body and its efficiency proven by its results gain all over the years. For example Focus your soul in meditations and positive thoughts and feelings array time aside to do something that you like to do even when you are busy doing activi ties for the purpose of joyfulness Set one achievable goal for each day and compliment yourself on your success and so on. By using these techniques you will have greater effective results in curing diseases and pain.While medical professionals are focus on identifying and treating symptoms through physical means such as drugs and surgery, the Holistic therapy will take aim the underlying emotional and psychological connection between mind-body connections. To most doctors, the immune system was regarded as an supreme entity, operating independently of the mind and behavior, which is the opposite of holistic medicine. In conclusion, holistic medicine is the best treatment option than conventional medicine its efficiency is proven by the results and it is demo all over the years. heading over MatterMind over matter The concept of the connection between the brain and body has been discussed around the world for quite a while. Many people have used holistic medicine and find it b etter than traditional medicine. I do believe that these techniques are legitimate, effective methods of therapy due to its positive results without using pills and the variety of options in its treatments. It is proofed that is possible to reduce or even eliminatepain, illness and disease by using thenatural powers it process. According to Psysoma Clinic, people are seeking holistic medicine because they are concerned about their physical bodies.There are many options in holistic medicine that elicits changes in your body and its efficiency proven by its results gain all over the years. For example Focus your mind in meditations and positive thoughts and feelings Set time aside to do something that you like to do even when you are busy doing activities for the purpose of pleasure Set one achievable goal for each day and congratulate yourself on your success and so on. By using these techniques you will have greater effective results in curing diseases and pain.While medical profess ionals are focus on identifying and treating symptoms through physical means such as drugs and surgery, the Holistic therapy will address the underlying emotional and psychological connection between mind-body connections. To most doctors, the immune system was regarded as an autonomous entity, operating independently of the mind and behavior, which is the opposite of holistic medicine. In conclusion, holistic medicine is the best treatment option than conventional medicine its efficiency is proven by the results and it is demonstrated all over the years.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Bloodlines Chapter Eighteen
WHAT DO YOU esteem MISSING? I asked.She was suppose to meet us a couple hours ago, Eddie state, exchanging glances with Micah. I ideal maybe she was with you.I invitent seen her since PE. I was nerve-wracking knock unwrap non to kick into panic mode yet. There were too galore(postnominal) variables at play and non enough proof to start ph mavining crazy Moroi dissidents had kidnapped her. This is a au whencecetic alto charmhery boastful place I mean, three campuses. Are you authoritative she isnt righteous holed up studying nigh(prenominal)place?Weve through a pretty exhaustive search, verbalize the guarantor off crosspatchr. And teachers and workers be on alert tone for her. No sightings yet.And she isnt answering her cell phone, added Eddie.I fin solelyy let true panic overtake me, and my font must have sh give birth it. The officers expression softened. Dont worry. Im sure shell turn up. It was the motley of conciliatory thing pot in his profession had to say to family members. except do you have whatever another(prenominal) judgments of where she might be?What nigh your other brothers? asked Micah.Id been afraid it would come to that. I was almost one hund rose-cheeked percent sure she wasnt with Keith, plainly he should still probably be notified close her disappearance. It wasnt something I looked forward to because I knew thered be a lecture in it for me. It would also be a sign of my failure in the look of other Alchemists. I should have stayed by Jills side. That was my job, right? Instead, Id foolishly been helping someone run errands. non plainly anyone a vampire. Thats how the Alchemists would see it. Vamp lover.I was solely with Adrian, I state slowly. I suppose she couldve somehow gotten to Clarences and checked for him. I didnt actually go inside.I tried Adrian too, said Eddie. No answer.Sorry, I said. We were doing his interviews, so he must have saturnine his phone off. Do you want to try him again? I sure enough didnt want to. Eddie stepped aside to call Adrian while I chew uped with Mrs. Weathers and the officer. Micah paced abtaboo, looking worried, and I snarl guilty for ever wanting to keep him from Jill. The race thing was a problem, notwithstanding he in reality did care rough her. I told the officer all the places Jill uniformd to frequent on campus. They confirmed that theyd already checked them all.You got ahold of him? I asked when Eddie returned.He nodded. Shes not there. I tactual sensation kind of naughtiness, though. Hes pretty worried now. Maybe we shouldve waited to tell him.No actually, it might be a good thing. I met Eddies look and saw a spark of understanding. Adrians emotions seemed to nuzzle on Jill when they were running strong. If he was panicked enough, shed hopefully realize people were concerned and show adventure up. That was assuming she was rightful(prenominal) hiding out or had gone somewhere we couldnt puzzle. I tried not to cons ider the alternative that something had happened where she couldnt contact us.Some dates students just canary yellow off, said the officer. Its inevitable. Usually they try to sneak corroborate in originally curfew. Hopefully thats just the case now. If she doesnt show up then well, then well call the police.He walked off to radio the rest of security for a status check, and we thanked him for his help. Mrs. Weathers returned to the front desk, tho it was clear she was worried and agitated. She came across as gruff somemagazines, but I had the feeling she actually cared nigh her students. Micah left us to find a few supporters of his who worked on campus, in case theyd seen anything.That left Eddie and me. Without conferring, we turned toward some chairs in the lobby. Like me, I think he wanted to stake out the ad complaint in order to see Jill the instant she showed up.I shouldnt have left her, he said.You had to, I said reasonably. You cant be with her in classes or her ag ency.This place was a bad idea. Its too big. Too hard to secure. He sighed. I cant accept this.No it was a good idea. Jill needs some semblance of a familiar life. You couldve locked her in a room somewhere and cut her off from all interaction, but what good would that do? She needs to go to school and be with people.She hasnt through with(p) much of that, though.No, I admitted. Shes had a rough time with it. I kept hoping itd shoot snap off.I just wanted her to be happy.Me too. I straightened up as something alarming hit me. You dont think you dont think she wouldve run away and gone back to her mom, do you? Or Court or somewhere?His shell grew even more than bleak. I hope not. Do you think things have been that bad?I thought almost our fight after the shower attendant. I dont bed. Maybe.Eddie buried his submit in his hands. I cant cogitate this, he repeated. I failed.When it came to Jill, Eddie was usually all fierceness and anger. Id never seen him so close to depress ion. Id been living with the worship of my own failure since coming to Palm Springs but plainly now realized that Eddie had just as much on the line. I recalled Adrians words about Eddie and his friend Mason, how Eddie felt responsible. If Jill didnt come back, would this be history repeating itself? Would she be someone else hed lost? Id thought this mission might be redemption for him. Instead, it could turn into Mason all over again.You didnt fail, I said. Youve been in shake of protecting her, and youve done that. You cant control her happiness. If anything, Im to blame. I gave her a lecture for the shower incident.Yeah, but I destruct her hopes when I told her the modeling idea downwind had wouldnt work. but you were right about lee(prenominal) I gasped. Thats it. Thats where she is. Shes with leeward, Im sure of it. Do you have his number?Eddie groaned. Im such an idiot, he said, taking out his cell phone and scan for the number. I shouldve thought of that.I touched t he cross nigh my neck, saying a silent prayer that this would all be solved easily. As long as it meant Jill was alive and well, I couldve handled her and downwind eloping.Hey, Lee? Its Eddie. Is Jill with you?There was a pause as Lee responded. Eddies body language answered the caput before I heard another word. His posture relaxed, and relief flooded his features.Okay, said Eddie a few moments later. Well, get her back here. at a time. Everyones looking for her. Another pause. Eddies face hardened. We can talk about that later. He disconnected and turned to me. Shes okay.thank God, I breathed. I stood up, only then realizing how tense Id been. Ill be right back.I anchor Mrs. Weathers and the security officer and relayed the news. The officer immediately spread the word to his colleagues and soon left. To my surprise, Mrs. Weathers almost looked resembling she was on the confines of tears.Are you okay? I asked.Yes, yes. She turned flustered, embarrassed at organism so emoti onal. I was just so worried. I I didnt want to say anything and scare you all, but every time a students missing well, a few years ago, another girl disappeared. We thought shed just sneaked off worry Matt said, it happens. But it turned out Mrs. Weathers grimaced and looked away. I shouldnt be telling you this.As if she could stop with that kind of intro. No, please. Tell me.She sighed. The police found her a couple days later dead. Shed been abducted and killed. It was terrible, and they never caught her killer. Now I just think of that whenever someone disappears. Its never happened again, of course. But something like that scars you.I could hypothecate so. And as I returned to Eddie, I thought about him and Mason again. It seemed like everyone was carrying baggage from past events. I certainly was. Now that Jills safety wasnt a concern, all I kept thinking was What will the Alchemists say? What will my buzz off say? Eddie was just hanging up his phone again when I approach ed.I called Micah to tell him everythings okay, he explained. He was really worried.All signs of Mrs. Weatherss past trauma vanished the instant that Jill and Lee walked through the door. Jill actually looked cheerful until she saw all of our faces. She came to a halt. Beside her, Lee already looked grim. I think he knew what was coming.Eddie and I zip forward but didnt have a chance to speak right away. Mrs. Weathers immediately demanded to know where theyd been. alternatively than cover it up, Jill confessed and told the truth she and Lee had gone off campus, into Palm Springs. She was careful to operate sure Lee didnt get accused of any kidnapping charges, swearing he didnt know she could only leave with approved family members. I confirmed this though Lee was hardly off the hook in my opinion.Will you wait outside? I asked him politely. Id like to speak to you privately later.Lee started to obey, flashing Jill a look of apology. He lightly brushed her hand in farewell and turned away. It was Mrs. Weathers who stopped him. Wait, she said, peering at him curiously. Do I know you?Lee looked startled. I dont think so. Ive never been here before.Theres something familiar about you, she insisted. Her frown deepened a few moments more. At last, she shrugged. It cant be. I must be mistaken. Lee nodded, met Jills eyes in sympathy again, and left.Mrs. Weathers wasnt done with Jill. She launched into a lecture about how dangerous and irresponsible theyd been. If you were expiration to sneak off and break rules, you couldve at least confided in your siblings. Theyve been scared to death for you. It was almost funny, her advising on responsible rule-breaking. Considering how panicked Id been, I couldnt find anything amusing just then. She also told Jill that shed be written up and punished. For now, said Mrs. Weathers, you are confined to your room for the rest of the night. Come see me after breakfast, and well find out if the principal thinks this warrants sus pension.Excuse me, said Eddie. hallow the sack we have a few minutes alone here with her before she goes up the stairs? Id like to talk to her.Mrs. Weathers hesitated, apparently wanting Jills punishment immediately enforced. then(prenominal) she gave Eddie a double take. The look on his face was hard and angry, and I think Mrs. Weathers knew there was punishment of a different sort coming from Jills big brother.Five minutes, said Mrs. Weathers, tapping her watch. Then up you go.Dont, said Jill, the instant we were alone. Her face was a mixture of fear and defiance. I know what I did was wrong. I dont need a lecture from you guys.Dont you? I asked. Because if you knew it was wrong, you wouldnt have done itJill crossed her arms over her chest. I had to get out of here. On my own terms. And not with you guys.The footnote rolled right off of me. It sounded young and petty. But to my surprise, Eddie actually looked hurt.Whats that supposed to mean? he asked.It federal agency that I just wanted to be away from this place without you always telling me what Im doing wrong. That was directed to me. And you saltation at every shadow. That, of course, was to Eddie.I just want to protect you, he said, looking hurt. Im not trying to smother you, but I cant have anything happen to you. non again.Im in more danger from laurel than any assassins Jill exclaimed. Do you know what she did today? We were working in the computer lab, and she accidentally tripped over my power cord. I lost half my work and didnt block up in time, so now Im going to get a lower grade.A lesson on backing up work probably wouldnt be useful just then. Look, thats really terrible, I said. But its not in the same category as getting yourself killed. Not by a long shot. Where exactly did you go?For a moment, she looked as though she wasnt going to give up the info. Finally, she said, Lee took me to Salton Sea. Seeing our blank looks, she added, Its a lake outside of town. It was wonderful. An a lmost-dreamy expression crossed her features. I havent been around that much water in so long. Then we went downtown and just walked around, shopping and eating ice cream. He took me to that boutique, with the designer whos looking for models and Jill, I interrupted. I dont care how awesome your day was. You scared us. Dont you get that?Lee shouldnt have done this, growled Eddie.Dont blame him, said Jill. I talked him into it I made him think you guys wouldnt wit. And he doesnt know the real reason Im here or the danger.Maybe dating was a bad idea, I muttered.Lees the best thing thats happened to me here she said angrily. I deserve to be able to go out and have fun like you guys.Fun? Thats kind of an exaggeration, I said, recalling my afternoon with Adrian.Jill needed a target for her frustration, and I won the honor. Doesnt seem like it to me. Youre always gone. And when you arent, you just tell me what Im doing wrong. Its like youre my mom.Id been wading through all of this cal mly, but suddenly, something about that comment made me snap. My finely tuned control shattered.You know what? I kind of feel that way too. Because as far as I can tell, I am the only one in this concourse behaving like an adult. You think Im out there having fun? All Im doing is babysitting you guys and cleaning up your messes. I spent my afternoon wasted my afternoon driving Adrian around so that he could blow off the interviews that I set up. Then I get here and have to clutch with the aftermath of your field trip. I get that Laurels a pain although maybe if Micah had been warned off from the beginning, these problems with her never wouldve happened. I directed that last comment at Eddie. I dont get why Im the only one who sees how solemn everything is. Vampire-human dating. Your lives on the line. These arent the kinds of things you can screw around with And yet somehow, you all still do. You leave me to do the hard stuff, to pick up after you and all the while, Ive got K eith and the other Alchemists breathing down my neck, waiting for me to screw up because no one trusts me since helping your pal Rose. You think this is fun? You want to live my life? Then do it. Step right up, and you start taking responsibility for a change.I hadnt yelled, but my pot had certainly gone up. Id pretty much delivered my speech without taking a breath and now paused for some oxygen.Eddie and Jill stared at me, wide-eyed, as though they didnt recognize me.Mrs. Weathers returned to us just then. Thats enough for tonight. You need to go upstair now, she told Jill.Jill nodded, still a petty(a) stunned, and hurried away without saying goodbye to any of us. Mrs. Weathers walked her to the stairs, and Eddie turned to me. His face was pale and solemn.Youre right, he said. I havent been pulling my share.I sighed, suddenly feeling exhausted. Youre not as bad as they are.He shook his head. Still. You might be right about Micah. Maybe hell keep some distance if I talk to him, a nd then Laurel will lay off Jill. Ill ask him tonight. But He frowned, choosing his words carefully. Try not to be too hard on Adrian and Jill. This is stressful for her, and sometimes I think a little of Adrians personality is leaking into her through the bond. Im sure thats why she ran off today. Its something hed do in her situation.No one forced her to do it, I said. Least of all Adrian. The fact that she coaxed Lee and didnt tell us shows that she knew it was wrong. Thats free will. And Adrian has no such excuses.Yeah but hes Adrian, said Eddie lamely. Sometimes I dont know how much of what he does is him and how much is spirit up.Spirit users can take antidepressants, cant they? If hes worried about it beseeming a problem, then he needs to step up and take charge. He has a choice. Hes not helpless. There are no victims here.Eddie studied me for several seconds. And I thought I had a raspy view on life.You have a harsh life, I corrected. But yours is built around the idea th at you always have to take care of other people. I was raised to believe thats necessary sometimes but that everyone still needs to try to take care of themselves.And yet here you are.Tell me about it. You want to come talk to Lee with me? All apology vanished from Eddies face. Yes, he said fiercely.We found Lee sitting on a bench outside, looking miserable. He jumped up when we approached. You guys, Im so sorry I shouldnt have done it. She just sounded so sad and so lost that I wanted to You know how protective we are of her, I said. How could you have not thought that this would worry us?And shes a minor, said Eddie. You cant just take her away and do whatever you want with herI admit, I was a little surprised that the threat to Jills virtue was what he chose to bring up. Dont get me wrong I was also advised of her age. But after he saw her literally die, it seemed like Eddie would be worried about more than making out.Lees gray eyes went wide. Nothing happened I would never do anything like that to her. I expect Id never take advantage of someone so trusting. I cant ruin this. She means more to me than any other girl Ive dated. I want us to be together forever.I thought being together forever was extreme at their ages, but there was a sincerity in his eyes that was touching. It still didnt excuse what hed done. He took our lecturing seriously and promised there would never be a repeat.But please can I still see her when youre around? Can we still do group things?Eddie and I exchanged glances. If shes even allowed to leave campus after this, I said. I really dont know whats going to happen.Lee left after a few more apologies, and Eddie also returned to his dorm. I was walking upstairs when my phone rang. Glancing down, I was startled to see my parents number in Salt Lake City on the breaky ID.Hello? I asked. For a frantic moment, I hoped it was Zoe.Sydney.My father. My stomach modify with dread.We need to talk about whats happened.Panic shot through m e. How had he found out about Jills disappearance already? Keith jumped out as the obvious culprit. But how had Keith found out? Had he been at Clarences when Eddie called Adrian? Despite his flaws, I couldnt venture Adrian telling Keith what had happened.Talk about what? I asked, playing for time.Your behavior. Keith called me last night, and I must say, Im very disappointed. determination night? This wasnt about Jills disappearance. So what was it about?Youre supposed to be coordinating efforts for that Moroi girl to blend in. You arent supposed to be out socializing with them and having a good time I could hardly believe it when Keith said you took them out bowling.It was mini-golf, and Keith okayed it I asked him first.And then I hear youre helping all these other vampires run errands and whatnot. Your vocation is only to the girl, and that is to do only whats necessary for her survival which I also hear you arent doing. Keith tells me there was an incident where you didnt pr operly handle her difficulties in the sun?I reported that immediately I cried. Id known Keith was provision to use that against me. Keith I paused, thinking about the best way to handle this. Misunderstood my initial report. Keith had pursy off my initial report, but telling my father his protege had lied would just put my fathers defenses up. He wouldnt believe me. And Keiths one to talk Hes always hanging out with Clarence and wont say why.Probably to make sure he remains stable. I understand the old man isnt all there.Hes obsessed with vampire hunters, I explained. He thinks there are mankind out there that killed his niece.Well, said my father, there are some humans out there who catch on to the vampire world, those whom we cant dissuade. Hardly hunters. Keiths doing his duty by enlightening Clarence. You, however, are misguided.Thats not a fair comparisonHonestly, I blame myself, he said. Somehow I doubted that. I shouldnt have let you go. You werent ready not after what you went through. Being with these vampires is confusing you. Thats why Im recalling you.What?If I had my way, itd be right now. Unfortunately, Zoe wont be ready for another two weeks. The Alchemists want her to undergo some testing before she gets her stain. Once she does, well send her in your place and get you some help.Dad This is crazy. Im doing fine here. Please, dont send Zoe Im sorry, Sydney, he said. Youve left me no choice. Please dont get into trouble in your remaining time.He disconnected, and I stood in the hall, my heart sinking. Two weeks Two weeks and they were sending Zoe. And me where were they sending me? I didnt want to think about it, but I knew. I needed to stop this from happening. Wheels were already in motion. The tattoos, I suddenly thought. If I could finish my tests on the stolen substances and find out info about the blood supplier, I would earn the Alchemists regard hopefully enough to take away the taint that Keith had put on me.And why had he done it? why now? I knew hed never wanted me along. Maybe he had just been biding his time, building up evidence against me until he could get me ousted in one fell swoop. I wouldnt let him, though. Id bust open this tattoo case and prove who the stellar Alchemist was. I had enough evidence now to get their attention and would barely turn in what I had if nothing new came to light within a week.The decision filled me with resolve, but I still had trouble sleeping when I went to bed later. My fathers threat hung over me, as did my fear of the reeducation centers.After about an hour of tossing and turning I finally dozed off. But even that was fitful and troubled. I woke up after only a few hours and then had to fall asleep all over again.This time, I dreamed.In the dream, I stood in Clarences living room. Everything was neat and in place, the dark forest and antique furniture giving the space its usual ominous feel. The details were surprisingly vivid, and it was like I could even smel l the dusty books and leather on the furniture.Huh. It worked. Wasnt sure if it would with a human.I spun around and found Adrian leaning against the wall. He hadnt been there a moment ago, and I had a flash of that childhood fear of vampires appearing out of nowhere. Then I remembered this was a dream, and these kinds of things happened.What werent you sure about? I asked.He gestured around him. If I could reach you. Bring you here into this dream. I didnt quite follow what he meant and said nothing. He arched an eyebrow. You dont know, do you? Where you are?At Clarences, I said reasonably. Well, in reality Im asleep in my bed. This is just a dream.Youre half right, he said. This is a spirit dream. This is real.I frowned. A spirit dream. Since most of our information about spirit was sketchy, we had hardly anything on spirit dreams. Id learned most of what I knew about them from Rose, who had been frequently visited by Adrian in them. According to her, the dreamer and the spirit us er were actually together, in a meeting of the minds, communicating across long distances. It was hard for me to fully grasp that, but Id seen Rose wake up with information she wouldnt have otherwise had. Still, I had no evidence to suggest I was really in a spirit dream now.This is just a regular dream, I countered.Are you sure? he asked. Look around. Concentrate. Doesnt it feel different? Like a dream but not like a dream. Not quite like real life either. Call it what you want, but the next time we see each other in the waking world, Ill be able to tell you exactly what happened here.I looked around the room, studying it as hed suggested. Again, I was struck by the vividness of even the smallest details. It certainly felt real, but dreams often did right? You usually never knew you were dreaming until you woke up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to still my mind. And like that, I felt it. I understood what he meant. Not quite like a dream. Not quite like real life . My eyes flew open.Stop it, I cried, backing away from him. Make it end. Get me out of here.Because in accepting that this really was a spirit dream, Id had to acknowledge something else I was surrounded in vampire whoremaster. My mind was ensnared in it. I felt claustrophobic. The magic was pressing on me, crushing the air.Please. My congressman grew more and more frantic. Please let me go.Adrian straightened up, looking surprised. Whoa, Sage. unagitated down. Youre okay.No. Im not. I dont want this. I dont want the magic touching me.It wont hurt you, he said. Its nothing.Its wrong, I whispered. Adrian, stop it.He reached out a hand, like he might try to comfort me, and then thought better of it. It wont hurt you, he repeated. Just hear me out, and then Ill dissolve it. I promise. however in the dream, my pulse was racing. I wrapped my arms around myself and backed up against the wall, trying to make myself small. Okay, I whispered. Hurry.I just wanted to say He stuffed his han ds in his pockets and glanced away uncomfortably before looking at me again. Were his eyes greener here than in real life? Or was it just my imagination? I wanted to I wanted to apologize.For what? I asked. I couldnt process anything beyond my own terror.For what I did. You were right. I wasted your time and your work today.I forced my mind to dredge up memories from this afternoon. Thank you, I said simply.I dont know why I do these things, he added. I just cant help it.I was still terrified, still suffocating in the magic surrounding me. Somehow, I managed to echo my earlier conversation with Eddie.You can take control of yourself, I said. You arent a victim.Adrian had been gazing off, troubled by his thoughts. He suddenly jerked his gaze back to me. Just like Rose.What?Adrian held out his hand, and a thorny red rose suddenly materialized there. I gasped and tried to back up farther. He twirled the stem around, careful not to prick his fingers.She said that. That I was playing the victim. Am I really that pathetic?The rose wilted and crumpled before my eyes, turning to dust and then vanishing altogether. I made the sign against evil on my shoulder and tried to remember what we were talking about.Pathetics not the word Id use, I said.What word would you use?My mind was blanking. I dont know. Confused?He smiled. Thats an understatement.Ill check a dictionary when I wake up and get back to you. Can you please end this?The smile faded to an expression of amazement. You really are that scared, arent you? I let my silence answer for me. Okay, one more thing, then. I thought of another way I can get out of Clarences and get some money. I was reading about college and financial aid. If I took classes somewhere, do you think I could get enough to live on?This was a concrete question I could deal with. Its possible. But I think its too late. Classes have started everywhere.I found a place on the internet. Carlton. A college on the other side of town that hasnt starte d yet. But Id still have to act fast, and thats what I dont know how to do. The paperwork. The procedures. But thats your specialty, right?Sad but true, I said. Some part of me thought Carlton sounded familiar, but I couldnt place it.He took a deep breath. Will you help me? I know its making you babysit again, but I dont know where to start. I promise Ill meet you halfway, though. Tell me what I need to do, and I will.Babysit. Hed been talking to Jill or Eddie or both. That was reasonable, though. Hed want to know that she was okay. I could only imagine how my tirade had been paraphrased.You were in college before, I said, recalling his record. Id scoured it when putting together the ill-fated resume. You dropped out.Adrian nodded. I did.How do I know you wont this time? How do I know you arent just wasting my time again?You dont know, Sage, he admitted. And I dont blame you. All I can ask is that you give me another chance. That you try to believe me when I say Ill follow through. That you believe Im serious. That you trust me.Long moments stretched out between us. Id relaxed slightly, without even realizing it, though I remained up against the wall. I studied him, wishing I was better at reading people. His eyes were that green in real life, I decided. I just usually didnt look at them so closely.Okay, I said. I trust you.Total shock filled his features. You do?I was no better at reading people than I had been ten seconds ago, but in that moment, I suddenly gained a flash of understanding into the mystery that was Adrian Ivashkov. People didnt believe in him very often. They had low expectations of him, so he did as well. Even Eddie had sort of written him off Hes Adrian. As though there was nothing to be done for it.I also suddenly realized that, as unlikely as it seemed, Adrian and I had a lot in common. Both of us were constantly boxed in by others expectations. It didnt matter that people expected everything of me and nothing of him. We were still the sa me, both of us constantly trying to break out of the lines that others had delimitate for us and be our own person. Adrian Ivashkov flippant, vampire party boy was more like me than anyone else I knew. The thought was so startling that I couldnt even answer him right away.I do, I said at last. Ill help you. I shivered. The fear of the dream returned, and I just wanted this to be over. I wouldve agree to anything to be back in my non-magical bed. But not here. Please will you send me back? Or end this? Or whatever it is?He nodded slowly, still looking stunned. The room began to fade, its colors and lines melting like a painting left in the rain. Soon, all dimmed to black, and I found myself waking up in my dorm room bed. As I did, I just barely caught the sound of his voice in my mindThank you, Sage.
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