Saturday, August 31, 2019
How Politics is Played Told by One Who Knows the Game Essay
Good politicians get to know a lot of politicians. Lyndon Johnson would take four showers a day and brush his teeth over and over again so he would be in the same room with a bunch of politicians and he could talk to them briefly and make good connections. Lyndon Johnson also hired a man who would later turn corrupt named â€Å"Bobby†Baker who answered phones for the White House cloak room (a cloak room is like the break room for politicians.) With Bobby Baker, Johnson was able to know the inner workings of politics. Ronald Reagan also worked very hard to have good relationships in politics although he talked about Washington as if he’d never visited the place. Lyndon Johnson used a specific method to get to know important people called retail politic. In retail politics, a politician wins over one person at a time by learning about them specifically. Unlike LBJ and Reagan, Jimmy Carter lacked the charsima to win over people. Then Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill asked for seats to the inauguration ceremony, Carter offered him seats in the back of the hall; this incident hurt his support from the Speaker for many years. The author ends this chapter by explaining that he himself got to his position by networking with many important people. Good politicians get to know a lot of politicians. Lyndon Johnson would take four showers a day and brush his teeth over and over again so he would be in the same room with a bunch of politicians and he could talk to them briefly and make good connections. Lyndon Johnson also hired a man who would later turn corrupt named â€Å"Bobby†Baker who answered phones for the White House cloak room (a cloak room is like the break room for politicians.) With Bobby Baker, Johnson was able to know the inner workings of politics. Ronald Reagan also worked very hard to have good relationships in politics although he talked about Washington as if he’d never visited the place. Lyndon Johnson used a specific method to get to know important people called retail politic. In retail politics, a politician wins over one person at a time by learning about them specifically. Unlike LBJ and Reagan, Jimmy Carter lacked the charsima to win over people. Then Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill asked for seats to the inauguration ceremony, Carter offered him seats in the back of the hall; this incident hurt his support from the Speaker for many years. The author ends this chapter by explaining that he himself got to his position by networking with many important people.
Of mice and men dramatically conveys to us the vital importance of dreams in helping us to deal Essay
â€Å"Of mice and men dramatically conveys to us the vital importance of dreams in helping us to deal; with the often difficult realities of our lives.†In this novella by John Steinbeck, some characters had dreams to get them out of difficult realities, their dreams helped them to combat the loneliness and hopelessness of there existence. George Milton and Lenny Small, two poor homeless migrant workers who belonged nowhere and to know one were doomed to a life of wandering and toil, in which they will neve be able to reap the fruits of there labour. The one thing that that kept them strong through this repetitive and useless life was a dream. â€Å"Someday we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs†(George- pg 14). It was a dream that was shared by every American worker, to have a place of their own, the opportunity to work for themselves and know one to give them orders. For Lenny the dream was very much real, it helped him to cope with the boredom that he faced and he always went to sleep happy thinking about tending the rabbits. For George on the other hand, the dream was at first like a fairytale he told Lenny to bring a smile upon his face and the promise of tending the rabbits helped him to stay out of trouble but all the while he was very optimistic about the dream and felt that there was no way it would become a reality. George’s first views towards the dream were soon changed when Candy found out about what they were planning, he offers financial help and suddenly a new view is seen of the dream. This unexpected offer by Candy means that the dream is no longer a fantasy and finally all the pain and suffering might have payed off for George, Lenny and Candy but the threat to the fulfilment of this dream is ever present in Lenny’s behaviour and in the end its Lenny’s uncontrollable actions which finally destroy dream. The dream is constantly changing, at first it was just a story told by George to cheer up Lenny, then in the middle it seemed like it would come true and finally in the end it was apparent that everyone’s dreams were shattered with Lenny as the only exception, because he dies happy with the picture of the dream in his head. Candy wishes to share in the dream with George and Lenny because he is becoming old and useless like his dog, he has nowhere to go to and now one to care about him and unlike his dog they’re not going to take him out and shoot him, instead there going to put him in an old folks home where he will feel lonely and have no freedom. By joining Lenny and George he can live out his days happy and free, forever safe knowing he won’t be canned. Once Candy realises that the dream is more or less a reality he stands up for what he believes in with dignity and courage, something he didn’t do before he realised the dream was within reach. Candy realises that he doesn’t have to be the useless old cripple anymore because he can live the rest of his life happy, without being told what to do. Candy’s dream ended in a pessimistic way because all he wanted got destroyed leaving him with nothing and hence left in the same way he was before the dream- old, useless and hanging onto his job by a thread. Crooks dream was to be respected and not judged by his colour, he too wanted to live on the ranch with Candy, George and Lenny. Crooks is an example of the bitterness, anger and hopelessness that a black American struggling to be recognised as a human being is faced with. At first Crooks was most cynical about the dream of owning a ranch but the dream was powerful enough to convince him that it was the real thing for a few moments only to be shattered by Curley’s wife who made it clear that there is no way a black, crippled outcast such as himself would ever make such a dream a reality. That statement that Curly’s wife made, made Crooks realise that he was nothing more than an outcast and what she said was in a way true, with that all the hopes and dreams of Crooks were crushed. Like Crooks, Curley’s wife is stricken with isolation and sadness. She was out of place on the ranch and because of that she was a really lonesome person with lonesome feelings and hence was often desperate for someone to talk to. Throughout the novel Curley’s wife stirred up many emotions among the workers of the ranch, such as the way she looked and acted lead other characters in the novel to see her as a â€Å"tart†. Curly’s wife indulged in a dream which had already passed her by, leaving her with a life of empty hope. Like many young women, she aspired to stardom in films after being wrongly told that she was a â€Å"natural†. At first she seemed cold hearted and set herself to make trouble but then it became apparent that she was just lonely adn wanted someone to talk to and as Curley was not interested in hearing about her hopes or dreams, the only person she found willing to listen to was Lenny.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Themes presented in Act 1-Measure for Measure
A theme becoming noticeably present throughout Act 1 is that of religion, possibly part of the larger them of morality. The Duke, Scene 1 line 70, speaks of being greeted by ‘aves vehement'. The word ‘Ave' in Latin means ‘Hail' and is often associated with prayer, particularly to the Virgin Mary (a figure prominent in Catholicism). This suggests that the public in Vienna see the Duke as a saviour and a figure to be worshipped. At the time of its original performance this would have conveyed to the audience the prominence and power of the Duke in Vienna. However, the Duke says this greeting is good he does not ‘relish' it, showing the audience possibly that the Duke is not arrogant and does not wish to be a replacement for someone's faith; it perhaps allows the audience to hold a respect for the Duke from the beginning of the play. In scene 2, the references to religion continue with Lucio speaking of ‘the sanctimonious pirate that went out to sea with the ten commandments, but scraped one off the table'. This suggests a corruption of religion and its associated beliefs, which may foreshadow other themes coming later in the play-those of right and wrong, particularly when interpreting laws on prostitution and the confusion about marriage (should it be based on good faith or a legal ceremony). The pirate reference, particularly to the original audience, may have suggested that personal interpretations and sinister dealings were going to occur in the performance. Both the reference to the pirate and ‘aves' could show how Shakespeare is presenting a ‘problem play'. They raise the question of how religion should be carried out and how it can creep too far into everyday behaviour, until people begin to make powerful/adored figures idols and interpret religious teachings to suit their own behaviour. Scene 3, in the monastery, has two intertwining themes running through it-those of power and religion. The audience is presented with two powerful figures in their own right, one powerful due to his allegiance to God and perhaps less powerful in the workings of society and the other powerful due to his position in society and perceived almost as a ‘God' by his people. A silent power struggle appears to be occurring in the scene, not power for power's sake, but in order to earn the respect of the other. Throughout, the Duke appears to be justifying his argument in order to make it sound less corrupted and more favourable in the eyes of the friar. This comes across in his greetings of ‘Holy father' and ‘holy sir' and flattery ‘none knows better than you'. The friar speaks politely to the Duke ‘Gladly, my lord'. There is some sense of balance or equality in this scene, as ordinarily the Duke would be seen to be more powerful, due to his reign on the justice system however, he knows that the only person who can help him is the friar and the friar has the weapon of being aware of why the Duke has disappeared. Justice and morality are two another themes running throughout Act 1. The main plot line of Claudio being sentenced is at the centre of these themes. At the time of the first performance, brothels were widely apparent and many powerful figures were known for making use of their services. This is made clear to the audience, with the scene set in a brothel and the comic references to sexual diseases and the portrayal of the brothel as an industry. This should show the audience that it was widely accepted that these places were a part of society, making Claudio's actions seem less severe. He talks of Julietta being ‘fast my wife', apart from the legal proceedings so the fact he is being punished for this action and others are getting away with prostitution seems even more immoral, it raises the question of whether Claudio's actions are worse than the other male characters despite him being faithful to one woman. This is open to interpretation by the actors, however, they may choos e to play Claudio's speech with comedy, to make it sound like a feeble excuse for his actions rather than a legitimate plea for justice, which could make it seem as though justice is being done. Again a sense of corruption is presented, this time in politics. The Duke, who has fled unexpectedly, has let the law be ignored for a number of years yet Claudio is being punished under it. This suggests the laws can be manipulated to suit the leader. This is similar to the corruption of religion mentioned earlier when the pirate changed the ten commandments to suit his lifestyle and ideals at the time.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Retention, human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Retention, human resource management - Essay Example these localized incentives might work towards retaining the most efficient employees of the organization. The idea is not about spending more time on these incentives but lie son designing effective programs that are workable. According to the human resources’ vice president of Great American Insurance Group of Cincinnati, â€Å"We want that manager feedback, that peer-to-peer recognition. It becomes very personal†(Shepherd). Such programs also help the colleagues to be familiar with each other better. Apart form the decentralized programs and practices there are centralized programs, which applies to all the employees fitting a particular criterion. For instance, such incentives might be based upon the length of service period. Some employers however like to mix up both centralized and localized incentives for a better outcome. This again requires training of managers such that they might implement and design the incentive programs effectively. A survey reveals that a round 27 percent of the firms arrange such training programs for managers. An example is provided in case of Everett Clinic where the managers are happy with small but personal rewards, which might not be expensive but are effective. These are expressed in the form of gift cards, Caught in the Act cards, Pat on the Back cards for different levels of skills and competence. The upper level of hierarchy provides the support for such programs in both financial and no financial terms. According to the company, their employee satisfaction is around 80 percent. In fact budgetary constraint is not the only motivation behind such programs. Such retention practices encourage creativity for developing such programs some of which gain instant recognition. Employers even resort to the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter to appreciate their efficient employees. This helps in gaining public appreciation for these employees. Thus the article mainly talks of tapping the employeesâ€℠¢
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Carbon dioxide emission in Kuwait Research Paper
Carbon dioxide emission in Kuwait - Research Paper Example Carbon dioxide environmental effects have significant interest. The primary source of carbon IV oxide is the atmospheric carbon IV oxide on earth. The concentration of the gas is regulated by photosynthetic organisms before the industrial error. Technological development in the agricultural field and the introduction of greenhouses as well has increased the need for the gas. Agrichemicals as well have increased the percentage of the gas in the atmosphere. Industrial revolution has increased the concentration of the gas in the atmosphere thus factoring global warming (Abdulai, A and Remkce, L. 15). Excess carbon IV oxide released in the air dissolves in the rainwater leading to acidic rainfall. Acidity in water bodies may cause death to organisms. The acidic water breaks the mineral components in the water bodies thus facilitating loss of some essential minerals to aquatic plants. The acid also breaks metallic components and may affect the respiration system of the marine animals and plants. Acid rain as well leads to corrosion of metal works and concrete building. The acid leads to first ageing of roofing iron sheets and buildings. The corrosion is facilitated by the reaction of acidic water and the metal component (Abdulai, A and Remkce, L. 20). Cement used to build a concrete structure is composed of minerals that react with the acid releasing salts that get eroded and thus the ageing of the buildings. Carbon IV Oxide is classified as a non-toxic gas and an asphyxiant gas. The classification is in accordance with the United Nations Economic Commission. The gas has some adverse effects on living organisms. According to their analysis, a concentration of up to 1% may cause drowsiness to some individuals. Further, a concentration of 7% to 10% may lead some people to suffocate even with sufficient oxygen presence characterized by headache, dizziness, hearing and visual. Carbon IV Oxide is heavier than air. Thus, high
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Reading discussion facilitation assignment Essay
Reading discussion facilitation assignment - Essay Example ies such as crime and violence due to lack of parental guidance. In addition, the Philippine media also inclined to infer that the absence of motherly care can be liken to abandonment (Parrenas et al. 44), which could give rise to the supposition that all children, deficient of familiar reinforcement, will become social burdens (44). In The Care Crisis in the Philippines: Children and Transnational Families in the New Global Economy, Parrenas et al. describes how the existing society view women migration. They contend that the modern day standpoint on the migration of women workers, that is, to create a significant emotional hardship to the children in transnational households and the postulated solution that is to call for the migration of the women workers to return to nuclear family do not sufficiently address the problem. Parrenas et al. argues that there are other factors that threaten the well-being of children i.e. domestic violence and male infidelity (53); and it should not exclusively be cast on the migration of women workers. The prevalent gender ideology that is commonly accepted in most civilizations retains the importance of the role of the mothers in the welfare of the children. And while many people believe that fathers too have the responsibility to provide care of their children, primary care is almost entirely linked to women. Therefore, this predating ideology on gender strains the recent development in the labour force, that is, more and more women are taking the roles of men as provider. Particularly, in the Philippines, â€Å"care is now the country’s primary export†(41); and since women are deemed to be the primary care provider, many Filipina workers are migrating every year to other countries to work as domestic helpers and nannies, sacrificing their children, in order to afford them with better opportunities in life. They care for other people’s children while leaving their own children to kinship care. Whether i t is a culturally-shaped societal stance on gender ideology, migration of women has been always criticized by the media because it jeopardizes the conventional structure of a nuclear family. Transnational household arrangements are often viewed by critics as focal point for the proliferation of juvenile delinquency and the increase of social liabilities for the government. However, in a survey conducted by Parrenas, it has been found out that not all children belonging to a transnational family develop the feeling of resentment more than indebtedness toward their mothers. Most of them, if not all of them, places more importance on the â€Å"outcome†of the sacrifice rather than the care that they are supposed to receive from their mothers. Seen this way, it can somehow be inferred that migration of women workers does not necessarily equate to emotional burden among children in transnational families; although, it does not also mean that they do not feel any negative feelings at all. Personally, there is an element of inevitability to feeling negatively towards the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Online sports media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Online sports media - Essay Example In the past decade, newspapers were my main source of information relating to sports. Subsequent to the rise of the internet as sources of information as explicated by Pedersen (2013) in the past decade, my preference equally changed. I can now access information relating to sports via my phone. Using the world as an example, I am able to stream live on the internet through my I-Pad at my convenience. My two sports websites are Yahoo Sports ( and ESPN ( One of the methods of evaluating a sports website is on the basis of its purpose (Pardalos and Zamaraev, 2014). The main objective of Yahoo Sports and ESPN websites is to entertain through provision of current sports news. Secondly, a sports website can be evaluated on the basis of its owner or sponsor (Pardalos and Zamaraev, 2014). Yahoo Sports and ESPN are renowned sports companies in the world and are therefore apt in providing accurate and current news. In a nutshell, the conventional source of information relating to sports has shifted from newspapers to the internet. People can now stream sports live through their phones at their own
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Blooms Taxonomy Within a Planning Pyramid Coursework
Blooms Taxonomy Within a Planning Pyramid - Coursework Example The affective domain includes sis categories, namely receiving phenomena, responding to phenomena, valuing, organization, and internalizing values. Finally, the psychomotor domain contains seven categories, namely perception, set, guided response, mechanism, complex overt response, adaptation, and origination (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007). Each of the three domains of learning contains verbs that trainers find to be significant in setting goals, which learners must achieve by the end of a lesson. Some goals in the Unit Planning Form contain verbs from Bloom’s Taxonomy. Among the goals in the planning form is to compare and contrast weathering and erosion after the learning process. Compare and contrast are the two verbs from Bloom’s Taxonomy. These verbs belong to analysis and evaluation, which are among the categories of the cognitive domain. In the original cognitive domain, analysis and evaluation are the equivalents of creating and evaluating respectively in the new cognitive domain. Students should distinguish between inferences and facts as well as make judgments regarding the values of materials or ideas. Compare and contrast also belong to organization, which is a category of the affective domain. Students should organize values into various statuses by contrasting the values, solving conflicts between the values, and creating unique value systems. Organization emphasizes relating, comparing, as well as synthesizing values. Therefore, compare and contra st the only verbs in the Unit Planning Form (Rosenberg, Westling, & McLeskey, 2007). Teachers choose significant instructional adaptations in order to facilitate the participation of students in an educational curriculum. Instructional grouping, progress monitoring, and content presentation relate to some of adaptation in the planning form. Such adaptations include audiotape of chapters, concept maps, cooperative learning groups, and study friends to prepare for questions
Saturday, August 24, 2019
CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE OPERATION OF EQUALITY LEGISLATION - Essay Example This plan which came to be known as the Lisbon strategy was launched during June 2000 with the aim of transforming the EU into a â€Å"knowledge based economy†and to channelise the growth and development of the EU citizens (Accessibility Legislation - An Insight. 2005). The main challenges would include meeting the needs and aspirations of the people of the EU, especially in work areas like electronics, content and services including public servicing and the development of specialised skills for its people. Under the EU a public interactive forum has been established on how to make the benefits of computer technology compatible with old and elderly persons. This Commission also seeks to address to the difficulties encountered by the elderly in managing computers, mobile phones and internet services. The three areas in which the EC seeks to emphasise are â€Å"public procurements, certification and use of legislation†(Accessibility Legislation - An Insight. 2005). Under the provisions of Employment Equality Act 1998, of Ireland, any form of discrimination, on the basis of sex, marital or family status, sexual preferences, religion, age, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, presence of disability, and membership of traveller community is illegal and unenforceable. But it is widely believed that these laws could only be enforced on an â€Å"individualistic justice model†(Equality Coalition. 2004, P 5). Rather then the law itself, its enforcement is of more concern since large scale violations could go unnoticed unless immediate claims are made and registered. However this may create risks and difficulties upon underprivileged citizens, especially minorities, and they may not be aware of their rights and privileges under the law. Amending Section 2 of the Employment Equality Act 1998, Section 3 of the Equality Act 2004, provides that concessions may be made in the
Friday, August 23, 2019
Managing for results Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Managing for results - Essay Example The present day mangers believe in acting as a guide cum leader for the employees; they not just assist the subordinates to perform their task but also help them to move ahead in the career. Therefore, the managers must keep themselves updated with the activities taking place within the organisation. Apart from the internal factors, they also have to understand the external environment that is the economic condition, the government policies in the local as well as in other nations, changes taking place in customer’s behaviour and technology. The growing competition in the business sector demands high degree of efficiency from the managers; thus the company also motivates the mangers to update themselves by participating in different trainings sessions (seminars, conferences and off-job training). In the given project at first role of the manager in the prevailing globalised world will be discussed. Later on, different approaches will be discussed that needs to be followed by t he managers in achieving the organisational goal. Some real life examples will also be drawn to further explain different approaches followed by the managers in their organisations. ... Figure: The Managerial Grid by Blake & Mouton Source: Egner, 2009, p.10 According to Blake & Mouton, the manager’s attitude can be measured on basis of two distinct factors. These are concern for people and concern for production. Generally, the functional mangers (floor managers) are more concerned about the production; whereas the top level managers who have to manage group of highly efficient and self sufficient subordinates are more concerned about the people. The managers who are neither concerned about the people nor about the productions are considered as the inefficient one. Similarly, the one who is high in both the factors is the most effective one. Such a manager maintain close association with the subordinates and assist them to develop themselves (Miller, 2008, p.46-47). The attitude followed by the manager is influences by several factors. These can be summarised as the organisational culture, the leadership style of the top management, the nature of the subordin ates, the social norms of the society were the organisation is operating and finally the personality of the manager. Therefore, all these factors should be taken into consideration by the manager to modify his or her attitude so that organisational goal can be achieved. Role of a manager in the organisation In general, the role of a manger comprises of planning, organising, scheduling, and assisting the employees to accompany their task and evaluating the operations (Rothwell, 2001, p.7). All of these functions are quite essential and managers have to be careful while conducting them. The process of management starts with planning. At first the manager has to analyse the external as well as internal environment and then a plan should be developed that will guide the subordinates in
Thursday, August 22, 2019
General Electric Crotonville ampus Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
General Electric Crotonville ampus - Case Study Example In recent years, GE has embraced organisational management with a program such as the one they are sponsoring firms to come up with efficient and clean energy for America. Q2. GE management innovation where it centralized its decision-making in the 1950’s drew towards a classical management approach and adaptation of the six-sigma approach to management drew a lot on behavioural management theory. In a bid to increase their efficiency and output, GE has adopted a contingency perspective where they approach issues from different angles, they have used techniques such as six sigma to ensure all departments operate at their optimal level; in addition, they have a training facility to train their employees in order to increase their output. Q3. GE has been successful in integrating the management science in its operation due to training of their employees especially in management, the training made sure that the employees were already operating near optimal points therefore it was much easier for them to implement management science approaches such as the six sigma Q4. Developing new leaders is the key to sustainable growth according to GE. Leaders who are passionate about giving their clients the best, who know their products and market well, as well as being innovative. In view of this, general electric has set up a training facility in Crotonville where about 9000 of its employees are trained on leadership annually in order to improve their leadership skills. Q5. GE’s Crotonville Leadership campus General Electric Crotonville campus otherwise known as John F Welch leadership development centre was founded in 1956 as the first corporate school in the world. It is located at the hamlet of Crotonville in New York and hosts about 10,000 employees of General Electric every year, these employees range from entry-level employees to the top management of the firm globally where they learn a lot in leadership (Durett 26). The Crotonville campus offers a wid e range of courses for their clients that include leadership courses for new managers focusing on development, business impact and external focus, customer programs including executive briefing, change management and integration. Other courses are executive courses in leadership, innovation, strategy and manager development and critical skill such as presentation, hiring, team building and project management. In addition to offering the management leadership courses, General Electric Crotonville campus encourages intercultural and interracial interactions between its employees with the courses having more than half of the population coming from outside the United States of America. Other affinity groups of Crotonville campus also offer opportunities that encourage diversity for instance the ‘leading and learning’ summit that is hosted by GE women’s network invites more than 150 women to interact where more than two thirds are customers and suppliers of General El ectric. In order to reach their global leaders and customers in the whole world, General Electric has spread the Crotonville experience to the rest of the world with special global courses in the various parts that include sharing best experiences in Asia. Others include management development in Europe, learning in Abu Dhabi where General Electric has collaborated with Mubadala Development Company, growing teamwork in Asia and on the ground in Africa (Stefanovich 64) The structure at the General Electric
Influence of Recreation Essay Example for Free
Influence of Recreation Essay A key objective of human resource management is to contribute towards the achievement of high level of employee and organization performance (Armstrong, 2005). Hutchinson, Kinnie, Purcell and Boxall (2003) contend that intangible assets such as culture, skill, competence, motivation and social interaction between people and teams are increasingly being seen as a source of strength in enhancing performance. This is evident in those firms which can combine people and processes together. Organizations therefore need to put in place actions which are aimed at ensuring employees maximize their potential at the work place. As stated by Boxall et al (2003), individual performance is a function of ability, motivation and opportunity (AMO); what they refer to as the fundamentals of employee’s productivity. As part of human resource development, organizations and individuals are slowly appreciating the concept of planning and managing employee recreation. American Council on Exercise (2000), contends that creating some leisure time in the course of the day allows employees to recharge themselves psychologically and emotionally and this can lead to improved job performance. There is increased involvement in leisure activities and wellness programmes by companies in a bid to promote employees’ physical and mental health. According to Taylor (2008), the demand for man made additional resources for recreation is greater now than before. Though there are many mushrooming of entertainment and sports clubs, many organizations have invested large sums of money to provide such facilities within the workplace. Kenya Utalii College is one such organization in Kenya that has invested heavily and provides recreation for its employees. Besides being inherently beneficial to employees, such initiatives can make a significant contribution to reducing absenteeism and raising productivity (Cohen, 1999). Physical work plays a major role in ones life. It is believed to be a life sustenance activity, which in turn poses threat to health due to activities involved. Wehmeier (2000) described work as something that involves physical or mental effort. There are three (3) classes of workers, mental workers and the physico-mental workers. The purely physical workers are generally â€Å"the hewers of wood and drawers of water†. The mental workers are those who achieve results with little or no manual labour, while physico-mental workers comprises of those who combine physical work with mental work for achieving the desire results. Talabi (1997) further explained that the mental workers include mangers, top executives and people at helm of affairs of the country and big establishments. Their work results in sedentary life, characterized the majority of top executives positions in Nigeria. This results in the mental and emotional stress far in excess of the physical stress, leading to the occurrences of different health problems. Industries are characterized by long working hours; often late at night and very early morning reporting. Much of the work requires employees to be constantly on their feet and customer interactions can be stressful, as employees may be verbally abused for service problems that are none of their doing and completely out of their control. In addition, many of them have problems maintaining a work-life balance. These factors individually or in combination lead to ill-health, low morale, conflicts and high levels of stress. In an effort to help employees cope with such issues, organizations have invested in workplace recreation. There is evidence that that workplace recreation has a positive effect on employee performance (WHO, 2003). Workplace physical activity and recreation programmes in USA have helped reduce short-term sick leave (by 32%), health care costs (by 20-55%) and increased productivity (by 52%). However, scanty empirical data is available of the situation in developing world (WHO, 2003). Reduction of such kinds of avoidable costs is potentially important, especially in the developing countries such as Nigeria as it would lead to higher employee performance. Some companies have established workplace recreation in a bid to provide leisure and meet employee welfare requirements. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study of Tijani and Enyiorji (2006) revealed that staff of the First Bank of Nigeria Plc for instance, go to work early and close late, from Monday to Friday. Moreover, the weekend leisure has also been affected adversely, with the introduction of Saturday banking, leaving the worker with Sunday, which some of the workers use for worship. Worse still, is the monetization of the staff’s annual leave, which in general makes it difficult if not impossible for the staff to undertake leisure activities. Research efforts of Ajayi (2002) and Fadoju (2004) also revealed that stress appears to be a common phenomenon in every life’s endeavour and the antidote to this phenomenon is regular participation in exercise and recreational activities. In the light of this, it is however necessary to investigate the roles played by recreation on workers of Stanmark and Cocoa Company, because it has been observed that due to the nature of their job, they are subjected to stressful conditions, which eventually wreck a lot of havoc on their health. Therefore, this research project focuses on examining the perceived influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company Ile-Oluji. Research Questions 1)Will Job Satisfaction be a significant influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company workers? 2)Will quality of Service and customer satisfaction be a significant influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company workers? 3)Will improvement of healthy Life Style be a significant influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company workers? 4)Will strengthening of relationships among the workers be a significant influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company workers? 5)Will improvement of self esteem of the workers be a significant influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company workers? Research Hypothesis 1)Job Satisfaction will not be a significant influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company workers? 2)Quality of Service and customer satisfaction will not be a significant influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company workers? 3)Improvement of healthy Life Style will not be a significant influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company workers? 4)Strengthening of relationships among the workers will not be a significant influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company workers? 5)Improvement of self esteem of the workers will not be a significant influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company workers? Significance of the Study The result of this study will educate company administrators on how to use recreational programmes as vanguard for the promotion of productivity in their companies. It would also serve as an eye opener for the administrators, on the need to necessarily incorporate recreational programmes, into the programmes of the companies in order to further enhance productivity. The recommendation of this research project, when published, would enlighten the authorities of companies, on how to encourage their workers, to actively engage in recreational programmes for the purpose of bringing about productivity in their companies. The results of this study would serve as baseline data for other studies in this area. More so, the result of this research project would add more to the existing pool of knowledge and also reinforce companies’ authority in sorting plans and programmes through their sports committee in their distinctive efforts to mount recreational programmes that will promote productivity in their companies. Hence, the study will create awareness among company, industry, factory workers and general public of values derivable from recreation. Delimitations of the study This research project is delimited to the examination of the perceived influence of recreation on productivity of Stanmark and Cocoa Company, Ile-Oluji. The study participants consist of workers in Stanmark and Cocoa Company, Ile-Oluji. Limitations to the study This research is limited to Stanmark and Cocoa Company, Ile-Oluji owning to time factor. Some respondents delayed the questionnaire while some did not even return the copies of the questionnaire. Also, some respondents responses to the questionnaire did not supply the high percentage of correct information which would have given the true picture of the impact of recreation on productivity. Definition of Terms The under listed terminologies were utilized in the course of the project and they constitute meanings peculiar to the context of the project. 1.Recreation : This is an activity of leisure, leisure being discretionary time. The need to do something for recreation seems to be an essential element of human biology and psychology. Recreational activities are often done for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be fun. The term recreation implies participation to be healthy refreshing mind and body. 2.Productivity: This is the state in which a greater output is achieved in a short time without any decline or depreciation in the quality of work. On the other hand, it infers to a quality or state or being productive, increased efficiency and the rate at which goods and services are produced and the conditions of an increased output. This situation can be influenced by the extent and quality of its resources of land capital and labor. The consequences of low productivity among workers on their company in addition to the national economy of the USA (Pfeiffer, 1998), posed a major problem for company managers, who came to the conclusion that an increase in productivity cannot be achieved without the introduction of new incentives for their employees. One of the incentives was the establishment of sports and recreation programs, aimed at the increase in the employees’ effectiveness (Bates, McClusky, Bernard Gieske, 1998). The first companies offering sports and recreation activities to their employees appeared in the USA in late sixties (Shephard, 1986). Baun Baun (1984), report that more than 50,000 American companies offer sports and recreation activities to their employees and there are more than 3,000 consultants active in this field. The employers focus was to improve their employees’ state of health, which in turn would reduce expenses and the increase profit for their companies (Wanzel, 1994). The improvement of the employees’ health through the establishment of sports and recreation programs resulted in profits that were sometimes bigger than expected (Cardinal, Cardinal, Drabbs, Krause, Maddalozzo, Martin, Melville Singleton, 1998). The productivity of workers increased while, the expenses for medical care were reduced. In addition, the relationship between the employer and the employees improved. Consequently there were fewer strikes and accidents at work, faster recuperation of sick employees, and product and service improvement (Kaman, 1987). Although at the beginning these programs were only a privilege for high-ranking employees, the employers soon realized that the introduction of sports and recreation facilities for all workers would result in an increase of production and reduce expenses (Blair, Pirerchia, Wilbur Crowder, 1986). According to Bertera (1990a), in companies that have adopted sports and recreation programs, employees are up to 18% less frequently absent from work. According to Pfeiffer (1998), employees who participate in such programs are more favorable towards their employers and high-ranking employees. Shephard (1989) also claimed that participation in these programs improves the image of the companies, which made use of them, thus creating a greater demand for them by job seekers. Shephard (1986) also stresses the productivity of companies, which adopted sports programs increased by 7%. According to Danielson Danielson, (1982), and Shephard, (1986), every dollar spent on sports programs for the employees by their company, resulted in a profit of up to $5. The employees of those companies, too, profited by participating in the sports and recreation programs. More precisely, there were fewer cases of heart diseases, high and low blood pressure as well as obesity, and cholesterol problems were reduced (Bertera, 1991). There was also less tension and stress, compared to employees who did not participate in sports and recreation programs (Bertera, 1990b). Moreover, they tended to consume less alcohol and smoked less, while hypertension at work declined (Meyers Donham, 1982). Sports and recreation programs gave companies better results when they were included in a broader scheme, which focused on the benefits of employees (Kronenfeld, Jackson, Blair, Davis, Gimarc, Salisbury, Maysey McGee, 1987). In other words, it was shown that sports and recreation programs combined with seminars concerning health matters, smoking and healthy diets, can result in positive behavior changes and healthier lifestyle (Kronenfeld et al., 1987). Moreover, another very important consequence of the introduction of sports programs at work was that employees adopted healthier living habits, and adopted a â€Å"for-life†participation in similar activities, which they later passed on to their children and families (Blair, Tritsch Kutsch, 1987). The results were less spectacular in companies that forced their employees to participate in sports and recreation programs. This is mainly true of Japan, where participation is mandatory (Shephard, 1989). In developed western countries, the participation of employees in sports and recreation programs is voluntary, and they can decide for themselves whether they want to exercise either during their break (e.g. lunch-break) or after they have finished work (Rost, Connel, Schechtman, Barzilai Fisher, 1990). Nowadays, the number of employers introducing sports programs for their employees are rising (Blair et al., 1986). The governments of developed countries have shown their support for such programs by providing tax exemption for the companies that make use of them or by organizing campaigns pointing out the necessity of exercise for people of both sexes and all ages (Shephard, 1992). The American government believes that the participation of employees in sports programs at work can contribute to the reduction in the number of deaths due to heart attacks (Blair, Booth, Gyarfas, Iwane, Marti, Matsudo, Morrow, Noakes Shephard, 1996). The European Sports Committee have decided on a campaign, which would stress the benefits of exercising for health thus motivating companies to introduce sports programs for their employees (The Council of Europe’s Work on Sport, 1990). Nevertheless, such programs are either inadequate or non-existing in Greece, although there are laws dealing with health matters at work (Gougou, 1995). So It appears as a necessity that better organized sports programs at work be introduced In order to be more beneficial for workers. (Gougou, 1995).
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Hemoglobinopathy for Malaria Protection
Hemoglobinopathy for Malaria Protection Redcells and anaemia: What evidence exists to support the hypothesis that haemoglobinopathies confer protection against malaria? Introduction Haemoglobinopathies can be divided into two areas, abnormal haemoglobin synthesis and decreased haemoglobin synthesis. Abnormal haemoglobin synthesis is usually a result of genetic defects, caused by amino acid substitutions in the ÃŽÂ ± or ÃŽÂ ² chains of the haemoglobin molecule. Decreased haemoglobin synthesis is also caused by genetic disorders and arise from gene deletions of either ÃŽÂ ± or ÃŽÂ ² globin chains. This group of diseases is called thalassemia. Malaria is a parasite infection caused by the Plasmodium genus. There are 4 types that affect humans, Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparam), Plasmodium vivax (P. vivax), Plasmodium malariae (P. malariae) and Plasmodium ovale (P. ovale). The most common form is P. falciparam, which is responsible for 80% of all cases and 90% of deaths. Malaria affects between 300-500 million people each year and is prevalent in tropical areas where mosquitoes act as vectors for the parasite. Hence, much of research undertaken to date focuses primarily on P. falciparam infection. Upon entering the body the Plasmodium parasite migrates to the liver. After multiplication, they are released into the blood as merozoites. The merozoites then bind to and enter the red blood cell. The hypothesis that haemoglobin disorders confer protection against malaria can be evaluated by reviewing the evidence in support of malarial protection. However, evidence showing that these disorders do not confer protection should not be ignored. Sickle cell disease The protective effect of Sickle cell disease (SCD) against malaria was first described over 60 years ago (Beet, 1946). SCD is an inherited disease, caused by the production of abnormal haemoglobin, HbS. The gene for sickle haemoglobin (HbS) substitutes valine for glutamic acid at the sixth position from the amino terminus of the ÃŽÂ ² chain (Serjeant). Under low oxygen tension, the HbS polymerises resulting in sickling of the red blood cell (haem mal 4). Homozygous individuals for HbS carry the genotype HbSS, inheriting abnormal genes for ÃŽÂ ²-globin from both parents. Without adequate treatment, this form of the disease is fatal in early life. However, heterozygous individuals who inherit one abnormal and one normal ÃŽÂ ²-globin gene are asymptomatic and carry the genotype HbAS. This genotype is known as Sickle cell trait, which various studies claim confers protection against malaria (Allison, 1964, Freidman, 1978) ( ref 1011, haem mal4). The mechanism by which HbAS prevents malaria is unclear and is an area that requires greater research. However, there have been many suggested mechanisms over the years. These mechanisms involve the interactions between red blood cells and parasites, without excluding the role of the immune system. A study conducted by Cholera 2008 examined the role of cytoadherence of parasite and red blood cells. The findings showed that parasite infected HbAS red blood cells showed reduced binding capability to endothelial cells and blood monocytes when compared to parasitized normal Hb red blood cells. This impairment caused by HbAS is caused by a reduced expression of P. falciparam erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1), responsible for cytoadherence of infected red blood cells to critical tissues such as the brain. The role of the immune system in resisting parasite infection has also been explored. Increased phagocytosis of infected HbAS erythrocytes in comparison with normal infected erythrocytes was observed ( ref smith et al 2002, akide et al 2003, Roberts Williams 2003 etc Haem mal). Further evidence showing the central role of the immune system has been illustrated by increased protection with age, strengthening the importance of immunological responses to parasite infection. Other mechanisms include the inhibition of parasite growth within erythrocytes by HbS polymerisation caused by low oxygen tension ( Haem mal). Haemoglobin C Haemoglobin C is found in west Africa, and in its homozygous state, referred to as HbCC, causes haemolysis and splenomegaly. Heterozygotes are asymptomatic and display the genotype HbAC. Haemoglobin C arises from a point mutation where glutamate is replaced by lysine at the sixth position of the ÃŽÂ ²-globin chain. Acquired immunity against P. falciparum was reported in HbC and HbS due to abnormal display of PfEMP1 (Verra et al, 2007). However, studies on HbC malarial protection have produced contradictory results. Some studies claimed homozygous HbCC individuals were protected from developing severe malaria(haem mal) and were also at a reduced risk of malarial infections (modiano et al, 2001, haem mal). ÃŽÂ ±-Thalassemia ÃŽÂ ±-thalassemia is caused by decreased synthesis of ÃŽÂ ±-globin. It is caused by deletion of ÃŽÂ ±-globin genes on chromosome 16 (Yuthavong Wilairat 1993, haem mal). ÃŽÂ ±-thalassemia results in mild anaemia, and lower levels of haemoglobin in red blood cells. Population genetics have shown ÃŽÂ ±-thalassemia to protect against malaria, but similar to SCD, there is no consensus on the mechanism of action. Studies have shown ÃŽÂ ±-thalassemia protects against severe and fatal malaria, whereas parasiteamia is unaffected (72-78, haem mal 3). A reduction in complement receptor 1 (CR1) expression caused by ÃŽÂ ±-thalassemia has been proposed as a possible mechanism of protection. CR1 deficient erythrocytes reduce rosetting of cells, which is associated with severe malaria ( Cockburn 2004). This rosetting of cells mediated by CR1 can potentially obstruct capillaries (Stoute, 2011). ÃŽÂ ²-Thalassemia ÃŽÂ ²-thalassemia results in either no or little ÃŽÂ ²-globin production, caused by mutations on chromosome 11. Heterozygotes experience mild anaemia and ineffective erythropoiesis whereas homozygotes suffer from severe anaemia and leads to death without proper treatment (Weatherall,2000, haem mal). Protection in early life from malaria was seen in ÃŽÂ ²-thalassemia carriers as a result of foetal haemoglobin levels declining more slowly than usual ( Pasvol 1978). Other researchers reported P. falciparam growth inhibition in vitro (Brockleman 1978) and higher phagocytosis of ÃŽÂ ²-thalassemia infected erythrocytes compared to normal erythrocytes. Like ÃŽÂ ±-thalassemia and SCD, there is not yet a definitive mechanism by which ÃŽÂ ²-thalassemia protects against malaria and suggested mechanisms put forward until now require greater research. Conclusion By examining the evidence, haemoglobinopathies do confer protection against malaria. However, the protection varies from one disorder to the next as does the level of protection from malarial infection and parasite progression. The protection revolves around the red blood cell which is central to the life cycle of the malaria parasite. The different haemoglobin abnormalities disrupt parasite and red blood cell interactions in diverse pathways, resulting in differing mechanisms of protection and subsequently different levels of protection. The lack of consensus regarding mechanisms involved highlights the necessity for further research. In addition to the possible protection pathways mentioned earlier, the analysis of population genetics cannot be ignored. The haemoglobinopathies discussed have a higher prevalence in malaria endemic regions due to the protection conferred from this lethal parasite.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Right to Free Movement in the European Market
Right to Free Movement in the European Market The philosophy The right to move freely represents one of the fundemental freedoms of the European internal market. This general rule on free movement rights under EC law continues to be developed,[1] either due to member state progression or economic and social demands. Although one of the most panoramic in it’s ideals, the free movement of workers has seen several central legal issues arise on various occassions. But exploration of these central issues must be seen through a consideration of the tensions and interplay between both economic and social aspects of the free movement of people from both inside and outside of the European Union. The free movement of a citizen of the European Unon is seen to contribute to the economic progression of the Community as a whole. In the single market the worker is also a human being exercising their right to live in another state and to take up employment without the risk of discrimination and to improve the standards of living for themsleves, and possibly, their families. But for nationals of a third party cases such as Chen (2004), Baumbast (2002) and Carpenter (2002) have meant that as the spouse or realtive of an EU citizen their entry into the Community is a secure one. Further, gaining the same rights of an EU citizen under Regulation 1612/68 EEC. But this idea of border controls and unfettered freedom of movement within the Community is closely interlinked with the posiiton of the non-EC national, whose right to movement and residence under EC law is limited,[2] as well as the contribtuing effect that the members states’ attitude has upon their admission.[3] â€Å"Fortress Europe†Although EC legislation had intended that internal barriers to the four freedoms be eliminated and that only an external barrier (at the borders of the Community) remain, academics have argued that this may not always be so:[4] â€Å"[how] these proposals have been watered down through discussion in member states, in particular in relation to employment, which is an important requisite for the integration of migrants.†[5] Whilst the freedom of the EC worker is guaranteed through Treaty rules and secondary legislation, this does not mean that member states may no longer exercise control over population movements, into and within their territories.[6] But some ECJ case law on Directive 68/360 expressly recognised that member states may have legitimate reasons for wishing to keep account of the population within their terrrtories.[7] The European Union, by using border controls to it’s extremities, has managed ot create a border-free, intra-EU site creating what has been dubbed as â€Å"Communierisation†of its geographical position. Although the EU has been successful in its pursuit of removing internal barriers to the four freedoms, it’s imposition of external barriers (namely, the â€Å"fortress Europe†tendany) are imposing upon those nationals of third parties from stepping into Europe unless they are related to a citizen of the EU who excerts their right to free movement. The EU has long been attacked as an exclusionary organisation concerned solely with the citizens of its own member states at the cost of non-EU citizens residing in the EU, even though many of the latter form part of ethnic or religious minorities and suffer social exclusion.[8] So, it seems that the principles governing the borders of the Community are failing those third party nationals.[9] The â€Å"Outsiders†A vivid example of how â€Å"fortress Europe†had imposed this restriction can be noted prior to the accession in 2004 of many, now, Central and Eastern European countries. Lavenex[10] argues that prior to, and with suggestions of accession for Central and Eastern European countries the, then, current members of Europe had feared large-scale immigration from these countries into their own territories. The EU’s already heavily regiinented rules of external border barriers on trade and migration from â€Å"outsiders†(those countries not members of the EU) where to form part of the accession policies. Meaning that the acceeding Central and Eastern European countries encountered stringent preventative stances to their entrance into the EU on beahlf of the Community. But during a time when security at an intergovernmemtal level is already on red alert due to heightened tensions caused by the threat of terrorism,[11] it appears that migration has become a security rather than economic issue. So risking mmigrants and asylum-seekers being portrayed as a challenge to the protection of national identity and welfare provisions. Moreover, supporting the political construction of migration as a security rather than economic issue.[12] Getting in or staying out? The treatment of third country nationals (besides those who have derived rights through Community family members) can be understood through external and internal dimensions. The external element, namely the issue of â€Å"getting into the EU†focuses on the member staes and the institutions emphasis of immigration and border controls. Yet, according to the case of Wijsenbeck[13], the member states are still able to perfomr checks at their own borders, be them external or not. But this policing of movement draws attention to the vulnerablity of the third country national.[14] But progression has been felt. Through Artcles such as K.1 to K.9 of the TEU governing policies such as asylum, immigration and third country nationals which have now been intergrated into the EC Treaty (as Title IV) , as well as Regulations have now inacted the uniform format for visas.[15] Regulations also cover the listings of third countries whose nationals must be on possession of visas when crossing external borders.[16] Importanly, the area of immigartion and the member states’ stance on the matter of border control is liable to change in accordance with their political climate. The emphasis post-September 11th has fallen squarely on matters of security.[17] Various member states have also expressed concern at the numbers of third country nationals seeking asylum in their territory, so reinforcing their diffculties in gaining access into the EU. The internal dimension of the matter is one which concentrates on the rights of third country nationals already residing within the Community. As there is no stringent source as to their status upon this; such limiteed rights are based on various possible provisions. This can include their capacity as a family member of an EU citizen (as aforementioned) or as employees of EC service providers or as subject to one of the Community’s Assocaition, Co-operation or other International Agreements with third countries.[18] Even though their residence in the EU may be legitimate the general range of EC rights and freedoms, however, do not apply to them. With speculation increasing as to the possible imposition of ID cards within the UK has also been backed by the controversial possible introduction of the staus of European citizenship. This citizenship, which would be conditional upon the possession of member state nationality, may only serve to emphasise the differences in treatment between EU nationals, who possess such nationality, and those who do not. But from an economic standpoint, countries potentially out of the line of terrorist fire have welcomed the idea of third country nationals, especially those intending to work, as being a potential boost to their economy. Yet the richer member states argue that the heightened security risks and â€Å"flood gate†effects that recent accession has had is already having an adverse effect on their economies. Concluding Staying stationaery or moving through the times? But Peers[19] argues that change may soon be on the horizon with the implementation of Directive 2003/109 on the status of long-term resident third-country nationals within the European Union. This Directive was an opportunity to address the long-standing criticism that the EU gives insufficient protection to its resident third country nationals. Already being reported as limited and disappointing in a number of respects. Yet, if consequential jurisprudence reflects its interpretation as being in line with the context and objectives of the Directive, it could make a positive contribution to the status of third country nationals in the EU. This especially as in regards to movement between member states.[20] By common accord, the unity the EU claims for itselff when constituting itself as an â€Å"area of freedomn, secrutiy and justice†has become troublesome. Critics are quick to point out that the area in which freedom, security and justice are to reign is a â€Å"spurious geographical unity†.[21] Yet, even if it were to be accepted that Europe is a geographical union, the fact remains that the EU has agreements with countries outside of this territory (such as the 1963 Ankara Agreement with Turkey), meaning that EU extends its reach outside of this area.[22] One of the main arguments behind the impact Europe is having by â€Å"sealing off†its border lies closer to home. Given that accession into the Community is based upon adaptation of national policies, be them economic, political or social, to those already established within the EU, many countries faced closing their borders to the outside for upholding the principles of preventing illegal immigration. But, in contrast to this member states are also expected to uphold the humanitarian standards of refugee protection[23] and the principles of the European Human Rights Act. With the EU being a figure-head in the creation and implementation of human rights agendas, this contradiction will only serve to weaken the EU’s leading political status. Where member states face penalties for failing to uphold either of these policies, many are at a loss as to which one prevails. These conflicting ideals have obviously affected the manner in which those member states with borders to the â€Å"outside†have integrated the principles into their immigration and refugee procedures. Further to Lavenex’s idea of fear of mass migration by the West, Huysmans alleged that the question of migration from countries external to the EU is a security problem rather than just one of immigration and asylum. As Huysmans states: â€Å"Since the 1980s, the political construction of migration increasingly referred to the destabilizing effects of migration on domestic integration and to the dangers for public order it implied.†[24] Huysmans also alleged that due to such developments as the Schengen Agreements and the Dublin Convention â€Å"†¦visibly indicate that the European integration process is implicated in the development of a restrictive migration policy and the social construction of migration into a security question.†This meaning that access for third country nationals is now even tougher maybe the member states would prefer for the barriers surronding â€Å"fortress Europe†to reamin? The Schengen Convention completely removed border controls and placed stricter contorls at the external barrier of the EU. This resulting in a stronger emphasis on external restrictions and lifting all restirtcions between member states. The Schengen scheme had been directly accredited to concerns over the increase of organised crime within the Coimmunity. But with conerns inceasing still as to the problems of human and drugs trafficking into the EU from third countries and its threat to internal security only serves to push the issue of external border control into the spotlight once again. Ultimately, academic writing[25] has contemplated the responsibility of the EU to uphold it’s policy on human rights and it’s prevention of internal barriers to freedom of movement. But as inportant as thiese priniples may be in maintaining structure and authority the Community should also reconsider it’s position on a global scale when encountering the needs of asylum seekers at their external borders as well as those already residing with them without the claim of derived rights. Footnotes [1] Carrerra, S. (2005) [2] Peers, S. Towards Equality: Actual and Potential Rights of Third Country Nationals in the Euroepan Union. (1996) [3] Craig, P and De Bà ºrca, G. EU Law: Text, Cases and Materials. [4] Binkman, G (2004) [5] op cit [6] I bid 3 [7] Case 321/87 Commission v Belgium (1989) ECR 997 [8] Peers, S. (2004) [9] ECRE (2004) [10] Lavenex, S. Safe Third Countries: Extending the Eu Asylum and Immigration Policies to Central and Eastern Europe [11] Levy (2005) [12] Huysmans (2000) [13] (1999) [14] I bid 3 [15] Reg. 334/2002 [16] Reg. 359/2001 [17] I bid 11 [18] I bid 2 [19] I bid 8 [20] op cit [21] Lindahl, H. Finding a Place for Freedom, Security and Justice: The European Union’s claim to Territorial Unity. (2004) [22] ibid 8 [23] I bid 10 [24] Huysmans (2002) [25] I bid 21
Monday, August 19, 2019
The History of Music Essay examples -- essays research papers fc
The History of Western Music Music has been around since the dawn of time, ever since man first inhabited this planet we have learned to communicate in ways other then conventional speaking. Different Cultures all have there own specific way of communicating through music. Music is basically broken into two specific groups Eastern Music and Western Music. Eastern music is mainly derived from the orient and India. While, Western music first emerged from Europe. Western music has developed in many ways since the middle ages through its form, sound, and message. The Middle Ages In 500 A.D., western civilization began to emerge from the period known as "The Dark Ages," a time in which many invading forces ruled Europe and brought an end to the Roman Empire. For the next hundred year, the newly emerging Christian Church would soon govern Europe, administering justice, initiating the Crusades against the East, creating Universities, and for the most part dictating the destiny of music, art and literature. Pope Gregory I is believed to have collected the music known as Gregorian Chant, which was the approved music of the Church. Later, Notre Dame in Paris was accredited, with the creation of a new kind of music called organum. Which was created by much more melodic phrases then Gregorian Chant, organum was also the first type of music too utilize fourth and fifth intervals, which would become one of the building blocks of modern musical theory. Music in the church had not changed much during this time as said by Charles Burney in A General History of Music Volume I, â€Å"Music in the church, however, appears to have undergone no other change at this time than in being applied in some parts of the service†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (57). A type popular music began to erupt and was sung all over Europe by the troubadours and trouvà ¨res of France. The troubadours and trouvà ¨res played mainly lutes (a primitive guitar) and sung songs, which everyday people could appreciate and identify with. And it was during the middle Ages that western culture saw the arrival of the first great name in music, Guillaume de Machaut. De Machaut polyphonic style did not catch with many during the middle ages, but would later influence a flood of composers during the Renaissance. The Renaissance The Renaissance began in the year 1420 and ended in the year 1600. The Renaissance meaning rebirth was a time of... ...bert Palmer in Rock & Roll an unruly history â€Å"Of necessity, then, rock and roll’s original audience was in many respects a secret audience teenagers gathering after school, cruising in their cars, or lying awake under their bedclothes deep in the night, their ears pressed to tiny little transistor radios.†(95). Western Music has developed in many ways since the middle ages through its form, sound, and message. Throughout these different periods in western music one thing has remained constant, the true essence of music, a way to communicate with someone on a much more divine level than be by rudimentary conversation. Though Ludwig Van Beethoven and Paul McCartney may seem completely opposite they have one in common through their music they changed the world’s perception of its self Works Cited Burney, Charles. A General History Of Music. New York: Dover Publications, 1957. Burney, Charles. A General History Of Music 2. New York: Dover Publications, 1957. Einstein, Alfred. A Short History Of Music. New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1969. Palmer, Robert. Rock & Roll an unruly history. New York: Harmony Books, 1995. Prendergast, Mark. The Ambient Century. New York: Bloomsbury, 2000
Sunday, August 18, 2019
How to Protect Yourself from Chikan :: Essays Papers
How to Protect Yourself from Chikan All trains and subways in Tokyo and other cities around Tokyo are terribly crowded during rush hour. In addition to the crowds on trains, young female passengers have to go through one more trial on a train. They must protect themselves from Chikans, men who touch women on the train. Women who are working or studying in Tokyo have to keep three things in mind when they are on a train: how to avoid meeting Chikans, how to protect themselves, and how to protect their friends. First, young women should try not to choose lines or trains which have a high possibility of meeting Chikans. Needless to say, Chikans seldom appear on trains which are not crowded. Accordingly, the best way to avoid Chikans is to avoid taking crowded trains. However, women have to take crowded trains during rush hour to arrive at their offices or schools on time. Though they cannot choose the time of the trains, they can choose which line they should take. In general, women meet Chikans more frequently when they take private lines, the subways, or JR lines. They especially have to be aware of some lines which have a bad reputation among young women. For example, the Odakyu line is one of the most crowded trains. We have all kinds of schools, including high-level, low-level, and public schools along the Odakyu line, and many women, especially female students, tend to meet Chikans on this line. I met ones who were male students of a certain school when I was a high school student. In contrast, many schools along the subways in the center part of Tokyo are high-level or expensive private schools, and women do not meet Chikans very much on these lines. The Inogashira line is also famous among women for Chikans. Many young people use this line to go to Shibuya, which is the most popular place in Tokyo. Some of my friends told me that some men use this line only to touch women. Because of these reasons, I often use other lines to go to Tokyo. Next, many young women tend to put up with Chikans silently when they are on a train alone. However, they should protect themselves from Chikans by following three steps. First, if you think that someone is touching you, turn your head slowly and look at his hand to make sure that he is really a Chikan.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Is Poetry Dead Essay
Yes, poetry is dead to some extent. Poetry in the classical sense is dead anyway, but there is still poetry in today’s society. We may not look at it in the same way we did years ago because it has changed. We as a society do not take the time to read as we once did, to understand and enjoy literary text. I agree with Wexler’s statements â€Å"we have become lazy and lack the knowledge, commitment, and patience to understand and enjoy poetry. †I myself do not understand poetry and do not want to take the time to read enough of it to understand it. According to Wexler â€Å"It is difficult to imagine a world without movies, plays, novels and music, but a world without poems doesn’t have to be imagined. †It is difficult to imagine such a thing but if we look closely we might find poetry in all of those places. Today’s society is a fast-paced one and the entertainers have adapted to this way of life. They make novels into short stories on film, leaving out critical parts in the novel, to appease our appetites for entertainment on a tight schedule. â€Å"My interest waned,†writes Wexler. â€Å"On the surface, I suppose it was because I had other interests that demanded my time and attention: I got married, had children, pursued my career, bought a house. With apologies to Frost, I began to find more relevance in articles about interest rates than essays on the sprung rhythm of Hopkins. †With the computer age comes less time to sit and read for pure entertainment. There are video games, internet and such that replace the enjoyment of a good book. People do not sit and discuss a good book as they once did; we discuss the latest movie or play instead, because we feel that these things take up less of our time than reading. I myself only read when I need to and even then I usually skim through to get the highlights. But as to the art of poetry being dead all together as Wexler’s states I disagree. We can find poetry everywhere if we look. Look at some of the modern music of today’s society it is there form of poetry. According to Kay Day, â€Å"I have a theory about that, one that rests on the fact that poetry has splintered into a number of different factions. There is poetry for the page, a type of poetry that appeals to those who enjoy scholarship and intellectual challenges. Then there’s slam poetry, popular among youth, that relies on thumping rhythm and aggressive rhyme. Formal poets espouse rhythm and meter based on traditional forms such as the sonnet. Personal poetry, also known as journal poetry, serves up stockroom emotions in a variety of forms, and this poetry usually reflects the writer’s emotional state in a familiar way. †I agree with this statement the world has changed and evolved to view poetry in many different lights. Some food for thought, in doing research I also found a couple of articles that I found interesting and another reason that poetry could not be dead. Victor Infante, â€Å"If Wexler had made one iota of effort, he’d have noticed a few things: like thousands upon thousands of people attending recent poetry festivals in locales as diverse as Orange County, California, and Austin, Texas†¦ Or the 10,000 people who attend the National Poetry Slam Finals annually†¦ Or the fact that poetry sales have been rising for years now, even through the bad economy. Poetry has actually transformed over the years, and it’s quite possible that Wexler has missed the boat. So, Bruce, here’s the crash course: Poetry is no longer insular  it’s a living, growing, vibrant art form. Poetry is no longer the province of the white middle class  it’s been embraced by youths and minorities. Poetry is not uncool  why else would teenage black kids in inner cities so proudly proclaim themselves poets? †Justin Barrett, â€Å"We have done away with the oral tradition and our culture morphed into a televised tradition. Poetry doesn’t work well in the televised world, and it all but disappeared. But, with the advent and spread of the internet, poetry is once again given the space to flourish. As of right this second, Googling the word â€Å"poetry†yields 19,700,000 separate hits. †Works Cited Day, Kay. â€Å"Why Poetry†First publication, â€Å"Uncommon Ground,†at Jacksonville. com, the Florida Times-Union Net site, July 15, 2003 http://kayday. com/why_poetry. htm Infante, Victor. â€Å"Once Again, Poetry Is Dead? It must be true, because Newsweek said it†2004-2005 Atlanticrock. com http://www. atlanticrock. com/OpenMic001. html Barrett, Justin. â€Å"Poetry Isn’t Cool†http://www. myfavoritebullet. com/ESSAY_barrett_POETRY_isnt_COOL. html.
Medical Marijuana and Its Uses and Effects
Hastings Center Report, 36(3), 19-22. Cone's credibility as a trustworthy author is indisputable, because of all of his accomplishments. He was a professor of anesthesiology at the University of Pennsylvania medical school, the chairman of the Society of Academic Anesthesiology, and of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia. Cone's formal article mainly focused on the lack of scientific evidence of the therapeutic use of marijuana, and how people were being prosecuted for using medical marijuana even though it was legal by state law.His purpose throughout was to motivate scientists to perform research and testing of medical marijuana. He began taking about the Supreme Court case of Gonzales v. Rich, which ruled that the production and use of home-grown marijuana can be criminality. Rich legally grew marijuana for her own medical use under Californians Proposition 21 5, but she was still prosecuted by the federal government. Cohen cleverly used Roach's example to show that me dical marijuana needs further testing to show the extent of its benefits.He manipulated the audience's emotions by describing Rich as a 39 year old mother who had struggled with disabling ailments since she was a child, yet miraculously marijuana made her strong enough to stand p and learn to walk again. Cone's tone throughout the article was very skeptical. For example, he referred to marijuana as an unproven therapy, and compared its use without scientific evidence to using liniments of turpentine for curing cancer. He also used pathos and logos to depict the political barriers to obtaining valid studies of medical marijuana.For example, Cohen used the story of how he had to wait four years to try to obtain marijuana legally from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NADIA) to perform clinical studies of its effectiveness, and then later was rejected. Cotter, J. (2009). Efficacy of crude marijuana and synthetic delta-9- dehydrogenation's as treatment for chemotherapy-induced nause a and vomiting: A systematic literature review. Oncology Nursing Forum, 36(3), 345-352. Jaime Cotter's credibility as an author could be seen as reliable, although he has only written one article on medical marijuana.Cotter is an oncology clinical nurse specialist at Aurora SST. Lake's Medical Center in New Berlin, WI. , which affects his perspective on the uses of medical marijuana, which is that marijuana is better for treating patients with chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINE). His targeted audience was mostly nurses and physicians. The goal of Cotter's article was to evaluate side effects and patient preference of smoked marijuana to the oral version of marijuana, TECH. Also he wanted to encourage fellow nurses to suggest the use of the TECH for treatment of CINE to their patients and physician associates.Cotter's article gave a general overview of the history of marijuana and its uses, and it compared smoked marijuana to TECH and placebo for treating CINE, by gathere d research from published scholarly articles. He used logos to convince his audience f the impossibility of death by a marijuana overdose, by reporting that the absence of cannoning receptors in the lower brainstem makes the probability for lethal overdoses impossible. Cotter also honestly stated that the adverse side effects of medical marijuana such as impaired memory, distorted perception, and anxiety.He continued is persuasive remarks by stating that all drugs have their own unique side- effect, which is undeniable. Hathaway, A. D. , & Roister, K. (2007). Medical marijuana, community building, and Canada's compassionate societies. Contemporary Justice Review, 10(3), 283-296. Hathaway and Rosette's credibility paled in comparison to the other authors even though their Journal was well researched. Hathaway works at the University of Gulch's department of sociology and anthropology, and he has a PhD. Roister also has a PhD and she works in the department of public health science at the University of Toronto.The main goal of their Journal was to shed light on the obstacles that patients go through to obtain medical marijuana, and to expose clandestine communities like compassion clubs that helped patients to gain access he medical marijuana. The authors' stance was in support of medical use of marijuana. Their Journal was mostly give out general information on the historical and present use of medical marijuana. Their main focus was to elaborate on the difficulty of patients to achieve access to medical marijuana through physicians, and how it caused them to go to other unreliable sources to gain medical treatment.The authors gathered research by going to a compassion club to perform face-to-face interviews with people that used marijuana for medicinal purposes. The author used he interviews as a way to manipulate the audience to believe that the compassion clubs were a safe haven for patients seeking marijuana treatment. They depicted that the clubs provided a wealth of information about medical marijuana and spared the patients form the dangers of buying street drugs. Season, M. J. , Fast, J. A. , Maria, M. , & ABA-Shears, N. A. (2007). Medical marijuana and the developing role of the pharmacist.American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 64(10), 1037-1044. The authors of this text are highly creditable, because they all reactive within pharmaceutical companies, and some are practicing pharmacists themselves. That fact totally shaped the goal of their article, which was to encourage fellow pharmacists to learn as much as possible about the medical and social histories of marijuana. The authors perspectives on medical marijuana was that it is a drug that should be used with caution and can have potentially adverse side- effects, especially if it interacts with prescription drugs.The authors used logos to convince the audience that the lack of scientific research is due to the fact the deiced marijuana is tightly regulated product, and i ts quality clinical trials are limited. The authors used ethos by naming prestigious institutes such as the Institute of Medicine and the House of Lords to support their claim that medical marijuana does have some value. The authors also made unsupported claims of marijuana being associated with adverse effects that impair the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system. Tooting, W. , Collect, J. , Shapiro, S. & Ware, M. A. (2008). Adverse effects of medical cannabises: A systematic review. ECMA: Canadian Medical Association Journal, 178(13), 1669-1678. The authors article overall is creditable as a source for general information on medical marijuana, but they sometimes make claims without any proof to support them. All of the authors have occupations relative to health care. This whole article in a nutshell, was about a systematic review of medical marijuana by evaluating eligible articles that were published in the past 40 years, their results, and their interpretation.The pur pose was to report known adverse effects of marijuana, so their Journal could inform physicians, policymakers and the public. The authors used logos in the way that they performed systematic review, so that could persuade their audience that they were creditable and well informed. Also they used varied types of graphs to visually show their results, and to impress the audience. According to the authors, medical marijuana has a risk factor for psychosis, cancer, and neurologist effects.That study was focused on the recreational use of marijuana, so it cannot be trusted, because it is not relevant to medical uses. Ware, A. M. , Kahn, M. , Assertive, A. (2006). Is there a role for marijuana in medical practice? Canadian Family Physician, 52, 1531-1533. Ware, Kahn, and Secretariat's Journal was highly credible and useful. They all had professions that relate to health and medicine, so they could easily be declared reliable authors. Ware was a practicing pain physician and assistant prof essor in anesthesia and family medicine.Kahn was medical director of the addiction medical service and head of the alcohol clinic at SST. Josephs Health Centre for addiction and mental health. Also Assertive was a staff physician at SST. Josephs Health Centre and a clinical researcher. Their Journal entry was basically two opposing sides debating on whether marijuana use belongs in medical practice. The authors' goal was to show both sides of the marijuana debate to educate patients and physicians. Both side made strong points that supported their opinions.For example, the side for medical marijuana stated that marijuana could be cultivated under controlled conditions, which could reduce the risk of patients being prosecuted, and it could be documented and monitored as part of standard care. On the side against medical marijuana, they stated and oral TECH and a buyback spray are available, which is safer than smoking dried marijuana. Also they declared that patients that use marijua na are in a high risk for adverse effects like dependence and psychosomatic impairment, due to approved daily amounts that patients can consume.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Asian Countries Essay
Many Asian countries such as Singapore, HK, and South Korea have achieved tremendous economic growth in the last forty years of development. One of the key success factors has been macroeconomic stability in these countries. Multiplier effect  population Talk aboit the characteristic of Asian countries-past 40 years –deveoping country –vast raw material 1. Economic growth is defined as an increased in the level of production of goods and services by a country over a certain period of time. Economic growth can be in terms of real economic growth or potential economic growth. I agree with the author that one of the key factors that have allowed many Asian countries to have achieved economic growth has been macroeconomic stability such as low inflation, low unemployment rate and stable exchange rate in the currency market. However these Asian Countries have achieved tremendous economic growth are also due to other supporting key success factors such as globalisation and political stability enjoyed in these countries which I will explain in this essay. 2.Low Inflation I agree that macroeconomic stability due to low inflation is one key success factor that leads to economic growth in many Asian countries. Inflation is defined as the sustained increased in general price level. When there is low inflation in these Asian countries, it helps to ensure a competitive export industry. This implies that its exports will have a higher price competitiveness over their trading partner hence its export will increased. For example, Singapore, a small and open economy with no natural resources depends mainly on its trade for its economic growth. Hence having a low inflation allows Singapore goods to be relatively cheaper than foreign goods and this cause the net export of Singapore to increase.Low inflation protects domestic industry away from foreign goods competition as the price of the domestic goods is cheaper than foreign goods will cause the demand for imports to fall. Thus low inflation would result in an increased in net export (X-M Low inflation also leads to an increase in the investment expenditure. Since Singapore has low inflation ,it implies that Singapore tends to be more stable and there is less uncertainty, firms and foreign direct investors will find it easier to estimate the costs and revenues of investments. Hence when inflation is low it will give a good business sentiments and this leads to an increase in investment expenditure. Since net export (X-M) and investment expenditure are components of aggregate demand when net export (X-M) increased and investment expenditure increased, AD will also increase. ( Graph figure1 ) As seen from figure 1,when AD curve shift right from AD1 to AD2 the general price level increase from p1 to p2 and real GDP increases from Y1 to Y2.Thus,Singapore experience real Economic growth as a result of macroeconomic stability due to low inflation. Thus, I agree with the author that one of the key success factors leading to economic growth in many Asian countries is due to macroeconomic stability. 3. Low unemployment Another key success factors that leads to economic growth has been macroeconomic stability due to low unemployment rate. Unemployment is defined as the number of people who is willing and able to work but is unable to find a suitable job and is contantly searching for a job. Asian countries for example Singapore have a low unemployment rate. The low unemployment rate allow the economy in Singapore to produce a larger amount of output and implies a large amount of people in Singapore have income. Thus, having low unemployment rate that the consumers in Singapore have higher spending powers due to higher disposable income and more people having the ability to spend as they holds a job. Thus consumption level in Singapore will increase. In addition, when the unemployment rate in Singapore is low, the government will be able to collect more tax revenue. Also, lesser unemployment benefits is needed to be given to the unemployed and these tax revenue and unemployment funds could be used by government to improve the infrastructure of Singapore which would attract more foreign direct investor. Since consumption( C ) ,(G) government expenditure and (I) investment which are components of AD, when C,G and I increase, AD will also increase. An initial increase in AD will leads to a more than proportionate increase in the real national income through the multiplier process. However for Asian countries like Singapore the mulitiplier size is small due to a small population size and large leakage of the circular flow of income. Hence the extent of shift of the AS curve is greater than the extent of shift of the AD curve. As seen from figure 2 ,when AD curve shift from AD1 to AD2 and AS curve shift from AS1 to AS2 , the general price level decrease from P1 to P2 and the real GDP increases from Y1 to Y2.Thus , there is econonomic growth where hence there will be increased in real GDP thus there is in the short run there is real economic growth in the short runwhereas In the long run, the increase in investment expenditure will cause an increase in potential economic growth due to the increase in productivity and productive capacity as a result of the increase in capital goods. Hence , Asian countries like Singapore experience real economic growth in the short run and potential economic growth in the long run as a result of macroeconomic stability due to low unemployment. Thus I agree with the author that macroeconomic stability due to low unemployment is one of the key success factors that leads to economic growth in many Asian countries. 4. Stable exchange rate Another key success factors that leads to economic growth in many Asian countries like Singapore has been macroeconomic stability due to stable exchange rate. Stable exchange rate provides good business sentiments for firms and investor as the outlook of the economy is optimistic. Also, stable exchange rate is important especially to investors who depend heavily on importing raw materials for production of their goods. This is because stable exchange rate allows these firms and investors to estimate ahead the costs of operations and the returns in the long run. Thus having stable exchange rate in Asian countries like Singapore provide confidence to investors and hence stable exchange rate serve as an incentive to attract foreign director investor. Since investment expenditure is a component of AD when investment increased, AD will increased in the short run and AS will increase in the long run as investor brings in new technology and more efficient production methods which helps to i mprove the productivity and increase the productive capacity. As seen in figure 3,when AD curve shift right from AD1 to AD2 and AS curve shift right from AS1 to AS2 ,the general price level decrease from P1 to P2 and the real gd* increases from Y1 to Y2.Since real GDP increased,it implies that there is economic growth. For Asian countries like Singapore, where we are small and open with no natural resources we depend heavily on foreign direct investment apart from trade to achieve economic growth.( Investment revenue statistic how much Investment contribute to GDP†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦)Thus, I agree with the author that macroeconomic stability due to stable exchange rate is one of the key success factors that leads to economic growth in many Asian countries. 5.Globalisation However, to achieve tremendous economic growth in many Asian countries based solely on macroeconomic stability is not enough, hence there are other supporting key success factors such as globalisation and political stability that helps to contribute to the tremendous economic growth in many Asian countries. Globalisation is a phenomenon where the markets of global economy become more integrated. With globalisation it also means that there will be faster diffusion of ideas, information, and technology across the world. Globalisations have led a reduction in trade barriers. Globalisation helps to increase international trade between countries which is especially important for countries like Singapore who depends heavily on export revenue for economic growth. Globalisation has allow the production costs to lower because countries specialise in goods which they have comparative advantage in producing and allow them to import the cheapest raw material helps them to lower their cost of pro duction. Singapore has no natural resources this means that Singapore import all of its raw materials. Thus, the process of globalisation helps Singapore to lower its cost of production and allow the price of its final goods and services to be cheaper. This will increase the price competiveness of Singapore exports as they are relatively cheaper than foreign goods. Since the export revenue will be higher than the import expenditure net exports(X-M) will increased. Net export is a component of AD, thus AD will also increased. As seen from figure 4,when AD curve shift right from AD1 to AD2 the real GDP increases from Y1 to Y2.Thus,Singapore experience Economic growth as a result of macroeconomic stability due globalisation. and real GDP will increased hence economic growth is achieved. Thus globalisation is undeniable playing as key success factors that leads to economic growth in many Asian countries. 6.Political Stability Political stability provides the outlook of the economy of the country. Many Asian countries like Singapore has very good governance with strict rules and regulations together with the sound infrastructure making it a conducive place for investment. When there is political stability there will be good business sentiments as investor are able to plan ahead their expected costs of operations of the business and the returns in the long term. Politically stable country means the likelihood of civil war or political war is low hence the operation of the firms will be stable and there will be low risk of facing the possibilities of shutting down. Hence foreign direct investors are attracted to politically stable country because of the stability of the business outlook. Since investment expenditure is a component of AD an increase in Investment expenditure will lead to an increase in real GDP and help Singapore to achieve economic growth. Thus Asian countries that are politically stable acts as a key success factors to support other factors to help Asian countries like Singapore to achieve economic growth. 7.Conclusion I agree with the author that one of the key success factors has been macroeconomic stability that leads to economic growth in many Asian countries. However with macroeconomic stability alone, without globalisation and political stability in these Asian countries,it is unable to achieved tremendous economic growth.This the tremendous economic growth is achieved as these key success factors exist together and support each other.If not the tremendous economic growth if based on macroeconomic stability will only be in the short terms but globalisation and political stability allows the tremendous economic growth to last in the long run.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
The Birthday Boys by Beryl Bainbridge
Through the ‘Birthday Boys' Beryl Bainbridge has written the accounts of five very different men and their heroic fight to achieve indissoluble greatness. Fascinatingly this straightforward expedition reveals some of the most complex revelations about Edwardian society and its misplaced British class system. Even more interesting is the morals and opinions of the five men and how their desire, whatever it was, drove them to their deaths. We see how Captain Scott, possibly one of the most well-known British heroes, miscalculated time and time again, and learn through the other narrations how he begins to lose the initial trust of his men. Heroism and the values surrounding it were somewhat different then to what they are now. Heroism was far more special and idiosyncratic as the final narrative of captain Oates reveals to us. When reading the book it never feels like a team effort. It is one where the reader follows each individual and their plight for what they wish to achieve. I think the heroism present in the ‘Birthday Boys' is so idiosyncratic because there does not appear to be a common goal. With the exception of Dr. Wilson, these men were not going to the South Pole for Scientific Research, they were there for the glory, and they were there for the chance to be a hero. This drove them on. Temperatures in the Antarctic reached below -60iC, which was more than most of them had ever dreamt of suffering. It took more than just physical strength to survive those conditions; it was their mental strength, courage and belief. Each man had different ideas of what this heroic status would mean. Taff Evans explains how when he returns from the pole he will be in a position to quit being a sailor and ‘buy a little pub in Cardigan bay'. He saw this simple, honest ambition as being an ample reward for becoming a hero. Scott of the Antarctic', perhaps one of the most controversial of British Heroes, is very carefully examined by Beryl Bainbridge. Those readers who thought he was an unlucky explorer, caught out by nature but a great leader, are refuted. Those who thought that he was an inhumane, terrible leader are shown his good points. Bainbridge manages to bring a certain realism to the portrayal of a hero whom many have formed strong opinions with very little foundation. He is a very determined and positive leader yet when setting out to an unexplored continent he needs a lot more than determination and a will to succeed. It is easy to feel that Scott has overlooked this. He lacks carefully planned routes and he never has a backup plan when the least he should have is a backup plan for the backup plan! His optimism, in my opinion, is his greatest downfall. He opens his narrative: Having to sail on past Cape Crozier came as a frightful blow. I'd banked on establishing our winter quarters there, but it proved impossible to land owing to the swell. These two sentences sum up Scott's inadequacies. Firstly, we see there's no direct self-blame. He affirms this constantly through his narrative – when it is obviously his fault no-one holds responsibility, and when it is not clear who is to blame he would use names: I blamed Gran, Oates, Meares – especially Meares. Secondly, he doesn't particularly worry about the fact that they will have to locate a new Winter Camp. It was merely a frightful blow, that's all. He does not dwell on it, in fact by the next paragraph he is already talking about their new location. Finally, perhaps the most unforgivable examples of Scots' lack of preparation was that they were unable to moor at Cape Crozier was because the sea had waves on it! Scots idiocy was one of the main reasons for the fate of the Polar Party. For two years he had been setting up supply camps for their return journey to cater for four people, and then decided that five could go along. One would hope a child would not make that sort of mistake let alone an experienced explorer. Despite this no one made any objections. There was a clear hierarchy amongst these men. This hierarchy meant that few decisions were questioned and inevitably when people disagree with a decision, like dropping the skis due to a change of terrain, they lose confidence in their leader and morale drops. The Birthday Boys' by Beryl Bainbridge is a carefully written analysis of the Edwardian society, picking up on their naivety, their disjointed class system and their wish to gain respect through becoming a hero. The book is called the birthday boys because the author has captured the child-like qualities of the 1910 expedition so perfectly. It is clear that the death of these men was not needed – yet, by dying, they did achieve the indissoluble greatness they desired and one can only feel that this temptation may itself have contributed to their fate.
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