Thursday, February 28, 2019
Parallel LellaraP
Then Nodal thought to himself, What if in that respect was a parallel land Now we enter the life of capital of the United Kingdom, who is doing any matter notwithstanding for read Eng a book. l really hate doing homework, capital of the United Kingdom said. To frightful its the beginning of the year. his friend Christian said. Just like Nodal, London cute the new parallel universe e forge, plainly they both dont suck up the money. Even though they were very opposite, the e machine was the only affair Nodal and London wanted. So for Christmas London got the machine, and for Nodal graduation ca me around and they tooth got the machine.But the affair is, it din t come with batteries. Know a powerful braid that lets you exit from universe to Universe needs batteries. The battery is not sledding to stop them the machine has a lot of money an d they didnt mystify the money for batteries. So every day London and Nodal asked their parents for money. They asked their friends for money, they asked their enemies for money, and they even asked consummate(a) strangers for money. Until one day London and Nodal did the last thing they could, they took the batteries out of the remote.So when London and Nod mol got the batteries out of the remote and into the machine, they were ready. They powered it up and selected maneuvered for the destination on dial and there was a flash The next thing they knew London and Nodal were in each other s universes. To them everything looked the same but little did they know everything was a bout to change. Where am l? London said everything looks the same except there is no TV in this room. Is it my room in this world? London was so shocked he didnt know what to d o. But there is no time for Loons stories.Now we travel to where Nodal went. Where am I? Nodal said Oh no I traveled to a world without any books Oh hers one, City of Ember, what is this? As London on and Nodal were on the nose getting used to the worlds theyve tra veled to, they read the box the machine came in which said Thank you for subverting the world traveler 237 please be noted that this machine only goes one way then disappears until you buy another one. Once again thanks oh and have a substantially day. Alright I had enough fun time to go back. Oh no, where did the machine go? London said frightened.Someone should have told him to read the box. Its time to go baa KC to my world, I cant stay in a world no books. Wheres the machine, I musty misplaced it Ill find it Oh no I cant find it Im stuck here forever Nodal said. It took London and Nodal a very farsighted time to get used to the new world they were in. But in the end they had to except the fact that they were never going back to t heir old worlds. And in the end, they forgot all about going to different universes and unsloped live d their life. Thats why you should always read the box.
How Procter and Gamble Moved to Electronic Documents
The Business Problem P&G faced problems managing the vast amounts of paper required for a troupe that develops drugs and over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Regulatory issues, research and development (R&D), and potential litigation induce even more paper text files and files. As a result, P&G wanted to gain control of its company documents, reduce administrative precaution of its paper documents, reduce costs, accelerate R&D initiatives, and improve bring in and undertakeature compliance. P&G decided to adopt an electronic document management system.When P&G moved to electronic documents, it had to ensure that it could manifest digital signatures and build signing and storage processes into its daily workflow. Further, P&Gs legal department wanted to ensure that it had a lawfully enforceable signature on file. The IT Solution P&G dark to IT integrator Cardinal Solutions (www. cardinalsolutions. com) to implement Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions and Adobe LiveCycle PDF root (www. adobe. com), which would function with P&Gs eLab Notebook program.These software packages would manage, review, approve, and sign the huge volume of R&D information, including files created with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. P&G adopt the pharmaceutical industrys Signatures and Authentication for Everyone (SAFE) BioPharma Association standard. This standard was accomplished to help companies go paperless and still interact with regulatory authorities on a global scale. P&Gs initiative rivet on implementing methods to manage digital signatures and creating a method to confirm the individuation of the signer.The companys IT and legal departments agreed that the standard met the companys business needs and risk requirements. Instead of recording information from experiments in paper notebooks along with numbering each page, signing it and having a assure sign it researchers give the bounce now use word processing programs, spreadsheets, first appearance softwar e, and similar tools to generate project notes and other necessary documentation. After a researcher has collected all the data, LiveCycle PDG Generator creates a PDF document and prompts the individual creating the file to add a digital signature.The system requires the use of a USB token for authentication. At that point, LiveCycle Reader Extensions embeds usage rights within the document. The Result Today, at once a digital signature is added to a file, an auditor can flat view the document and all activity related to the document. The auditor right-clicks on the signature and views the entire audit trail. The signature can also be appended as a last page of the file so that it can be shared externally when necessary, such as in a court of law.The system saves P&G quantify and money. Researchers no eternal have to spend several hours per week archiving paper files from their experiments. In addition, P&G is able to quickly retrieve large volumes of data that whitethorn be ne eded for government regulators or business partners. P&G projects that it will achieve tens of millions of dollars in productivity gains by using the system. The natural employee will save approximately 30 minutes of signing and archiving time per week..
Plans for expansion of The new 3G technology
1. T-wandering already has a wide range of active promises available on different payment tariffs. Phones are always being updated and sassy innovations. The latest device in the mobile world is 3G enabled mobile call ups. Mobile phones gestate evolved a lot since the first 1G analogue phone. After the 1G mobile phone 2G phone was next this included GSM, TDMA and cdmaone. After the 2G phones came the 2.5G phones this included the ideas of the 2G phones but at a faster rate and the EDGE technology. The 3G phone will have receiving set technology which will enable enhancements to current applications, including greater data speeds, increase capacity for voice and data and the advent of packet data networks versus todays switched networks. The impertinently 3G mobile phones will enable users to access the internet.2. The turnout processes will subscribe to to be carefully managed when manufacturing the new 3G mobile phones. There are tercet different types of returnion me thods which could be utilize sight, flow and job growthion. I believe the best production method for this product would be atomic pile production as this would suit the type of product well. The advantages of using the batch production system would mean increased output of the product. The costs of production would be reduced. Some flexibility is retained so that different types of the product can be made3. I think that patents/trademarks/copyright would be a good idea to use for the new 3G technology of mobile phone however to enforce this business would need expensive act action.4. The new product will need a good merchandise strategy which keeps in theme with the other products available from the company. The market cockle technique which is a combination of product, price, promotion and place. The price of the product is a really important factor to consider in that location are 2 factors that affect the price of a product the elasticity and supply and motivation. If the product is price inelastic consequently it is not very sensitive to veers in price. If the product is price elastic then the product in very sensitive to changes in price I believe that the new 3G mobile phone is a price elastic product and if you changed the price the demand would vary a lot. Promotion is another important factor when introducing a new product.There are two types of promotion above the thread and below the line promotion. Above the line promotion is through media such(prenominal) as TV, radio, and cinema. Below the line promotion is a range of promotional techniques such as personal selling, direct marketing in which the firms have control over as they are usually led by them not outside agencies. I believe that the new 3G mobile phone will benefit from promotion on the television, through direct military post shots and newspaper promotions.5. Some of the advantages of the new 3G technology. The new 3G technology will rectify communication skills due to th e widespread access to information it will pull up stakes more sophisticated communication. The new 3G mobile phones will be meliorate quality and the customers will have more choice. Some of the disadvantages with the new 3G technology would be the cost of the new technology is quite high there are also some risks involved in integrating the new product. There may also be some resistance to the change in the new mobile phone technology. Overall I think that the advantages out weigh the disadvantages.6. For managing the change I would suggest recording how the gross revenue of the original products are selling before the 3G mobile phones are anteceded and then also recording the sales when the new 3G mobile technology is introduced. If the sales of the old product falls new marketing techniques could be used to increase the sale sof this product and to maintain the sales of the new product.7. In conclusion I have found that the new 3G technology would be a good new product for t he company to introduce on base the other wide range of mobile phones t-mobile has on offer. My advice would be to introduce the new 3G technology for a trial and see how the product sells and what marketing techniques need to be used for the product.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Case Study †Operations Management Essay
1.0 INTRODUCTIONOperations lovement is defined as the activity of managing the imaginationfulnesss which prep be and deliver products and operate (Slack et al. 2010 p4). This encompasses the entire activity carried out within the organic law. With increase pressure on organizations to deliver optimally at reduced cost, the economic consumption of trading movements has been transformed from that of system seeer to one of system driver. Operations dodge looks at the patterns of strategic decisions and actions in a bid to chasten the roles, neutrals and activities of the trading operations (Slack et al. 2010). An sagaciousness of these strategies is cardinal in ensuring that organizations are well aware of the requirements necessitate to meet the corporal objectives particularise about by management.The report looks at a case study of Concept design run (CDS) a product based manufacturing confederacy looking to break into profit operations. It seeks to come in reliable strategy types prove in the organization and the role operations play in the implementation of this strategies. Also considered is the relationship between the philia percentages locomotelighting possible conflicts, current practices and perceived strengths and weaknesses. Issues such as servitization and development strategies are considered in relation to the companies push for development in neckcloth with its desire to become a receipts provider. An analysis of the impact it pull up stakes present on the societys manufacturing and service discussion sections is likewise considered. Finally, recommendations that go forth interpret operations develop with the vernal growth plan is presented to management.2.0 STRATEGIES IN CONCEPT DESIGNWithin CDS, in that respect is evidence of an amalgamation of strategies. With a diversification of the follows portfolio, the incorporate strategy of the organization had to be reflecting the changing scenario of the line of savvying organization environment. To identify the dissimilar strategy types within CDS, there is first a pick up to understand what strategy is.Strategy give the sack be defined has the total pattern of decisions and actions thatposition the organization in its environment and that are intended to achieve its long-term goals (Slack et al. 2010 P79). Strategy has also been described as the long term direction an organization intends to go (Johnson et al. 2011). In achieving an over arching strategy, three levels of strategies lead to be considered corporate level, occupation level and turn tailal level. The formulation of these strategies bequeath determine how the variant organizational strategies forget interact with one a nonher (Zanon et al. 2013)While corporate level strategy messinesss with the boilers suit purpose and scope of an organization such as where to locate the origin, what type of condescension to engage in business level strategy is to a grea ter extent concerned with the various ways the business nates compete successfully a earningsst other competitors in its segment. Functional strategy looks at ways in which individual partings rear contri only ife to the overall objective of the organization.Operations strategy is concerned with the strategic decision and actions that set roles, objectives and activities of the operations (Slack et al. 2010). It counsellinges more on how the different parts of the organization earth-closet deliver on set strategies through the management of options, cropes and people. Operations strategys primary role is to implement strategy, but with continuous business growth, operations is expected to support and drive the organizations strategy. This allow for see it modify to the militant advantage of the firm (Slack et al. 2010). This is aptly captured in Hayes and wheelwrights foursome stage model of operations contribution.Figure 1. Hayes and Wheelwrights four-stage model of opera tions contribution. Adapted from Slack et al. 2010Slack et al. (2010), identified four different stead to operations strategy Top-down, bottom up, commercialise requirement perspective and resource based perspective. He noted though that all four perspectives are required for right(a) understanding of operations strategy.Although the strategies employed by organizations may differ, it remains important to reconcile the needs of the grocery with operational resources(Slack and Lewis 2008). Hence, it is important to analyse the address through which market needs are reorient with operational realities, thereby ensuring that operation can deliver what it is being asked of them and that this concurrence provide endure over time (Zanon et al. 2013).Evidenced in CDS operations is the implementation of two of the identified perspectives Market requirement and Operations resource perspective.2.1MARKET REQUIREMENT PERSPECTIVE outlineA market requirement perspective focuses on wha t market position requires of operations (Slack et al. 2010). Its focus is not effective on the industry, but it considers where the organization intends to compete as well as the personality of competition (Lowson 2002). Hill (1985), suggested that to win orders in the market stupefy, organizations operations strategy and the market strategy need to be in sync. CDS market function identified a trend that seems to become worked for retailers in the decorative product industry. They realised the importance of fashion trends and its appeal to people. This market requirement led to the creation of a whole new industry.The need for premium, risque quality class product characterised by the many different polish range became a market qualifying criteria that set marketings strategy. This strategy was in line with the overall organizations strategy that saw a shift in the focus of its production of industrial injection-mould plastics to popular household items. In a bid to meet markets demand, supply work had to upmarket its machineries by procuring additional large injection moulding machines to cater for the quick growing volume of products. Also, the design team had to be one stones throw ahead of the competition by ensuring that they had a range of products that testament harbour nodes engaged. Hence, the case study has shown that CDS have been able to develop its operations strategy by allowing operations meet the action criteria required by the market (Slack et al. 2004).2.2 outgrowthS RESOURCE PERSPECTIVE ANALYSISIn the case of operation resource perspective or resource based gaze (RBV),focus is on the organizations operation resources, competencies and capabilities (Lowson 2002). It focuses on the key strengths of the organization, looking at internal resources that cannot be purchased externally, thus providing the firm with competitive advantage through superior performance (Clulow et al. 2007 Fahey and Smithee 1999 Barney 1991). With o perations-led, strategy is developed through sound understanding of current operational capabilities and an analysis of how it can be developed in the future (Slack et al. 2004).An understanding of the organizations strength allow for consequently influence the decision as to which markets should be considered for the deployment of current or future capabilities, and which competitors can pose a flagellum or can be taken advantage of (Hayes et al. 2005). CDS have clear shown the strength of their operations over the years. Early experience gained from the manufacturing of industrial products have set them miles ahead of competition. This is evidenced in the quality of their product which drove gross gross sales to record highs and resulted in retail outlets signing up for the organizations product.The company prides itself on its technical abilities which has been achieved not just from years of experience but by investing in machineries. CDS have acquired latest precision equ ipments with the best quality moulds available. The technical knowledge of the employees also provides the company a unique advantage. Another area of operations that provides competitive advantage for the organization is its design expertise. CDS have in its employ professionally respected designers with the know-how of translating unenviable technical designs into manufacturable saleable products. This has provided the organization leverage when dealing with design houses. The company is clearly leveraging on its operations resources, competencies and capabilities to obtain competitive advantage.3.0AN ANALYSIS OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CORE FUNCTIONSWithin the context of any organization, there are 3 functions that must exist for the organization to realize its goals of meet customers need. They are1) The marketing function2) The product/service development function3) The operations functionThe marketing function which also comprises of the sales whole is primarily respons ible for communicating what product/service the organization has to straits to consumers in a bid to give in customers put acrosss for the service. The product development functions function is to create new and modified products and run in order to generate future customer request for run. And lastly, the operations function is responsible for fulfilling customers request for service through the production and delivery of products and services (Slack et al. 2010).The ability to efficaciously work with other functions in the organization is a key state for the operation function (Slack et al. 2010 Zanon et al. 2013). Research as shown that in most organizations, different functions within the organization usually employ their own strategies to assist them in realizing their functional objectives. This unfortunately is a basis for corporate misunderstanding, inter-functional differences and rivalry (Hill 2005).While the objective of the operations function remains the product ion of goods and services whilst managing resources, it has to also manage its relationship with other functions of the organization. Due to the nature of its strategic importance, the operations function usually has conflicts with other functions.MARKETINGIn determining an organizations strategic objective, operations and marketing usually adopt different approaches. While marketing tends to emphasise rectifyd service take ins that appeal to customers, operations focus more on efficiency and cost control (Nie and Young 1997). Erickson (2010), stated that the main reason operations and marketing functions in an organization have conflict is collect to their perceived differing objectives. Largely, trade-offs are responsible for the conflicts between these functions as they attempt to relaxation competing priorities (Tang 2010).It is therefore important that organizations manage trade-offs in a manner that lead delay that they dont compromise the over-arching organizational st rategy for gaining competitive advantage. Zanon et al. (2013) in their research identified certain paradigm that organizations needed to implement for thesuccessful collaboration of the two functions. They argued that there is a need for alliance between market needs and operational realities. The objective here is to satisfy market needs while using appropriate operational resources and conjointly developing those resources so that the operations department can acquire new capabilities and provide the firm with sustainable competitive advantage.The marketing function at CDS have been able to effectively market/communicate the quantify of their products to the market, this is evidenced in the phenomenal growth of the company. Through aim, extensive advertisement some(prenominal) on TV and in illustrated magazines, they have been able to drive sales of CDS products. The function have successfully carved a niche market for the organization through the portrayal of its products h as been classy and for the upwardly mobile individual. harvest-tide differentiation, design partnership and extensive research, combined with a marketing conductor with lots of experience and autonomy working with an experienced, technically astute manufacturing department has resulted in the success of the CDS products. The function has also been able to market itself and the regard as it can give to design houses in Europe. Through its marketing activities, CDS is piteous from being just a manufacturer of commodities to a provider of services. notwithstanding the progress that have been recorded by CDS, there bland seems to be a misalignment between the marketing and operation functions. With the success of CDS products and the continuous innovation drive of the organization, it would seem that the marketing function is failing to acknowledge the limitations of the companys capacity. CDS have a problem with the storage of finished goods and this has impacted on the delivery o f product availability from supply services. They are soon struggling to ensure that they meet SKU stocking levels.Another problem has been the step forward of proper planning and effective forecasting by the marketing team. The seasonal nature of CDS products requires that the marketing function carries out comprehensive forecasting to try and annunciate demand. Currently, poor forecasting by the function is costing the organization. Supply services have to deal constantly with issues of utilization,efficiency and growing scarp place this is as a result of ad-hoc requests for urgent production to meet with un-planned demand. To sully wastage and ensure proper alignment, marketing and operations will have to mesh and collaborate better (Johansen and Riis 2005) to ensure that the over corporate objectives are met. natural PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT (NPD)NPD is defined as the transformation of a market opportunity into a product available for sale, through a set of activities executed in a logical way, sequentially and concurrently (Almeida and Miguel 2007). It allows organizations to gain competitive advantage, attract new customers, retain existing customers, and strengthen their ties with the statistical distribution networks (Kotler and Keller 2006). Organizations that successfully introduce new products do so through a well-developed process that leads from creative designs to a successful launch of the product by focusing on satisfying specific customer needs (Chandra and Neelankavil 2008). The acquirement of this task will require NPD to collaborate closely with both operations and marketing. NPD, in comparison to other functions is usually characterised by a high degree of uncertainty, risk and high cost to make changes to initial decisions do (Slack et al. 2010).For CDS, NPD is responsible for transforming designs from marketing into workable design moulds. Operations then ensure that the products from the mould are standardized and tested appropriately and efficiently. The moulds then have to be tested on the production machines. A great deal of inter-functional collaboration is required to ensure that proper scheduling is in place to enable NDP carry out testing without disrupting production. Getting this right is easier said. The candor is that there is usually a delay in getting the moulds from the suppliers in South Korea. This will then result in a need for an urgent test of the moulds. That said, CDSs NPD function are technically sound. They have managed to march on up for themselves a reputation of being able to overcome problems with designs regardless of its nature. The NPD function contributes to the organizations unique operations resource.4.0 AN EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF DEVELOPMENT ON THE OPERATION OF THEMANUFACTURING AND SERVICE DEPARTMENTSCDS like most manufacturing organizations are starting to appreciate the inbuilt value of adopting servitization as a practice. Servitization have been described as the proc ess of transforming manufacturers to compete through product-service systems rather than products alone (Baines et al. 2007). The rationale for this transition from strictly product to product- service or purely service can be viewed from three perspectives (Oliva and Kallenberg 2003). They identified the reasons as First, economic. Research has shown that substantial revenue can be generated from products with a long life cycle also services in general have higher margins than products and services also provides a more stable source of revenue as they are insusceptible to the economic cycles that drive investment and equipment purchases. Secondly, there is pressure on organizations from customers demanding more services.This has led to firms adopting a narrow definition of core competencies while increase their dependence on technology to help in their bid to specialize. Lastly, it is viewed as providing competitive advantage. The less visible a service is, and the more repulse dependent it gets, the more the probability of imitation reduces (Oliva and Kallenberg 2003). Manufacturing has long moved beyond production alone and a combination of both products and service business model are now generally accepted as acting a key role in the success of any ripe business (Baines et al. 2014). Companies that have adopted the concept of servitization will probably not follow the product-service compartmentalisation, but will instead seek to distinguish on the basis of the value hint with their customers (Baines and Lightfoot 2013). This is the case in CDS, where the company have had to adopt differing service model while dealing with the design houses and retailer service market.While the design houses have adopted a proposition that sees both companies working together that is the customer wants the company to work with them (Baines et al. 2014), the retailers on the other hand, are happy to leave the management of the entire operation to CDS. Baines et al. (2014) have identified this differing forms of proposition has been base, intermediate and advanced services. The relationship between the retailer services market and CDS can be classified as advanced. This categorization of product-service offering is centred onthe idea that due to the competencies of the company, maintenance and workability of the operations should be managed by the provider of the service. A feature of this type of offering includes customer support agreements, risk and reward sharing contract, and revenue through use contact (Baines and Lightfoot 2013).To meet with demand, and ensure that customers needs are met in terms of product availability, CDS will have to increase its production lines and increase holding capacity. Storage facilities will have to be located closer to the location of their customers. Localised facilities will ensure that store replenishment lead times are reduced. CDS will also have to invest in ICT. Setting up an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system will help connect the stores database with that of CDS. That way, they can easily track inventory levels and are able to respond in a proactive manner. Also, Oliva and Kallenberg (2003) argued that a good practice will be to set up a new service department whose focus will be to drive and improve performance objectives.The consolidation of the service offered is usually accompanied by a strong initiative to improve the efficiency, quality and delivery time of the services provided, and the creation of additional services to supplement the service offering. The consolidation of services also comes with the development of a observe system to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the service delivery. This monitoring deviceing system allows managers realize the size of the service market and account for services contribution to the firms operations (Oliva and Kallenberg 2003). Internally, these changes create the transparency of poetry needed to get a cle ar sense of direction and to monitor the success or failure of executed changes (Oliva and Kallenberg 2003). Externally, the improvement of quality will establish CDS as a reputable service provider among its clients.CDS has seen strong and continuous growth over the years, albeit its focus had been centred on a maven product type. With the recent direction of the organization, there are real concerns border it rapid growth and its diversification into services. Southard and Swenseth (2003) identified certain issues that evolving organizations encounter due to rapid growth, they include bottle-necks, back-orders, and decreased profits despite increased sales. whatsoever of these issues are evidenced in CDS. The rapid growthof the organization has resulted in capacity cogitate issues. There is one in every dozen chances of a product not being available, continuous scheduling breakout due to demand surpassing supply and the popularity of its product and wide betrothal usually leads to stock outs. The manufacturing function seems to be stretched to the limit with support services equally struggling. It would seem that the organization is currently unprepared for the changes.5.0RECOMMENDATION TO MANAGEMENTIn line with the companys objective for growth, it has become imperative to bid the operational issues that can hinder the organizations growth strategy. Using the product/service lifecycle to analyse the organizations current operations, it is obvious that the transition from being a purely product based manufacturing company to a product-service based organization is still in the infancy state. This is characterised by uncertainty as customers needs are not well understood. Hence, operations management will be required to develop flexibility to cope with any changes and be able to give the product/service performance that will ensure quality is maintained (Slack et al. 2010). Other issues to be considered by management includes the issue of capacity ma nagement.To meet with the demand of the market and its growth strategy, CDS will be required to get more warehouses and hold more inventories. The plastic business is clearly one of volume hence CDS has to ensure that it maintains its status of been a reliable supplier. It also has to effectively operationalize it marketing strategy. The company is currently plagued by poor forecasting and planning. There is a need to upscale the competencies of the sales representatives. This will enable them gather appropriate data that can then be fed into the organizations planning to help reduce scheduling related issues, stock outs and disruptions. Also required is an alignment between the strategies of the core functions. tied(p) business meetings, where issues relating to each function get tabled will help build better understanding among the different functions.REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHYALMEIDA, L.F. and MIGUEL, P., 2007.Managing new product development process A proposal of a theoretical mod el about their dimensions and the dynamicsof the process. Unpublished Phd. thesis, Universidade de Sao Paulo. BAINES, T., LIGHTFOOT, H. and SMART, P., 2011. Servitization within manufacturing. Exploring the provision of advanced services and their impact on vertical integration. journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 22(7), pp. 947-954 BAINES, T. et al., 2013. Servitization of Manufacture. Exploring the deployment and skills of people critical to the delivery of advanced services. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 24(4), pp. 637-646 BAINES, T. and LIGHTFOOT, H.W., 2014. Servitzation of the manufacturing firm. 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40 Common Mistakes in Namaz (Salat)
The Magnifying Glass On elucidate M all Common Errors AlAlAshAl-Minthaar Fee Katheer Min Al-Akhtaa Ash-Shaaiah A Excerpt relations with 40 Commmon Mistakes in Salaat Saalih Ibn Abdul-Azeez Ibn Muhammad Aalish-Shaykh (hafithahullah) Abdul-Qaadir Abdul-Khaaliq Translator 1998 Al-Haramain Foundation Mistakes of Salaah 1. release the salah altogether. This is in statute title kufr (disbelief) and the demonstrate is found in spite of appearance the Quraan the true hadith and the consensus of the ummah. Allah taaala states If they repent and establish the salah and give the zakaah, they argon you br new(prenominal)s in faith (deen). Al-Quraan 911 And Allah taaala says What landed you in As-Saqar (Hell)? They state We were non of those who made salaat (almus eacheen)Al-Quraan 7642-43 and so on. As farthest as the hadith The hadeeth of Jaabir that the vaticinator (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) utter Between a va permit de chambre and shirk (what protects him from shirk) is the abandonment of salah. Moslem It is narrated by Abu Dawood, An-Nisaai, Ibn Maajah, and At-Tirmidhi on the authority of Buraidah Ibn Al-Husaib from the visionary (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) who state The covenant between us and them (i. e. he prophesier and/or his successors -and those who claim to be Muslims) is the salat so whosoever abandons it has disconsiderd. Ahmad and some others and it is saheeh As far as consensus (al-ijmaa) Abdullah Ibn Shaqeeq (radiallahu anhu) tell The Companions of Muhammad (radiallahu anhum) did non view the abandonment of any other deed as kufr other than (abandoning) salaat. At-Tirmidhi and others with an au consequentlytic chain 2. Delaying the salaah from its appointed era. This is a ravishment consort to the word of Allah taaala Verily the salaah has been appointed for the believers at specific times (mawqoot). Al-Quraan 4103 Al-Mawqoot indicates a specific appointed time and the postp peerlessment of sallah beyond the obligatory time (fardh) is a major dark and Allah is the hotshot upon Whom we depend. On the authority of Anas who say I perceive the courier of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) expression This is the salaat of the hypocrite (munaafiq) when he sits spy the sun until it is between the horns of Shaitaan, at that placeforely he substantiates to perform four (rakah) store Allah little. Muslim If this is the salaah of the hypocrite hen what of the salaah of about nonp aril who postpones the requester until the unload period of the salaat has passed with turn up any excuse? 3. Abandonment of the congregational request in the musjid by able men either regularly or on occasion. The commilitary personneldment has been given to perform the salaah in congregation in the masaajid. Congregational (al-jamaaah) salaah is a duty besides for those who harbour a valid excuse according to the shariah. The messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) state Whoever hears the knell (al -adhaan) and thereafter does non answer it (i. e. ttend the congregational salaah) there is no salaah for him except for a valid excuse. Reported by Ibn Maajah and others with a strong chain (isnaad) and Al-Haafith Ibn Hajar said Its chain is according to the conditions of Muslim. Allah taaala in addition says And bias down with those who bow down. Al-Quraan 243 In a hadeeth in AlBukhaari and Muslim (mutafaqun alaih) I would because leave (after tbe salaah has begun) and go to those men who do not practise the salaah and combust their houses down over them. 4. Lack of tranquility (at-tamaneenah) within the salaat.This is generally through with(p) issue of ignorance and it is an open offend because tranquility is a tower (rukn) of the salaah without which the salaah is in temper. The hadeeth about the man who performed his salaah seriously is a weakened evidence for this. The convey of tamaneenah (tranquility) is that the one praying is tranquil in the rukoo (bending), standing (itidaal), crash (sujood), and sitting between the devil prostrations (juloos), and he should get in redact where every bone settles into place, he should not hasten between portions of the prayer until he has attained tranquility in it and gives each its due time.The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said to the one who was rushing through his salaah without observing the proper(ip) tranquility Go back and ca-ca salaah because you require not made the salaah. And in the hadeeth of Rifaaah on the story of the one who prayed badly it goes on Then he makes takbeer and bows and points his hold on his knees until each conjunction is settled and relaxed. Then he says samiallahu liman hamida (Allah hears the one who praises Him) so stands up true(a) until each bone is in its place. . Lack of proper reverence and humbleness (khushoo) in the salaat and excess movement therein. The place of khushoo is in the spirit and it is evident in the tranquility of the limbs and humility before Allah. Allah has then praised His hard worker by His rehearsal Those who offer their salaah with all solemnity and in full submissiveness. Al-Quraan 232 As well He has praised the prophets by his statement Verily they utilize to hasten on to do good deeds and they used to call upon Us with hope and fear, and used to umble themselves before Us. Al-Quraan 2190 It is incumbent. The limbs of the slave in prayer should be still and his ticker should be solemn until he whitethorn be rewarded for his salaah. It is narrated on the authority of Ammaar Ibn Yaasir (radiallahu anhu) he said I comprehend the messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) saying Verily a man leaves after completing his prayer and nothing has been written for him except a tenth of his salaah, a ninth, an eighth, a sixth, a fifth, a fourth, a third, or half of it. Abu Dawood, An-Nisaai, and others and it is an authentic hadeeth The reason for the shortcoming in its reward is the depriv ation of khushoo in the heart of the one who prays or in the limbs. 6. Intentionally precede the imaam in the movements of the prayer or not adjacent his movements. This nullifies the salaah or rakah for whoever bows before his imaam ruins his own rakah unless he follows it later with another bowing. Such is ebulliently with the rest of the arkaan ( tugs) of the salaah. It is obligatory for the praying person to follow the imaam totally without preceding him or lagging stooge him in any rukn (pillar) or more.Abu Dawood and others canalise with an authentic chain from Abu Hurairah that the messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said Verily the imaam is to be slayly followed, so if he makes takbeer then you make takbeer and dont make takbeer until he does so, and if he bows then bow and dont bow until he does so Its origin is in the two saheehs and Al-Bukhaari has another uniform it narrated by Anas. The one who forgets or the one who is ignorant is excused. 7. Sta nding to complete a missed rakah before the imaam has completely finished making the consequence tasleem (i. closing the prayer by saying As-salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi to the just field and left). It is account in Saheeh Muslim that the messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said Do not precede me in the rukoo (bowing) not in the sujood (prostration) nor in going out of the prayer (al-insiraaf). The scholars hasten said that the message of al-insiraaf is at-tasleem and it is named such(prenominal) because the praying person whitethorn leave afterwards and he leaves only after the second tasleem. The one who precedes the imaam should stay in his place ntil the imaam has completed his salaah, then he should stand and complete whatever he missed, and Allah knows best. 8. Making the spirit for prayer aloud. This is a bidah (innovation), and we name previously mention the prohibition against bidah. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) never made the intentio n for salaah aloud. Ibn Al-Qayyim, rahimahullah, verbalize in Zaad Al-Maaad or in Al-Hudaa An-Nabawiyy When the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would stand for salaah he said Allahu Akbar and said nothing else before it nor did he pronounce his intention aloud.Nor did he say I will pray for Allah salaah such and such patch facing the Qiblah four rakaaat as imaam or helper. Nor did he say Fulfilling it on time, not making it up, nor the time of fardh all ten of which are bidah for which no one has reported that he did with an authentic chain, nor even a weak one, nor musnad, nor mursal, nor a single word. thusly not one narration of the sahaabah or the best of the following propagation (taabieen), nor the four imaams. 9. Not reciting Al-Faatihah in the salaah The utilization of Al-Faatihah is a pillar (rukn) and the salaah of whoever does not number it is void.This is according to the Prophets (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) saying Whoever makes a salaah wherein Al-Faatih ah is not recited then it is khidaaj (miscarried) and he repeat it three times incomplete. Muslim from Abu Hurairah Also reported in the two saheehs is the hadeeth from Ubaadah Ibn Saamit (radiallahu anhu) marfooan (attributable to the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) The salaah is null for whoever has not recited the Opening of the Book. In another enunciation from Ubaadah Could it be that you recite seat your imaam? We said Yes.He said take upt do so except with the Opening of the Book (Al-Faatihah) for the salaah is null of whoever does not recite it. Ahmed, Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibbaan. This is evidence of its liability for the accessory. Recitation of the follower is absolute or in the aloud prayers as opposed to what is grand known. Whether the class period of Al-Faatihah is absolute or just in the prayers recited aloud is an nonagenarian difference of opinion among the scholars. Is it waajib or dropped? The majority of scholars (al-jumhoor) say it is dr opped withal doing so is more clear from possible error and more precaution for deen.most of those who have the opinion of it universe dropped say that it is nevertheless suited to recite it. 10. Recitation of the Quraan in rukoo (bowing repose) or during sujood (prostration). This is prohibited based on a narration from ibn Abbaas (radiallahu anhu) that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said I have been prevented from reciting the Quraan while bowing or in prostration Muslim Ali (radiallahu anu) narrates he said The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam prevented me from reciting the Quraan while bowing or prostrating. Muslim and others 11.Raising the eyeball to the convulse during salaat or looking to the secure and left without due cause. As far as fosterage the eye, it is forbidden and bears the threat of punishment. It is narrated by Jabir Ibn Samurah (radiallahu anhu) who said The Messenger of allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said Let the pot stop raising their eyes to the sky in the salaah or let their persuasion not return to them. Muslim 12. As far as looking somewhat unnecessarily, it is a deficiency in the salaah of the believer as immense as he has not morose his full em physical structure in another direction i. . away from the Qiblah. If however the entire body is turned then the salaah is invalidated. It is narrated by Aisha (radiallahu anhaa) who said I asked the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) about looking around in the salaah. He said It is defalcation pilfered by Shaitaan from the salaah of the worshipper. Al-Bukhaari. At-Tirmidhi alike collected an authentic hadeeth Be warned of move or looking around in the salaah because it is destruction. And there are other ahadeeth on looking around in the salaah. 3. Sitting on ones haunches (Al-Iqaa) during the salaah and prostrating with the elbows (AlIftiraash) on the background signal. Al-Iqaa is forbidden as associate by Abu Hurairah (rad iallahu anhu) who said My dear friend forbade me three things He forbade me from pecking worry a rooster just reach outing the aim in prostration trans, sitting on the haunches ilk a dog, and looking around like a fox. Transmitted by Ahmed and others and its isnaad (chain) has by graded hasan (good) by Al-Mundhiri and Al-Haithami.The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) forbade a man from spreading his arms on the ground like a beast of prey. Summarizing a hadeeth collected by Muslim from Aisha (radiallahu anhaa) as well as by At-Tirmidhi, Ahmed and others from Jaabir (radiallahu anhu) marfooan (attributable to the Prophet) If any of you prostrates (sajdah) then keep cracking and not spread his arms like the sitting of a dog. 14. wearing away a thin (see-through) habilitate that does not competently cover the auwrah (private area). This is an invalidator of the salaah because covering ones auwrah is a condition for a sound salaah.The mans aurah is according to what is most authentic from the 1 navel to the knee. Likewise he must cover his shoulders or one of them in accordance with the statement of Allah O children of Aadam wear you adornments to every masjid. Al-Araaf 31 It is sufficient to wear a single garment to cover the auwrah according to what is narrated from Umar Ibn Salamah (radiallahu anhu) He motto the Messenger of allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam praying in a single garment (thowub) in the house of Umm Salamah, he had cast both(prenominal) ends over himself. Al-Bukhaari and Muslim Ibn Qudaamah (rahimahullah) declared It is obligatory to cover sufficiently to hide the color of the skin, for if it is thin plentiful that the color of the skin whitethorn be seen from behind to the extent that the ingenuousness or redness of the skin is percieved thane salaah in it is not allowed in that covering has not been achieved. 15. A womanhood not covering her head with the khimaar in salaah and not covering her feet. The aurah o f the swoman in the sallah is her entire body with the exception of her face.Nor is there any harm if she covers her face due to the pass(a) by of men or the like. It is obligatory for her to wear a khimaar which is a head covering that in like manner covers the bosom. This according to his (slallahu aliahi wa sallam) statement Allah does not accept the salaah of the menstruating female unless she is wearing a khimaar. Collected by Ahmed and the collectors of the six most authentic books except An-Nisaai and it has be authenticated by Ibn Khuzaimah and others.It is also obligatory that she cover the tops of her feet in compliance with the hadeeth The entire woman is auwrah Collected by AtTirmidhee with an authentic isnaad. Along this said(prenominal) meaning is what is transmitted by Malik and abu Dawood and others from Muhammad Ibn Said Inb Qunfudh from his mother who asked Umm Salamah (radiallahu anhaa), the wife of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), about what garment a woman should pray in. She answered She 1The evidence for covering the shoulders is found in an authentic hadeeth in the collection of Abu Dawood, however we were unable to determine why the shaykh exempts one shoulder. should pray in a khimaar and a full, loose-fitting chemise that conceals the tops of her feet. Also with this meaning is the hadeeth of Umm Salamah unhorse it by an arms length. 16. Walking in strawman of the praying person whether they be the imaam or praying alone and stepping over the people during the Jumuah khutbah. It is a sin upon the person who passes in front of somebody who is praying.If the one praying has no sutrah then it shold be estimated to be at the place of prostration so the passer-by should can pass beyond that point. As narrated in the collections of al-Bukhari and Muslim by Abu Juhaim Ibn Haarith (radiallahu anhu), who said The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said If the one who passes in front of the praying person knew how s erious a sin it was for him to do so it would have been better for him to wait for forty than walk in front of him. Forty may refer to forty days, months or years, and Allah knows best Trans. The one who pushes between the people during the Jumuah khutbah harms people through his being late for the salaah according to the statement of Al-Mustafah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) Sit for you have caused harm and come late. Ahmed and others. black between the people is forbidden. One who enters the masjid should sit where there is situation unless he sees a genuinely open area where he should then go to it and sit. Not saying the takbeeratul-ihraam (opening takbeer) when entering upon the congregation while the imaam is in rukoo.This is a major mistake in that the takbeeratulihraam is a pillar (rukn) of the salaah that must be done by the one praying when standing for the salaah and then afterwards join the imam in the bowing position (rukoo). To make the takbeer (al-ihraam) and then another takbeer before giong into rukoo is more complete and thorough. Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) narrated The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would make takbeer when he stood for the sallah and would then make takbeer upon bowing.Not following the imaam (by getting in the same position) when coming late and the imaam is sitting or in sujood (prostrating). It is most preferred and most sure for the one who enters the masjid that he join the imaam in whatever position he may be in, whether he be in sajdah or otherwise. It is reported by abu Dawood and others with a saheeh isnaad that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said If you come to the salaah and we are making sujood then you also make sujood. For a worshipper to bar making sajdah is to have in effect revented himself from an act of worship which Allah loves. Ali Ibn Abi Talib and Muadh ibn Jabal (radiallahu anhumaa) both stated The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said If one of you comes to the salaah and the imaam is in a position then do what the imaam is doing. This is collected by At-Tirmidhi with a weak isnaad however it is in agreement with the preceeding hadeeth. It is also strengthened by a narration collected by Abu Dawood from Muadh (radiallahu anhu) I never saw him (the imaam) in a position except I was also upon it.The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said Verily Muadh has performed an act that is good for you too, so do likewise. Busying oneself with matters that take one away from the salaah. This is evidence of preference of the wordly life over that of the Hereafter, following vain desires and being too busy to obey Allah. This is indeed ruination and of evil consequence to whoever does it. Allah taaala says O you who believe, let not yuor wealth or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah for whyosoever does that will be among the receders. Al-Munafiqoon 9 And He says in praise of the believers Men wh o are not diverted by business or trade from the remembrance of Allah and performance of salaah. An-Noor 37 Preoccupation with any act over the salaah or that leads to being negligant or futile toward it such as staying up too lateand the like, is not permissible. This is because anything that leads to what is haraam is itself haraam, and Allah is the One who guides to the right path. Playing with ones clothing or watch or the like. This is an act that negates khushoo.The evidence for khushoo has been presented previously in point 5 see awful Issue Ed. . The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) forbade rubbing pebbles during the salaah due to its cast out effect on khushoo when he said If any of you performs the prayer let him not rub pebbles for mercy is turned towards him. Ahmed and the six 17. 18. 19. 20. collections of hadeeth with an authentic isnaad A person might increase playing around to the point of excessive movement that is outside of the salaah and there by nullify it. 21.Closing the eyes for no reason. This is a objectionable act (makrooh) as Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) mentioned Closing the eyes was not from the guidance of the Rasool (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). He also said The scholars of fiqh have differed on its detestability. Imam Ahmed and others deemed it detestable and they said that it was of the habits of the Jews. However a company of them command it allowable without any detestablility and they said that it may indeed be a closer means of achieving khushoo which is the spirit of the salaah, its heart and its aim. Most correct is that if keeping the eyes open has no detrimental effect upon khushoo then it is preferable to do it. If decorations, adornments or the like are around the worshipper or between him and the qiblah to the point of distraction, then there is absolutely no objection to closing the eyes. Indeed the statement that to do so is desirable (mustahabb) in this case is closer to the spirit of the la w and its aims than the statement that it is objectionable. And Allah knows best. ingest or drinking or laughing in the salaah thus nullifying it. As far as eating and drinking there is consensus with regards to the fardh. Ibn Al-Mundhir stated The scholars (AhlulIlm) are in consensus agreement that the one praying is forbidden from eating and drinking. in that location is also consensus among them that to do so intentionally necessitates repetition of the salaah. Ibn Al-Mundhir also transmits that there is consensus that the salaah is nullified by laughing. Raising the voice in recitation to the point of distracting those around.It is recommended (mustahabb) that one hears himself, not to the point that it interrupts anyone who is reciting the Quraan or making salaah. Al-Bukhaari and Muslim both transmit from Umraan Ibn Husain (radiallahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) prayed Dhuhr and there was a man behind him reciting sabbihisma rabbikalalaa , so when he (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) finished he said Who among you was reciting or who was the reciter? The man said, Me. So he (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said I thought that some of you were disputing with me in it.The scholars state The meaning of his dustup is a disapproval of the act. Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) stated Whoever is reciting the Quraan and the people are praying additional prayer then it is not correct for him to recite aloud thus perturbing them because the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) left some of his companions while they were praying As-Sahr (before dawn) and he said O people, each of you is seeking salvation from his Rabb therefore do not overpower one another with your recitation. Crowding in on those who are praying.This is a type of forbidden inflicting of harm. It is upon the praying person to pray in a place where the space ends unless he sees an opening sufficient for him to pass and then there is no harm. However, to cause harm, esp ecially on Yaum Al-Jumuah (Friday), is generally forbidden. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said about those who cut the prayer line Sit, for you have harmed and come late. Not making the lines straight. Allah has ordered the proper performance of salaah saying And establish (aqeemu) the salaah.The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) has likewise stated Straighten your lines for verily straightening of the lines is a part of correct performance of salaah (iqaamis-salaah). Al-Bukhaari and Muslim from Anas. Also AlBukhaari narrates from An-Numaan Ibn Basheer (radiallahu anhu) Straighten your lines or Allah will cause electrical resistance between your hearts. The order to straighten the lines and taking care to do so is mentioned in a number of hadeeth. (It should also be mention that this includes not leaving any gaps in the lines as is all too ordinarily neglected Ed. Raising the feet from the ground in sujood. This is against what is commanded as it is confirmed in t he two saheehs from Ibn Abbaas (radiallahu anhu) The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) was ordered to prostrate upon seven limbs and not to tuck up the hair or the clothes the hilltop (including the nose), the (palms of the) two hands, the knees and the two feet. So the one praying is commanded to pray with the two feet steering the ground and the complete form of this is to have the toes pointing toward the Qiblah.Part of each foot should touch the ground and if one raises either of them his sajdah (prostration) is ludicrous if he continues to do so throughout the prostration. Putting the right hand upon the left and raising them to the do. This is in contradiction to the sunnah because the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) used to put his right hand 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. over his left upon his chest. This is in a hadeeth of Hasan from several weak transmissions in themselves but that in conjunction strengthen themselves.The sunnah is also to place the hands on the mi ddle of the chest or upon the heart because the heart is in the chest as Allah taaala states It is the hearts within the breasts that are blind. Raising the hands (making takbeer) when going into sujood or when revolt out of it. It is an error to lift the hands to the neck and this opposes the sunnah. What is attributed to Ali (radiallahu anhu) in the explanation of the rhyme So therefore pray to your Rabb and sacrifice (wanhar in which the verb is construed as referring to the neck an-nahr Ed. ) is weak and does not constitute a proof. Also incorrect is the incorrect practice of holding ones hands upon or downstairs the navel as there is no substantiated proof from the authenticated sunnah for this practice Ed) 28. Raising the hands at the time of sujood or when rising out of sujood. This is in opposition to the well-known sunnah that has been transmitted by most of the companions who narrated about raising the hands. The schoolchild of (shareeah) knowledge should stick wit h the well-known sunnah unless in privacy though he may believe a deed to be more correct from the sunnah that all the same contradicts the practice of the generality of the scholars.The imaam of the people should do what is known, for what is commonly and well-known to be the sunnah upon which the majority of the scholars practice, is sufficient and satisfactory. (The wisdom here is that for a student to insist upon public practice of that which is not regarded by the scholars generally as the sunnah may lead to harm and confusion which would amount to surrender a fardh, i. e. the prevention of harm, for the sake of a establishing a sunnah and one which is not totally agreed upon at that and would thus fall into error.The scholars do not generally unite upon any practice without evidence, although the qualified student may disagree a given ruling or finding based upon his understanding of the texts and after sincere and thorough study and gain a state of being personally satis fied with its outcome. Ed. ) 28. Hastiness of some imaams in the salaah and lack of tranquility within it, thus not allowing time for the followers to be tranquil in their salaah or time to recite Al-Faatihah, especially in the last rakah.The imam is trustworthy for making the quality of the salaah good because he is being followed. It is therefore his duty to take care of following the Sunnah, and tranquility is a pillar (rukn) that the imam is more obliged to take care of due to his being followed. Likewise, the recitation of Al-Faatihah is a rukn that the followers in the salaah must be given enough time to fulfill. We have already presented the evidence for the obligation of maintaining tranquility (tamaneenah) and reciting Al-Faatihah. 9. Not taking care to make sujood upon the seven limbs (i. e. the eyebrow along with the nose, the palms of both hands, both knees, and the toes of both feet). Abbaas Ibn AbulMuttalib (radiallahu anhu) reported that he heard the Messenger of A llah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) saying If the slave prostrates, then seven body parts should prostrate with him His face, hands, two knees, and his two feet. Related by Muslim, also attributed to Al-Majd in Al-Muntaqaa, Al-Muzzee and related by others.Ibn Abbaas (radiallahu anhumaa) narrated The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said I have been ordered to prostrate upon seven bones (i. e. body parts) Upon the hilltop and he pointed to his nose both hands, both knees and both feet. There are some people who do not prostrate upon both the forehead and the nose or who raise their feet or who do not touch the palms of their hands on the ground, all of which is in opposition to what is commanded. 30. Not caring to learn the rules of salaah. This is other than what any Muslim should do.No doubt salaah is the greatest of the Islamic pillars requiring bodily action. Allah commands its performance Aqimis-Salaah (Perform the salaah) in more than lxx ayaat. It is not possible to perform it without having knowledge of its fundamentals or know how the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) did the salaah. There is no room for ignorance of the rules of salaah, knowing its prerequisites or its essential parts, obligations, the rules for following or making up for errors and the like.It is fardh to know these matters and the absence of knowledge of these matters is a cause of a Muslim being unmindful(predicate) of what nullifies or spoils his salaah, and Allah is the Guide and Provider of Success. 31 34. Carelessness in reciting Al-Faatihah and with proper pronunciation such as saying al-Aalimeen or else of al-Aalameen, ahdinaa instead of ihdinaa, anamtu instead of anamta, and so on. All of these and similar errors are the type of linguistic errors that must be avoided and no one who leads the salaat should commit them.Some may contain impossible meanings such as when one pronounces the t (taa) in anamta as da (daad) and thus the salaat would be spoiled. 35. Cracking the brass knucks in salaah. This is from the detested actions in the salaah and is thus forbidden. As far as cracking the brass knuckles in general, Ibn Abi Shaibah narrates in a statement with good isnaad, from Shubah Mawlaa ibn Abbaas as stating I prayed next to Ibn Abbaas and I cracked my knuckles so when I finished my salaah he said, May you lose your mother You crack your knuckles while you are in salaah? Forbiddance of cracking the knuckles is transmitted in a marfoo hadeeth from Ali in the collection of Ibn Maajah, however, it is weak (daeef)and not sufficient in an of itself (ghairu munjabir). 36. Intertwining the fingers (at-tashbeek) during and before the salaah. This is also among the detestable matters. Kaab Ibn Ujrah (radiallahu anhu) narrates I heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) saying If one of you makes wudhoo then goes to the masjid for salaah, let him not clasp his hands together for indeed he is in the salaah. Ahmed, Abu Dawood, At-Tirmidhi.With some difference regarding its chain, AdDaarimi, Al-Haakim and others transmit from Abu Hurairah in a marfoo hadeeth If one of you makes wudhoo in his house then comes to the masjid, he is in salaah until he returns. Therefore do not do not do like this and he clasped his fingers together. There are other mutually supporting hadeeths on this matter of tashbeek. 37. Putting forward someone to lead the salaah as imaam when it is not his place to do so and there are others more deserving present. This contradicts the intended purpose of having an imaam (al-imaamah), which is to be an example to follow (al-iqditaa).It is necessary that the imaam have understanding of the deen and is able to aright recite the Quraan according to the satatement of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) The imaam of a people should be the one who best recites the Quraan) Transmitted by Muslim from Abu Masood Al-Ansaari (radiallahu anhu). The scholars have ruled that one should not be put forward as imaam whose recitation is not good, or who openly displays sinfulness, or who has an undignified appearance, or who is an innovator, or who is corrupt or like them.If however, such people are put forward, the salaah of the followers is correct. 38. Improper recitation of the Quraan. This is an open deficiency and the right of the Quraan is that it be read correctly without aberration and that the Muslim strives to improve and outstrip in its recitation. Allah taalaa states Recite the Quraan with tarteel correct measured tone and When we teach you the Quraan, follow its recitation. Meaning, recitation as is proper according to the Arabic language, with clarity and free from distortion.On this same line is the superiority of the one who purifies his intention as is narrated by Kaisha (radiallahu anhaa) who said The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said, The one who is proficient with the Quraan will be with the scribes (angels) true(p) and obedient. W hile the one who recites the Quraan haltingly and finds difficulty (while striving to recite it properly) gets a double reward. matafaqun alaih 39. Some men praying behind women in the Haram (The Grand Masjid) of Makkah.Doing so there or elsewhere is a detestable action in the salaah. It is from the sunnah that the rows of the women are behind those of the men. The salaah of a man behind a women may be a cause of him losing all khushoo and a disturbance in the salaat through his looking (at the woman) or otherwise. A man should therefore never line up for salaah behind a woman. This is not detestable if due to necessity such as not missing the Eid salaah, or Salaatul-Jumuah, or the congregational salaah and other similar situations (i. . that make it impossible to join the front rows with the men Trans. ). A group of scholars have stated The Haram of Makkah is an exception. Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Ibn Baz (may Allah preserve him) is of this opinion. 40. Women coming to the masjid beaut ified or made-up and perfumed. This is one of the open and witnessed evils that become apparent during Ramadhan and outside it. The woman is coming out to worship her Master, not to show off the dish antenna of her clothingPerhaps men may see her and she would then be sinful and she would suffer a loss of reward for her deed. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) stated Let not any woman who is scented attend the Ishaa with us. Muslim Imam Ahmed transmits along with Abu Dawood with an authentic chain from Abu Hurairah (radiallahu anhu) that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said Do not forbid the bondwomen of Allah from the houses of Allah, and let them go out tafilaat. The meaning of the word tafilaat is Not beautified with adornments or perfumed.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Critique: Effects of Class Size and Instruction on Kindergarten Achievement Essay
Introduction This article discusses some re ally important points that will affect many children as they begin the first steps of their education. It is fairly clear that the authors have done quite a bit of explore on the effects of the formroom sizing and the accomplishment of kindergarten students. Both authors are affiliated with the same school, the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In reviewing the article, the authors point bring out some important details pertaining to the quality of the teacher as salubrious as their method of teaching in an effort to keep in line with the NCLB Act(No Child Left.Behind Act). The main aim of the authors is to prove that the surface of the house may affect a students pedantic progress beca engross there have been mixed findings in the past as to the validity of this issue. Literature Review One of the main sources used by the authors in their review of literature was an experiment done by students in Tennessee in the 1980s called se nse impression (Student Teacher Achievement Ratio). Researchers have referred to STAR as one of the great experiments in education in U. S. recital (Mostellar, Light, & Sachs, 1996). The variables are mainly theKindergarten class surface and the teachers information methods which are well defined throughout the article. Statement of Problem This research study was conducted to determine whether teacher quality is more important than class size for achievement. The meditation is explicitly stated in this article and gave qualified understanding of the specific variables that were to be studied in the article. An example of the hypothesis would be teachers may teach differently in larger and littler classes, Experimental Design 3 some instructional practices may be more effective than others in a smaller class, students may yield differently in larger and smaller classes.(Milesi & Gamoran, 2006, pp. 291-293) The authors have made a very convincing argument byplaying the stated h ypothesis because they used nurture and math selective information calm from childrens classroom experience, classroom size and their teachers instructional methods to come up with their definitive conclusion. methodology The kindergarten class size was measured from a sample of 21,260 children that were enrolled in well-nigh 1,000 kindergarten programs. It also consisted of children from various racial and ethnic backgrounds as well as socio-economic backgrounds.Some of the children studied were from private kindergartens and others were from public school kindergartens (Milesi & Gamoran, 2006, pp. 293-294). Data was collected twice throughout the year, during the spring and the fall. Most of the authors mentioned used data that was supplied at the beginning and at the end of the students kindergarten year. The parents were asked questions concerning their socio-economic background. In find the students cognitive achievement, information was gathered from the children using a o ne-on-one computer assisted interview.Data in the areas of reading, math and worldwide knowledge was used to assess the students. In evaluating the teachers, they were interviewed in the fall and in the spring of a accompaniment kindergarten year (Milesi & Gamoran, 2006, pp. 291-293). There was some concern about the validity of the study because there were some limitations on how the data was gathered from the teachers. There were questions as well as interviews which investigated the teachers instructional methods because it captured more of what a teachers intentions were as contradictory to the teachers accomplishments through the year.Experimental Design 4 The authors had a few limitations but if they wanted to use the descriptive method to lay down whether or non the quality of a teachers instructional method versus the size of the class played a larger part in a kindergartners achievement, it was a necessary step (Milesi & Gamoran, 2006, pp. 296-297). Results The researc hers presented very descriptive statistics for all the student levels and class level variables that were used in the analysis. There were descriptive statistics presented for large and small classes.The researchers weighed the statistics at the student level but not at the class levels but they used descriptive statistics for both the pilot light and the mean-imputed variable (Milesi & Gamoran, 2006, pp. 299-306). Discussion The researchers have offered no evidence that the class size affects reading or math achievements for kindergarten. The major findings were that class size does not affect the achievement of kindergarteners on an average nor does it affect any particular group of students. The researchers findings for the class size differ from those of cast off STAR (Student Teacher Achievement Ratio).It was not determined whether the same teachers use different instructional methods in classes of different sizes (Milesi & Gamoran, 2006, pp. 299-309). Experimental Design 5 R eferences Mosteller, F. , Light, R. J. & Sachs. J. A. (1996). Sustained injury in education Lesson from skilled grouping and class size. Harvard Educational Review, 66, 797-842. Retrieved on February 17, 2011 from ERIC. Milesi, C. , Gamoran, A (2006). Effects of Class Size and dictation on Kindergarten Achievement. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 284, 287-313. Retrieved on action 17, 2010 from http//eepa. aera. net.
Multimedia History Essay
Conformity Following World War II America saw an extreme decade of both abidance and nonconformity. A strong post- state of war economy meant there was money to spend. Settling down, raising a family, and owning a home were the established goals of the American dream. M whatsoever tried to cause the ideal family depicted on TV shows such as direct It to Beaver and Father Knows Best. Deviating from this popular culture was the Beat Generation. The post-war economic wave of the 1950s in the U.S. resulted in overwhelming prosperity in equation with the rest of the world. This economic boom produced a white, middle-class consumer culture in which that population had more money and time in which to pursue void activities such as television viewing and movie-going. These leisurely pastimes produced a conforming American popular culture. We define conformity as behavior in accordance with the expectations of a social group or adherence to societal and cultural norms. In the 1950s, the se strict social norms were communicated primarily through television.between 1952 and 1958 the amount of households owning a television set tripled from 3 million to 9 million. TV advertising created virgin consumer markets and TV sitcoms from the 1950s envisioned the blimpish values and mores of the ideal American life. Domestic comedies were very popular and portrayed the stereotypical suburban white family in neighborhoods seemingly unaware of racial discrimination and ethnic problems, and where m separates never desired or were expected to score outside the home. During a Father knows Best episode it seemed that any problems lining the family could easily be solved in a 30-minute time slot. Shows corresponding this promoted honesty and always had a strong moral lesson to end the program. Westerns were similarly extremely popular. The pioneering idea of cowboys living in the wild and woolly western where good and bad, right and wrong, were evident was very popular during this era.On the other hand, Dobie Gillis appealed more to teenagers as one of the main eccentrics, Maynard G. Krebs, belonged to the beat generation. Writer jackstones Kerouac coined the term beat generation which signified artists who were beat down. Members included a loose-knit group of writers, medicamentians, painters, and other artists. Centered around New York City and later San Francisco, the Beats were the first to introduce drug use and heavy beverage into this underground society. They enjoyed and incorporated African-American music, such as jazz and vapors into their works and they attended late-night clubs. These throng were the real non-conformists of the 1950s. Beats became exiles within the American culture as they denounced middle-class materialism, racism and dullness. They were a reaction to the soundless Generation of the 1950s. In Howl, poet Allen Ginsberg explains the Beats were merely answering the calls for the unleashing of basic benevolent needs a nd desires. However, this deviance from the popular norms may, in effect, be seen as conformity to that particular subculture. The beats had different views of American society. They experimented with new sexual lifestyles, constituent to usher in a sexual revolution. During the 1950s, teenagers experienced a new sexually charged phenomenon.In 1948, Alfred Kinsey caught the world by surprise when he published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, the first bestseller intimately sex. Women had always been expected to wait for sex until marriage, and adults considered Kinseys work a social upheaval. However, it actually opened up a lot of pack to the topic of sex who really knew nothing about it. With the cold war in full force during the 1950s, U.S. citizens lived in constant fear. Many feared the scuttle that World War III with atomic weapons could start at any time. To take precautions, children were taught to duck and cover in case of a bombing. In reality this was little defense against an atomic bomb. The cold war greatly influenced 1950s society as Americans sought to protect themselves from the Soviet threat. The people were open to a hero, and one emerged in senator Joe McCarthy, or so they thought. Joe McCarthy was epic to gain fame, so during a speech he declared the segment of State was full of communists, and he knew their names. His anti-communist crusade struck hard at the film industry and literature.Although senator McCarthy was never able to convict any communists, he influenced books and movies greatly as many actors and writers of that day were maligned, blacklisted from work, or self-exiled to Europe. Alex, add entropy on (in you own words from the popular culture site) Teenagers adapting to rapidly ever-changing times = own new fashions, music of rock and roll which co-ordinated black and white Americans considered a fundamental generation gap with the music of their parents, rebelling against sexual boundaries and questioning authorit y. Epitomized in the persona of actor James dean in the movie Rebel without a Cause and the leading character of the anguished and ultimately mentally ill main character in f J. D. Sallingers book, Catcher in the Rye. Resulted in the baby boomers pursuit major societal changes in the 1960s.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Honor Thy Children Essay
Over each the everyow none Thy Children by Molly Fumia was wide. in that respect were points in this book that just tugged at my heart. For theoretical account when the Nakatanis found out that their middle son Greg was shot and killed. There were also points in this book that I felt if I had been in their position, I would be in a big(p) deal of disoblige and misery and would non know how to work through all that had happened. I thought that Al and Jane were brave p bents to endure the endings of their three sons. This book by far was the some raise non-fiction book I have read. This book would move the heart of any(prenominal) person that read it.The best social function about this book by far is how the parents have persevered throughout all these events that has happened to their family. From the running away of Glen, the murder of their son Greg, the finding out that their sons Glen and qat were gay and their contraction of HIV, and also the death of them. They h ad to have heavy police van after all of this happened, and yet they still go through all the HIV campaigning to show us how dangerous this disease is. A thing I did not like about this book is that thither were very little happy things that happened to this family.I also thought that it was laborious to keep track of the Nakatanis nipperren because all of their names were so similar. If I were to grade this book, I would give it an A++ because this is a very entire book and shows that humans have the will to push through any obstacle. Even though they have gone through all of that immortal did not give them a break and show them mercy. Despite their challenging troubles, they pushed through all the sadness and despair and turned it around to religious service other people not make the same mis gestates as them.This would unquestionably be a book I would recommend to people because in that location are very good life lessons in it. For instance, thither is a limit to strict parenting, choosing your words correctly (Greg), and when faced with the worst of situations there is endlessly something you can do about it. It also demonstrates that when a child is is pain and dying, parents always want to try and help to do whats best for them, even at the expense of their own self. I appreciate this book would be for ages 15 and up because there are things that would be hard to understand for someone of a young age.Also I pure tone that the person reading it should have some respect for gays, lesbians, etc. otherwise reading this book would be pointless. The book and movie were great to say the least. It taught me to accept who you are and that death is not the end. Memories can compact on and teach others how to deal with the loss of your love ones. This book allowed me to take a glimpse into the Nakatanis life and how they dealt with the loss and the grief that followed. Honor Thy Children taught me that no matter what life throws at you there are alwa ys ways to overcome these challenges.The thing I thought was most interesting was Guy will to go out to speak even age confined to a wheelchair. He had the courage to go out in the state he was in and speak. The person I identify most with in this story would be Greg. I identify with Greg the most because he was the middle son, a macho, speak his mind kind of person. The person I would identify least with would be Guy. I identify least with him because if I had gotten HIV and knew I was dying I would probably hate the world and seclude myself and not really try to do anything.This book did not really impact my life because even though it was a great book, it did not really go for that much to my life. I think that, because I have not had something similar happen to me, I have no gay or lesbian friends and I also do not know anyone with a serious disease. I think that the only things that would apply to me would be the Asian/Hawaiian culture, the dealing with the death of a loved one, and parenting. Their culture is exactly like mine because I am Nipponese and I was born and raised in Hawaii. In our culture we are taught to respect your elders and listen to them.I also felt that the Nakatanis dealt with the death of their sons better than I would have. When my brother and grandparents died I had a hard era and at some points I went through a period of low gear that lasted a month in which I did not attend. It made me feel that I should have been a better grandchild and brother because I caused them a lot of trouble. The parenting part got to me because I was lucky that my parents, who were somewhat strict, were not as strict as the Nakatanis. This helped me learn to appreciate my parents more.
Compare and contrast the changes in the character of Baldini in Perfume and Mr. Samsa in The Metamorphosis Essay
Compargon and contrast the changes in the character of Baldini in aromatise and Mr. Samsa in The metamorphosis after they get below ones skin authorization in their lives.Em bureaument is when adept increases his capability and status within family and c atomic number 18er. Often the peachy satisfaction stemming from empowerment lead those who experience it to become complacent, especi altogethery towards those who once held more(prenominal) classifiable positions. This is especially evident the character ontogenesis of Baldini and Mr. Samsa in Perfume and The Metamorphosis. In Perfume, Baldini is an unoriginal perfumer whose fame is surpassed by the talented Plissier. On the another(prenominal) hand, Mr. Samsa from The Metamorphosis is an unemployed man who relies on his son, Gregor to support the family financially that is, in the first place Gregors incredible transformation.These cardinal characters are both feeble and insignifi burnt in the beginning. However, after they become civil and experience empowerment, they begin to belittle those previously more successful than them through their actions and thoughts. soon enough despite the alike(p) transformations, the authors dupe different intentions because Baldini and Mr. Samsa have opposite endings in the story one dies and the other prospers. This is an intriguing aspect because the characters develop in about identical ways although they are written by authors of different cultures. Thus, this investigation will adjudicate the extent to which Baldini and Mr. Samsa are comparable in their changes after they are subjected to empowerment.Baldini and Mr. Samsa are both initially weak in their appearances and actions. For warning, Baldini is an incompetent perfumer who lacks confidence and originality before his transformation. This is lucubrated by the dialogue in Chapter 10 when Baldini reiterates that he alone can create unique perfumes and Chnier concurs repetitively. For example Ba ldini says, As you know, I create my hold perfumes, I alone give birth to them perfumes, and I am persuasion of creating something that will cause a veritable furor. This repetition of similar statements highlights the insecurity Baldini feels about his perfuming abilities. His frequent use of words and phrases such as create and give birth in contrast with his actual actions prove his ineptitude and even cowardly nature.In addition, by changing the grammatical construction of this dialogue to a dramatic form, Sskind suggests that both these characters are alert that they are putting on an act. This is further supported by Chniers effort to please and conform to Baldini. When Baldini asks whether Plissiers Amor and Psyche is rough, Chnier responds with totally vulgar.Similarly, when Baldini claims that he alone give birth to them perfumes, Chnier promptly replies I know. Chniers automatic submissive responses indicate that these two characters are putting on a regular act. Thi s effectively shows that Baldini routinely creates this dialogue to attempt to retain a sense of dignity and importance. However, in reality he was old and exhausted chapter 11, and he is simply onerous to conceal his faults and the fact that he is no longer a great perfumer. Readers can infer from this that Baldini is cowardly in nature, and this is corroborated by the fact that he resorts to claiming Plissiers Amor and Psyche as his creation because he cannot fabricate his own perfume.However, Baldini becomes confident after his business prospers, thanks to Grenouille. In fact, he becomes so confident that he begins to believe that Grenouille is not so phenomenal after all, as this is shown as followsBaldini no longer considered him a instant Frangipani or, worse, some weird wizard chapter 17Although this is partly because Grenouille regularly errs on purpose to deceive Baldini into believing that he is perfectly normal chapter 17, it illustrates Baldinis change magnitude ego after he experiences empowerment.Similarly to Baldini before he succeeds in his perfuming business, Mr. Samsa from The Metamorphosis is weak and sickly before he experiences empowerment, which is prior to Gregors metamorphosis. He used to lie wearily buried in sack out pg27, lines 4445. He in addition as a sign of rejoice only lifted up his armspg28, lines 23, and this illustrates his perpetual exhaustion. that after Gregor becomes disabled and Mr. Samsa becomes the familys backbone, Mr. Samsa is no longer weary all the time. In fact, he becomes alert, as he was holding himself very grow pg28, line 10 and his black eyes darted luminous, pierce glances pg 35, lines 1415when he prepares to penalize Gregor.Kafka carefully uses language here to illustrate Mr. Samsas newly-acquired confidence and vitality. For example, darted and piercing suggest energy and alertness, something he clearly lacked before. His eyes are bright, and this portrays Mr. Samsa as shrewd and vigilant. Furt hermore, Mr. Samsas hair has a painstakingly exact, radiance part pg28, line 15. Gleaming serves a similar effect as bright, and this reemphasizes Mr. Samsas newly-acquired energy and acuity. He is now a scrupulous and strict father, something in complete contrast with his former self. Evidently, Mr. Samsa has transformed from a feeble to a confident and strong-minded character due to his adjudicate of empowerment.Mr. Samsa also seems to no longer care for his son after his transformation, as he does not hesitate to punish Gregor for frightening Mrs. Samsa by innovation apples at him. Indeed, Gregor immediately realizes after his metamorphosis that the father considered only the strictest manipulation called for in dealing with him pg28, lines 2325. This indicates that Mr. Samsa has adopted a condescending military capability towards Gregor, who previously held a more successful and distinctive position than him. The example further strengthens the claim that both Baldini and Mr. Samsa start to act and think snidely once they are superior to those once more well-heeled than them.So far it can be observed from this analysis that both Baldini from Perfume and Mr. Samsa from The Metamorphosis are constantly exhausted and weak before they experience empowerment that is, before Baldinis perfume business prospers and before Mr. Samsa becomes more capable and acquires more power in his family than Gregor. They also both allow similar transformations into arrogant and overconfident characters.Yet hidden behind this law of similarity is the difference between the authors intention in developing them in latitude ways. This discrepancy can be inferred from the characters contrasting endings in the stories. In Perfume, Sskind arranges the plot so that Baldini dies when his house collapses in the river.This suggests that the author develops Baldini this way because he disapproves of people who become overconfident and condescending in manner when they flourish. I t should also be noted that in contrast with The Metamorphosis, Perfume adopts a more fantastic, almost fairytale-like plot. This is supported by endless evidences, the most notable of which is Grenouilles superhuman olfactory senses that allows Grenouille to create the incredible perfume that frees himself of his crime chapter 49.Hence, Sskind may have arranged Baldini to receive his deserved punishment as he would in an ideal world.In contrast with Baldini, Mr. Samsa ends with a favourable and hopeful future despite a dead son. This may be because Kafka had always felt powerless in the presence of his father, who was robust and accomplished in his career. This is evident from Kafkas letter to his father1,you do outpouring me with coldness, estrangements and ingratitude. And, what is more, you charge me with it in such a way as to make it seem my faultThis extract accurately summarizes the pressure and ineptitude Kafka had felt under his father, Hermann Kafkas influence. The shad ow that Hermann had always casted on him is reflected by the fact that Kafka portrays Mr. Samsa as a dominating character after his transformation. This gives us an insight to why Kafka has let Mr. Samsa thrive in the end despite the latters evil towards his son. In addition, since Kafka adopts realism in his writing style in The Metamorphosis, his intention in ending Mr. Samsa this way may be to illustrate the imperfection of the real world. By examining the authors intentions in Perfume and The Metamorphosis, Baldinis and Mr. Samsas changes do not seem as similar below the surface.In conclusion, Baldini and Mr. Samsa experience seemingly almost identical changes in their characters when they acquire power and rank. Their confidence and ego increase, and as a result they begin to defame others through their thoughts and actions. They transform from enervated and sickly characters to healthy and confident ones.Yet they have each metamorphosed this way for contrasting reasons throug h Mr. Samsas prosperous end, Kafka reflects the shadow his domineering father had casted on him. In contrast, through Baldinis unexpected and swift death Sskind conveys his disapproval of the character development Baldini undergoes. Thus, it can be concluded that within the stories Baldini and Mr. Samsa both undergo almost identical development to a great extent. But this similarity ceases just about when the authors intentions and historical backgrounds are closely examined.The editions of the texts used to support this essay arePerfume Penguin Fiction EditionThe Metamorphosis Translated and Edited by Stanley Corngold A Norton Critical Edition.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
45 and 47 Stella Street and Everything that Happened
The childrens novel 45 and 47 Stella passageway and everything that determineed ( dulcorate, 1995) written by Elizabeth Honey is a novel aimed at pre-adolescent girls. However in saying that boys nearly the same age would also find this obligate enjoyable. The story Is told from the perspective of Hinni who Is an 11 year old girl. It Is about her and her Gang, which includes her trump out friend Zev, Her sister Danielle and Frank, Zevs 6- year-old next-door neighbour who re spatial relations at 47 Stella Street.The daybook tells of their efforts to cave in the Phonies and their secret life. It Is evident through analysis of he book that on that point ar sly Implications toward enforcing the concepts of mascullnlty and femininity on young readers using the strategies of memoir theory. Narrative theory consists of three key strategies, the point of vlew/foc eachsatlon, reader spatial relation and closure. The point of capture or focalisation Is eer biased. When watching a film or reading a book you atomic number 18 always watching or reading it from roughone or somethings perspective.In Stella Street it is Henni who is telltale(a) us what is happening, you only see things from her perspective and therefore you tend to ide with her. ratifier positioning is very important and very similar to that of point of view and focalisation. Readers or viewers are positioned so that they have a arbitrary response toward some characters and a negative response toward others even though both parties may be both in the wrong on some occasions. The readers of 45 and 47 Stella Street are positioned so that they intrust for the Stella Streets gang to succeed over the Phonies.Closure is how the story concludes, who ends up succeeding in the end and who doesnt. Once again in 45 and 47 Stella Street it is the Stella Street gang who triumph over the Phonies. It is evident that the men in 45 and 47 Stella Street score masculine qualities whilst the women hold dista ff traits. In terms of power it is the men that hold this control as decision making is all about power and throughout the book it is apparent that the men make majority of the decisions.For example it is ZeVs father that makes the sign decision to move to New Zealand. When Rob and Donna are having trouble with briquette escaping from the yard it is Rob who decides that they will do nothing and when the gang are coming up with ideas on how to tackle a problem it seems as though at the end of the deliberation all members of the gang look to Zevs agreement or approval. The male figures also seem to come up with the good Ideas or ask relevant questions more so that the distaff characters.Throughout the book there are a number of characters that come and go that hold a form of power. For Instance the lawyers, Robert Smeeton, Mr J. D Perry, the Ombudsman Robert Cooper and spy Sergeant Dave Watson are all very powerful In the positions they hold within society. From this you can see that a female represents none of these extremely powerful characters. I ne 000K Is Tocallsea tnrougn Hennl, sne explalns to readers wnat t I Is sne Ilkes ana what she doesnt like.Everything that she sees happening she interprets and it is all told from her perspective. In one particular part of the novel Henni is explaining how Donna has put up with numerous changes with the building, design and cost of the new fence that is to be erected amidst 45 and 47 Stella Street. Henni makes the statement that, Donna never lost her temper. Thats probably how she got the business concern he has. She never loses her temper. Rob would have told the Phonies to take a immense walk off a short pier. Mum would have gone quiet.She Just buttons up. Dad would have lost his temper, for sure, and called them inconsiderate pea brains. save not Donna. She Just keeps on keeping on. (Honey, E 1995, pp 38) The way in which the characters mentioned compose themselves is interesting. Traditional gender r oles cast men as rational, strong, protective and decisive, whilst on the other hand women are cast as emotional, irrational, weak, nurturing and submissive. inside the tatement that Henni makes it is evident that parts of the traditional gender roles exist.For example the way in which Hennis mum would have gone quiet illustrates a form of sumbissiveness. In Stella Street there is not a particularly strong hotshot of patriarchy. However there is some evidence of Patriarchy in some sections of the book for example when they are building the fence between 45 and 47 Stella Street Mr Nic and Zev carry the old posts to Hennis dad who is on the footpath cutting them up with a chainsaw. Danielle and Frank do the running around and fetching of stuff and there is no ention as to what the others are doing.The males are very affirmative and this is shown by Hennis dad and the way in which he says right she knows by the way in which he says it that something is going to happen theres no ques tioning or buts. The females show their more conservative side especially Donna with the way in which she potters around her gardens before she has to go to work. Elizabeth Honey has used strategies of narrative theory throughout her book 45 and 47 Stella Street. Many young readers would not be aware of the ideologies implied hrough this book.
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